Tag Archives: Kulerron

Managing PCOS with Ayurveda


A study conducted by the All India Institute of Medical Sciences brought out the fact that about 20-25 percent of Indian women in their childbearing age have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). The syndrome is so widespread that one in every 10 women suffers from this common endocrinal system disorder which affects mostly teenagers. Although this syndrome was first discovered in 1935,even today people lack basic awareness regarding this health condition in India.

PCOS is also referred to as a lifestyle disease and mostly affect people living in the urban settlement. One of the primary causes of this syndrome is an unhealthy lifestyle, lack of exercise accompanied by unhealthy diets. The main characteristic symptoms of this condition are:

  • Ovulatory dysfunction in women along with multiple cysts in ovaries
  • Problems related to obesity, insulin resistance, fatty liver, digestion issues, anemia, infertility in some patients to name a few
  • PCOS also leads to cardiovascular problems, neurological and psychological effects on quality of life (including anxiety and depression).

The growing instances of this disease have led to women turning to ayurvedic medicines to treat this disorder. Ayurvedic medicines revolves around the fact that a harmonious balance between vatta, pitta, and kapha is important in all healthy human beings. Likewise in the PCOS treatment also maintaining this balance or forces of energy is essential. Ayurveda has laid down some important dos and don’ts for people suffering from this syndrome. They are:

  • Lowering the intake of all kinds of dairy products.
  • Avoiding or lowering the intake of sugar and products with a high sugar content
  • Avoiding all kinds of junk food is very important in order to fight this syndrome
  • Reducing the intake of non-vegetarian food
  • Increasing the intake of herbs like haritaki, ashwagandha, tulsi, amla, Biranga, Pipul, Nagkesar amongst others
  • Drinking herbal drinks can also help in fighting PCOS syndrome
  • Exercising regularly

Ayurvedic medicine fights PCOS syndrome by boosting the overall immunity and energy levels and rejuvenating the female reproductive system. Branolia Chemical Works has an assortment of formulations to fight PCOS and its associated symptoms.

Branolia’s Kulerron – It is the only formulation available easily that packs the richness of the Kulekhara leaves and roots along with other herbs like ashwagandha, Pipul, Nagkesar etc is one of the best tonic to fight iron deficiency.

Livonia – This formulation from Branolia Chemical Works is prepared with herbs like Triphala and Kalmegh which acts as a cleansing and detoxifying agent that address diseases related to the liver.

Bellytone – Branolia’s Bellytone enriched with herbs like Haritaki, Sonapata Teori, and Ajowan is used to treat gastrointestinal diseases. Haritaki the primary ingredient in Bellytone is known to increase the digestion power, cleansing the bowel and is also used to balance the kapha, Pitta, and Vatta in humans. Sonpata another medicinal herb in Bellytone is also used for centuries to address gynecological disorders and childhood psychological diseases.

The medicinal herbs found in the above formulations also treat inflammation and hormonal imbalance that are at the root of PCOS. They also work against other complications of PCOS such as digestive disorders, weight gain, insulin sensitivity, and improving mood. PCOS is often referred to as a lifestyle disease and in order to live healthy one needs to eat right, exercise regularly and avoid unnecessary stress.



AYUSH Industry Taking India to the World

AYUSH Industry Taking India to the World

Home to 6,600 medicinal plants, India is the second largest exporter of AYUSH and herbal products in the world. The Indian domestic market for AYUSH is estimated at Rs. 500 crores, and exports are worth Rs. 200 crores. The AYUSH industry is expected to see a double-digit growth and by 2020 provide direct employment to 1 million people directly and indirect jobs to about 25 million persons.

In recognition of the potential of AYUSH being a major driver of the Indian economy has allowed 100 percent foreign direct investment (FDI) in AYUSH. It is now for the stakeholders in AYUSH namely the practitioners, pharma companies, AYUSH academia and AYUSH researchers and others to ensure that AYUSH reaches its full potential both in India and abroad.

We at Branolia Chemical Works for last 95 years have had consistent faith in AYUSH. A product of the Indian Independence movement, Branolia Chemical Works entered into the foray of Ayurvedic formulations when the overall public sentiment was skewed towards allopathic medicine. We have been a witness to of how slowly but surely the public sentiments and acceptability of AYUSH as an alternative curative approach has found traction. We are also thankful to our farmers who have taken to growing medicinal plants organically.

