Tag Archives: Teori

Ayurveda for a Healthy Navratri

The month of October ushers with it, the splendour and grandeur of seasonal festivals. In this month, people get carried away with the frenzy and frolic surrounding them, enjoying the company of their relatives and peers. One such festival, known for its exuberant ambience is Navratri. Navratri is an auspicious occasion, celebrated over a length of nine days, aimed at invoking the spirit of the deity, Goddess Durga, accompanied with the festive mood and savoring of aromatic delicacies. This auspicious occasion is celebrated during autumn, and it marks the beginning of the season change, the transition period between summer and winter. Amidst all the fun and frolic and open-air programmes, people do not pay much heed to the chilled nip in the air during this time of the month, which becomes their prime reason for falling prey to viral infections and cold flu. Not only that, but the guilty pleasures of gorging on an array of delicacies served during such occasions, after a full day’s fast, make people victims of indigestion and gastric problems. This is where

Ayurveda provides the best solutions for people to cure themselves of the illness and jive their way through the festive season and enjoy themselves to the fullest.

Ayurvedic extracts and concoctions prove to be the simplest and indispensable solutions to viral infections and gut centric problems. Most people, due to their careless attitude, do not take precautionary measures to shield themselves from the sudden Celsius dips, resulting in viral fevers and sore throat. Even allergies are predominant among people during this time.

Bitocough & Branolia’s Honeyguard serve the purpose of curing such ailments. Branolia’s Honeyguard is a tonic composed of Honey, Tulsi, Sunth, Jostimadhu, and Aswagandha. Bitocough comprises ingredients Vasak, Pipul, Tulsi and Jostimadhu.

These ingredients have effective medicinal properties:

  • Tulsi: It is necessarily used in tonics for combating bronchial problems. It enhances the immunity of the human body and fights against chronic cough& cold.
  • Vasak: It is a renowned broncho-dilator.
  • Pipul: It combats allergic cough & irritating throat sensation.
  • Aswagandha: It is an effective stimulator of the immune system. It curbs the multiplication of virus.
  • Jostimadhu: It is specifically used to combat tonsil inflammation.
  • Sunth: It is an herbal remedy (dried ginger) used for treating the common cold.

These ingredients infused in Bitocough and Branolia’s Honeyguard assist in getting rid of all sorts of viral and bronchial infections.

On the other hand, Bellytone and Livonia, the two well-known products of Branolia Chemicals, resolve the issues related to the stomach, which occur due to indulgence in gluten-based foods, rich and spicy platters and in disciplined dietary habits, during festive seasons. Bellytone, having Sonapata, Haritaki, Ajowan & Teori as its primary constituents, assist in the smooth functioning of the bowels, relieving constipation. Livonia, on the other hand, is another product of Branolia Chemicals that regulates digestion and specifically, monitors the functioning of the liver. It is an amalgamation of Kalmegh and Triphala.

The medicinal properties of the constituents infused in Branolia Chemical’s two tonics, Bellytone & Livonia are such:

  • Sonapata: It is identified as a purgative.
  • Ajowan: It catalyzes the digestion.
  • Teori: It expels gas from the gastrointestinal tract, thereby, controlling flatulence.
  • Kalmegh: It is an effective balancing agent and monitors the proper functioning of the liver.
  • Triphala: A combination of three fruits, Amlaki, Haritaki, and Bahira, aimed at regulating the digestive system due to its detoxifying properties.

Ayurveda indeed acts as a massive storehouse of authentic herbal concoctions which especially, come handy during the festive season and its specific herbal combinations assure people of a blissful and harmonious life, not only during the festive season but all round the year.

14% of Indians Suffer from Constipation

A large number of Indians are facing the Piku syndrome. “Motion Se Hi Emotion” which Bhashkor Banerjee (Amitabh Bachchan) repeats every time when his effort and outcome in the toilet do not match rings a bell for at least 14% of Indians who suffer from chronic constipation.

The incidence of chronic constipation is pervasive in India as revealed by the study by the Pharma major Abbot. Doctors define chronic constipation as a condition where there is the inability to pass stools more than three times a week, and for more than three months at a stretch. Other symptoms experienced are abnormally hard stools, the need to strain very hard to pass motions, feeling of incomplete evacuation or a feeling of bowel obstruction.

The Abbot survey titled “Gut Health Survey” revealed the following:

  • Chronic Constipation in India is higher than the international average: While globally chronic constipation afflicts 10% of the population, in India this figure stand at 14%.
  • Older people report a higher incidence of chronic constipation: 20% of the people in higher age group (45-65) experience constipation as compared to the overall average of 14%.
  • Causes of constipation directly linked to the type of food intake: Non- vegetarian food, low water intake, snacking and eating fried food frequently leads to constipation.
  • Chronic constipation adversely impacts the quality of life: Lack of sleep, stress, physical discomfort (gas, acidity, stomach aches, loss of appetite etc), irritability, mood swings, lack of interest in work are some of the frequently mentioned conditions emanating out of constipation.
  • Serious impacts of constipation are known to the majority of patients: 75% of the respondents reported that they knew that prolonged constipation can lead to other medical problems, with piles or haemorrhoids, ulcers, abdominal pain and anal fissures being the leading issues.
  • Medical attention is rarely sought in preliminary stages for constipation: Seeking prompt medical attention for constipation is not a norm in India. 80% of the respondents with chronic constipation looked for a solution only after they faced the issue multiple times. The average time taken to visit a doctor was 80 days from the time the respondents first faced symptoms of chronic constipation. About 30% of the patients approached a doctor only after 3 -5 months or more of continuous symptoms. 60% of people with chronic constipation opted for home remedies as the most preferred treatment option for relief. However, half the people who self-medicated eventually visited a doctor for a cure.

We at Branolia understand the debilitating conditions that constipation can lead to and would advise taking corrective measures at the advent of constipation symptoms.

Branolia’s Bellytone brings the knowledge of Ayurveda to help chronic constipation patients to deal with their situation. Made from herbal ingredients like Sonapata, Haritaki, Teori & Ajowan blended perfectly, this extremely effective preparation keeps stomach problem at bay. Sonapata is useful as a purgative in habitual constipation, while Hartaki is a good laxative and fights flatulence. Teori acts as a carminative and prevents the formation of gas in the gastrointestinal tract thereby combating flatulence.

Branolia’s Bellytone is the natural way of fighting chronic constipation and its timely use helps prevent serious medical problems associated with prolonged constipation to set in like piles or haemorrhoids, ulcers, abdominal pain and anal fissures.

On a lighter note, we sometimes wonder that if Mr. Bhashkor Banerjee (in Piku movie) had taken Bellytone in time, then the movie Piku would have had a different storyline.