Tag Archives: Stomach

The Ayurvedic Medicine for Digestion Problem


ayurvedic medicine for digestion problem

Digestion is indeed one of the most essential processes of our body. Beginning from the intake of food to the excretion of waste materials, all of these mechanisms together as a whole is defined as digestion. The malfunctioning of the digestive system gives rise to disorders like acidity and constipation. This is when Ayurveda sheds light on the reasons behind digestive problems and the concepts of AGNI (the digestive fire) and  AMA (toxins) take their shape. Dr. Vasant Lad, a veteran Ayurvedic expert based in Albuquerque, New Mexico stated his opinion about the importance of digestion in Ayurveda in an interview with the lifestyle media brand MindBodyGreen1.

In his interview, he stated how Ayurveda pinpoints the connection between digestion and AGNI.  He said that gastric fire, metabolism, and enzymes are together known as AGNI. If AGNI weakens, food would not be digested properly and undigested food would accumulate as AMA, which in other words means toxins. Ayurveda emphasizes that AMA is the underlying cause of all diseases. AMA is sticky by nature and it blocks the inner channels of the body. The accumulation of toxins in the body is responsible for weakening the immune system and that exposes people to other infections. He also mentioned how Ayurveda specifies that a mild digestive fire and profuse toxic production are the main reasons working behind frequent illnesses and that Ayurveda stresses on maintaining efficient digestion and elimination of waste materials.

Therefore, Dr. Vasant Lad’s interview magnifies our outlook on how Ayurveda perceives a healthy digestive system that ensures a healthy body.

Ayurveda aims at restoring the nourishment and well-being of the body. Bellytone and Livonia, manufactured by Branolia Chemical Works, balance the Agni- Ama equation to foster a healthy metabolism within the body.
Bellytone and Livonia contain the precise herbal extracts that address digestive disorders which are frequently exhibited by the body. Bellytone contains Sonapata, Haritaki, Ajowan, and Teori which foster digestion. Livonia consists of Triphala and Kalmegh which helps in restoring the functional efficiency of the liver.

Two of the Digestive Disorders that are Consequences of a Feeble Digestive Fire are :


Constipation is either hereditary or is caused due to a distorted food regimen. Haritaki, an Ayurvedic herb, is indeed a boon for people who have been victims of constipation. It is rich in Vitamin C and is endowed with substances that have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.
Bellytone, one of the finest products of Branolia Chemical Works which is an Ayurvedic medicine for digestion, becomes an indispensable choice for us, to do away with constipation as Bellytone contains the goodness of Haritaki in it along with Sonapata, Teori, and Ajowan.


Acidity is the burning sensation or pain experienced in the chest which generally occurs after a heavy meal.
Amla is an effective agent that subsides acidity. Amla, the Indian gooseberry is present along with Haritaki and Bibhitaki in Livonia, a liver purifying tonic manufactured by Branolia Chemical Works aimed at fostering proper liver functioning.

Thus, Branolia Chemical Works has always put its best foot forward in providing relief to the people suffering from digestive disorders with some of its promising products like Livonia and Bellytone.



Ayurveda’s Call On Irritable Bowels

Healthy bowel movements are one of the major reasons that ensure the robust metabolism of the body. However, there are instances when the body does not perform regular mechanisms of excretion due to a number of reasons. This, in turn, triggers disorders related to the large intestine which involve bloating of the lower abdomen, flatulence, and in some instances even diarrhea. The prominence of these symptoms may suggest the presence of Irritable Bowel Syndrome which is a functional disorder occurring in the gastrointestinal tract. Ayurveda fosters the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders through some of its herbal formulations of Sonapata, Haritaki, and Teori as they never come with side-effects.

IBS has two segregations, one being IBS-D(due to diarrhea) and the other being IBS-C(due to constipation)

  • IBS-D is identified with frequent diarrhea  and  problems such as recurring stools, Nausea, also the feeling of unevacuated bowels during excretion are some of the distinctive symptoms of IBS-D
  • IBS-C  features abdominal pain and an uncomfortable sensation owing to constipation. It has distinctive symptoms of bloating of abdomen, flatulence, straining sensation during the passage of stool.

The causes of Irritable Bowel Syndrome(IBS) are based on some assumptions as the actual reasons supporting its cause are unknown:

  • Gastroenteritis, which is typically a bacterial or viral infection in the stomach and intestines, acts as a potential trigger for IBS.
  • The possible occurrence of food sensitivities due to absorption of salts and acids from food
  • Peculiarities in the serotonin levels in the colon which adversely affect the colon and bowel movement
  • Anxiety, stress, and depression may play a vital role in the occurrence of IBS.