We at Branolia congratulate the AYUSH practitioners, AYUSH academia and the government for bringing up this perceptible change. The setting up of AYUSH ministry by the Government of India was a big step in mainstreaming AYUSH. Further, the present initiative of the Government of mainstreaming AYUSH practitioners into the modern medical system through a bridge course is something we applaud.

We at Branolia Chemical Works have constantly tried to bring newer products at very reasonable prices to bring the goodness of Ayurveda to the people and also provide effective formulations in the hands of the practitioners. Our newest formulation Kulleron, based on Kulekhara (H.Spinosa) has proven highly effective to counter anemia.

We will always walk with the AYUSH community and do whatever possible to see that AYUSH reaches its full potential as a curative method and as well as the driver of the Indian economy.

Branolia Chemical Works stands in solidarity with the AYUSH community. Can we count on you as well!

Kulekhara: The Wonder Herb for Nutritional Security

Kulekhara herb is a missed opportunity for bringing in nutrition security to the poorest and the marginalized. Kulekhara grows in the wild in most parts of the country and is a very hardy plant. However, despite its easy availability and high nutritional value, Kulekhara remains unknown and unheralded to the majority of Indians despite its potential. It’s almost akin to relegating Einstein to teach mathematics in a primary school.

Kulekhara or, Hygrophila auriculata is known by local names; In Bengali, it is called kulekhara, In Sanskrit Ikshugandha, Kokilaksha and in Hindi Talimakhana. It is a spiny bush and is common throughout India. Though the whole plant has been used medicinally root & leaves are used more. Ayurveda texts cite its efficacy in skin diseases, dropsy, and sleeplessness. It is found useful against renal stones too. The plant is used as a demulcent, aphrodisiac, diuretic, urinary tonic and hepatoprotective substance. Its biggest claim to fame is using for increasing Haemoglobin in blood.

A.Gomes et al. (2001) studied the effect of ethanolic extract of Kulekhara leaves on male albino rats. The result of this study showed the significantly increased of hemoglobin, hematocrit, RBC and total WBC counts and the Total Iron Binding Capacity in male albino anemic rats.

Mukherjee and Dutta De (2017) in a seminal piece of work studied the mineral content in Kulekhara leaves. These results confirm Kulekhara’s pre-eminent position as high on nutrition levels.

When we compare Kulekhara with other more popular leafy herbs like spinach, Ipomoea, bottle gourd and amaranth leaf, Kulekhara emerges as a clear winner on many counts. A comparison of the mineral nutrient content of Kulekhara as compared to other herbs is given below:

Spinach is a household food item with many recipes based on Spinach being available. However, Kulekhara in many of the nutrient content is better than Spinach. For iron, copper and vitamin C, Kulekhara beats Spinach hands down. Unfortunately, Kulekhara has not achieved the required importance in the kitchen of Indian households to the extent Spinach has.

We at Branolia strongly believe that including Kulekhara in the midday meals of schools and Anganwadi (ICDS) centers across the country may be seriously considered. It grows everywhere, it is cheap and it is a great source of micronutrients, which is required for brain development in the growing years of children.

Branolia’s Kulerron packs the goodness of Kulekhara leaves and root, to bring to you not only micronutrients of the leaves but nutrients found in the Kulekhara root including alkaloid, Phytosterol, Potassium Salt of Oxalic Acid, Diastase, Protease and Essential Oil.

Kulerron is the only formulation available in the market which packs the richness of Kulekhara. We remain a committed soldier in the fight of the nation against iron and micronutrient deficiency.


Gomes, Manika Das & S.C Dasgupta “ Haemanitic effect of hydrophilic spinasa T, Anderson on experimental rodents” Indian Journal of Experimental Biology Vol. 39, April 2001, pp. 381-382

Mukherjee C., Datta De S, Estimation of Micronutrients in Fresh Kulekhara Leaves (Hygophilla Auriculata), International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) 2319-7064, 2017

Kulekhara – A Medicinal Herb

Kulekhara botanically named as Hygrophila spinose T, in English it is called Swampweeds, in Hindi Talimakhana is a flowering plant with medicinal values. It is mentioned in Ayurveda that the plant Kulekhara, is derived from the word Kokilasha, meaning eyes like the Indian cuckoo bird,kokila. This plant is believed to be a native of India and is grown generally in the swamp areas under tropical or subtropical climate. The flowers of this plant are generally purple in colour and are commonly used for medicinal purpose. A well known pharmaceutical company Branolia Chemicals has researched and prepared Kulerron, which harnesses the goodness of the Kulekhara leaf to fight iron deficiency in the blood.