Some prominent symptoms of IBS include:

  1. Pain in the abdomen, Bloating of the abdomen, and severe cramps which mitigates the passage of stool.
  2. Excess flatulence
  3. Constipation
  4. Mucous discharge in the stool.
  5. Bleeding from the rectum
  6. Incurring weight loss
  7. Nausea- the urge to vomit
  8. Lethargy

Nowadays, people have become more vulnerable to such gastrointestinal disorders due to their imbalanced diets, consumption of gluten-rich and fried foods and they are responsible for deterring the bowel movement. A report published by the Indian Society of Gastroenterology Task Force in 2008 aimed at studying the profile of Irritable Bowel Syndrome(IBS) and the incidence of its symptoms across the population in India. The study concluded that most middle-aged men were susceptible to IBS. It stated that middle-aged men experiencing IBS had a sensation of incomplete evacuation of bowels and the presence of mucus in their stool. Even though abdominal pain was a prominent symptom but it was not universal and that the stool frequency was similar for all the patients irrespective of the fact, whether it was diarrhea or constipation. The study highlighted that 90 percent of the non- affected people had 1to 2 stools per day whereas  4.2 percent of the people, experienced complex symptoms of IBS.1 Evidently, more people in the middle ages are seeking medical assistance for its cure.

Even though in today’s world, allopathic cures are more sought after, Ayurveda can offer much simpler and refined remedies to alleviate victims of  IBS. There are a number of ayurvedic solutions which suffice the treatment of hindered bowel movements. Branolia Chemicals is one such company that has utilized Ayurveda’s authenticity and versatility in a way that would benefit every man. Branolia Chemicals has a number of products in store for us, and one such product which meets the requirements for healing IBS is Bellytone. Bellytone is one such exclusive tonic manufactured by Branolia Chemicals which is an amalgamation of Sonapata, Haritaki, Teori and Ajowan, all of them aimed at relieving constipation and subsiding flatulence. Sonapata and Haritaki are renowned laxatives that ease bowel movement. Teori is recognized as a carminative and Ajowan quickens digestion. These properties of Bellytone make it potentially capable of eliminating gastrointestinal disorders like IBS.

Branolia Chemicals has indeed been getting along with the illustrious years of its journey, inculcating the principles of Ayurveda into people’s lives, making use of Ayurvedic authenticities in its exclusive products that are aimed at benefitting people and doing away with their health miseries. Branolia Chemicals, through its wide range of products, has reached out to people in need and this keeps motivating people to fight off the perils of grave health issues, like IBS, thus lifting a heavy burden off their shoulders.

Indian Society of Gastroenterology Task Force-  Epidemiological and clinical profile of the irritable bowel syndrome in India.  http://medind.nic.in/ica/t08/i1/icat08i1p22.pdf

How Bellytone Can Ease Your Pain

Ayurveda believes that human beings are all a part of nature. Just as animals and plants are interdependent on each other to create balance within their beings, there is an inherent connection between the universe and human beings. Unlike the animal kingdom, human beings live in a more complex, natural world where they are continuously exposed to environmental changes. Any kind of change in weather, society, economy, lifestyle, diet, work, financial status, emotions, and relationships can easily tip the balance and negatively influence an individual’s state of mind, body, and soul. With the increase in pollution and lifestyle changes, human beings have become more prone to diseases. Ayurveda tends to balance out all the elements present in a human body to enhance overall well-being.

Branolia Chemicals with a legacy of over ninety years constantly endeavors to bring together a potpourri of ayurvedic medicines to help humans adjust to the changing environments.

Millions of people around the globe suffer from indigestion and constipation. In ayurvedic language, indigestion is called ‘Agnimandya’. Indigestion is also a root cause of various other diseases like constipation. Keeping the stomach clean is essential for the proper functioning of the digestive system. Malfunctioning of the digestive system may lead to various other ailments. Bellytone from the house of Branolia Chemicals is formulated to fight problems related to indigestion and constipation.

Bellytone is prepared after extensive research and the key ingredients are Haritaki, Sonapata Teori, and Ajowan. In Ayurveda, Haritaki (Terminalia Chebula) is considered as a wonder herb.Haritaki is also one of the prime ingredients in Triphala. Haritaki has great nutritional values as it contains essential vitamins, calcium, and proteins. Some of the key benefits of Haritaki are:

  1. Reduction in constipation
  2. Smooth functioning of the digestive system
  3. Helps in improving the nervous system

The other important herb in Bellytone is Sonapata or Oroxylum indicum. This herbal plant is known to possess anti-inflammatory, diuretic, antifungal and antibacterial properties. The roots of this plant are used to fight diarrhea and dysentery. However, the seeds of this plant are an extremely effective remedy for constipation.

At Branolia Chemicals, research is given a priority. Indeed, it is this emphasis on Research &Development that allows Branolia to produce safe, efficacious and consistent remedies using ayurvedic principles.

The Research &Development department in Branolia Chemicals is focused on product development, quality control, and standardization. All the products are derived from rigorous research and produced in state-of-the-art facilities. They represent our commitment to continuous investment in the best people, practices, and technology. Each product undergoes years of primary research before it reaches the market.

Bellytone from Branolia Chemicals is perfected after years of research and is one of the most effective ayurvedic remedies against Constipation and indigestion.