Traditional Uses of Kulekhara

The leaves of the Kulekhara plant are often used as a part of the daily cuisine especially in eastern India. The leaves are used in salad and also as a regular saag dish with small fish and mustard. Oil extracted from the entire plant has a huge amount of antibacterial properties which is helpful in various kind of illness. The leaf extract from Kulekhara is also used to cure diarrhoea, inflammation, pain abdominal disorders and anaemia. The seeds of this plant also have medicinal values and have been used in the treatment of several blood disorders and urinary problems.

Effects of Kulekhara Leaf

The various beneficial actions of the Kulekhara plant has been researched and studied in detail. Some of the important benefits are:

  • Anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic action – The experiments on animal and isolated cells confirm the anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect of H- Spinosa / Kulekhara. When it was administered to Brewster’s yeast induced pyrexia rats, the chloroform extract showed most effective in lowering the body temperature at doses 400 mg/kg of body weight.
  • Hematopoietic effect- The leaves and stems of the Kulekhara plant have been used to treat anaemia, which denotes deficiency of iron in the blood is a condition suffered globally by people of all ages. It is known to increase the hemoglobin in the blood. A study was conducted on rodents and it was found to increase their level of red blood cell and WBC count. (Gomes, Manika Das an SC Dasgupta, Department of Physiology, the University of Calcutta, Published in Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, Vol 39, April 2001, pp 381-382, “Haematinic effect of Hydrophilia Spinosa on experimental rodents”.)
  • Antioxidant activity– The herbs shows significant antioxidant properties which are highly beneficial for health.   Antioxidants are also known to protect the body from damage caused by harmful molecules called free radicals. Experts believe this damage is a factor in the development of blood vessel disease (atherosclerosis), cancer, and other conditions.
  • Antibacterial and anthelmintic action – The leaves and other extracts of the Kulekhara plant is highly antibacterial in nature. Antibiotic-like herbs are also known as astringent—meaning natural blood cleansers. The word anti (against)-biotic (life) refers to a list of pharmaceutical antimicrobials designed to kill harmful bacteria in the host body. They support the immune system and help to protect the body from certain harmful bacteria.

Kulerron from the house of Branolia Chemicals has Kulekhara as its main ingredient and is considered one of the best antidotes to cure the iron deficiency.

Medical Research Corroborates Usefulness of Kulekhara in Combating Anaemia

Kulekhara (H.Spinosa) is considered an all-rounder in the medicine chest of Ayurveda. The parts of this plant are widely used in traditional medicine for the treatment of various disorders, which include anasaraca, diseases of the urinogenital tract, dropsy from chronic Bright’s disease, hyperdipsia, vesicle calculi, flatulence, diarrhoea, dysentery, leukorrhea, gonorrhea, asthma, blood diseases, gastric diseases, inflammation, rheumatism, painful micturition and menorrhagea.


In Ayurveda, H. Spinosa(Kulekhara) is described as Ikshura, Ikshugandha, and Kokilasha “having eyes like Kokila or the Indian cuckoo. It is believed to be indigenous to India from the Himalayas to Srilanka, Myanmar, Malaysia, and Nepal. In Eastern India, it is popularly known as Kulekhara.

In medical science, Haematopoiesis is the process of the formation of blood cellular components. All cellular blood components are derived from hematopoietic stem cells. In a healthy adult person, millions of new blood cells are produced daily in order to maintain steady-state levels in the peripheral circulation.

Hematopoietic activity of H. spinosa was evaluated using cyclophosphamide-induced anaemia in rats. It was found that Chloroform extract of the leaves at both 250 and 500 mg/kg doses significantly improves RBC and haemoglobin counts for 7 days and cyclophosphamide-induced bone marrow suppression after 21 days of treatment. It is also found that it increases bone marrow cellularity. [1]

What was always known to Ayurveda is now being validated by modern science. More research is on the anvil to further confirm the findings of H. Spinosa (Kulekhara) being a potent herb against anaemia.

Branolia’s Kulleron brings Kulekhara to help fight anaemia and improve general health. In villages across West Bengal and other eastern Indian States, Kulekhara has been used for ages to increase RBC count in blood.

Traditional knowledge validated by modern science is giving Kulekhara a stature of being the foot soldier fighting at the frontline in the nation’s war against anaemia.


1. Kshirsagar AD, Ingale KD, Vyawahare NS , Thorve VS, Hygrophila spinosa: A comprehensive review, Indian Journal of Pharmacology, 2012 Sept-Oct 44(5): 639-642

Odisha Winning The Anaemia Battle

The results from the recently published NFHS IV data reveal that Anaemia is on the downslide in Odisha. However, the battle is yet to be won, with sizeable numbers still having a low hemoglobin counts.

Incidence of Anaemia NFHS 4 (2015-16) NFHS 3 (2005-06)
Children 6-59 months 44.6% 65%
Non-Pregnant Women (15-49) 51.2% 60.9%
Pregnant Women (15-49) 47.6% 68.1%
All women (15-49) 51% 61.1%
Men (15-49) 28.4% 33.9%

How did Odisha manage to turn around the slide, which is not only for the incidence of Anaemia but also for other key health indicators?

The story of the transformation of the trajectory of the Odisha health indicators is a story of focus, planning, dedication and an honest implementation effort.

1. Enabling Environment:

Odisha has enjoyed political stability since 2003 which has resulted in unhindered policy focus on the development of the state. There has been a significant increase in government spending on health and nutrition with an annual grown rate of more than 20%. The State governments Health Equity Strategy brought in dedicated attention to improving the health of the most disadvantaged people in the State, and recognize the particularly poor health status of Scheduled Tribes and Scheduled Castes and the KBK+ districts. The Nutritional Operation Plan launched by the state targets below 6 yr age children in the 15 high burden districts of the State.

2. Geographical focus on the poorest districts (KBK+)

The Health Equity Strategy and the Nutrition Operational Plan prioritization of KBK+ districts resulted in targeted health and development investment in these areas, and service delivery innovations tailored to the KBK+ context. The National Rural Health Mission expenditure saw a spurt by 45% in KBK+ districts between 2008–09 and 2012–13, in comparison to 28% in other districts. The KBK+ districts include Kalahandi, Nabarangpur,  Nuapada,  Koraput, Rayagada, Malkangiri, Balangir, Sonepur,  Ganjam, Nayagarh and Jajpur.

3.Improving service delivery

A number of initiatives have been taken including construction and renovation of health facilities, training of community health workers, community-based rapid diagnostic kits and introduction of mobile health units. Mobile health units have been particularly of great help in reaching health care to the remotest villages.

4. Increasing women’s access to health services

Odisha has focused on making access to health care and nutrition services more favorable for women and girls. The health facilities are now more gender sensitive including construction of female toilets and partitions in labor rooms for privacy and dignity. Significant strides have been made in strengthening the capacity of female frontline health workers. Adolescent Anaemia Control Program and Village Health and Nutrition Days have contributed in increasing female access. The Janani Suraksha Yojana has made a significant contribution to increasing institutional delivery in the state. Innovative schemes like Mamata and Janani Sishu Suraksha Karyakram provide cashless deliveries and treatment of sick neonates have helped keep the momentum of health services focus on women going.

While significant strides have been made, the job is not fully done yet. Branolia salutes the political leadership, state bureaucracy, health managers, doctors, paramedics, community health workers and citizens of the state in bringing about this turnaround.

Branolia on its part is playing a small role for a healthy Odisha by increasing access to its herbal formulations across the state. Kulerron a formulation based on Kulekhara plant, the best known Ayurvedic herb to fight against Anaemia for fighting Anaemia is now available in a large number of retail counters in the State and is seeing a big uptake. Our other products like Branolia (for increasing mental alertness and well being), Livonia (for regulating liver function), Bellytone (for keeping digestive system tuned and Bitocough (for cold) are extremely popular in Odisha.

Branolia Chemical Works remains committed to health care of the state and will keep providing high-quality ayurvedic formulation to our customers in Odisha.