Tag Archives: Jastimadhu

Address Air Pollution with Ayurveda

Air pollution

A week before Diwali India woke up to some astonishing facts published by the WHO (World Health Organisation) on the present condition of air pollution in India. The study highlighted that about 1 lakh children in India have died because of air pollution in the year 2016. Another study conducted by Greenpeace, a social work organization also published a report stating that 1.2 million deaths are occurring in India every year on account of the bad quality of air inhaled by the people. The current rise in environmental problems associated with the well –beings of humans are forcing folks to look at Ayurveda, a traditional system of medicine.

Ayurveda aims towards balancing the entire eco-system of human existence in the best possible way. The main benefit of Ayurvedic medicine is that it is not only curative but at the same time preventive and restorative. It is well known that polluted air is one of the primary causes of adding toxins to our body making it more assailable to lung-related diseases and infections. Extreme cases have also come in the forefront where people have been afflicted with lung cancer. According to Ayurveda an increase in toxin content in the body leads to an imbalance in the Tridoshas. Ayurvedic treatment is solely based on the premise that a proper balance between Vata, Kapha and Pitta is essential for the proper functioning of the human body. Ayurveda has an entire spectrum of methods to address this issue.

Ayurveda prescribes certain herbs to tackle the ill –effects of air pollution. The most important herbs prescribed by Ayurveda are:

  1. Tulsi – It is often referred to as the mother of all medicinal herbs. It is known to balance the Kapha dosha and is one of the key ingredients in the treatment of asthma, and other chronic respiratory disorders. It is also regarded as one of the most formidable anti-viral herbs with anti-microbial properties. The Tulsi plant also acts as an air purifier and if placed near the main entrance of a house will help in keeping the environment clean and pure.
  2. Triphala – There is a popular saying that is used amongst the Ayurvedic practitioners in India that with the proper use of Triphala all ailments related to the human body can be treated. Triphala is a combination of three fruits namely, Haritaki, Amalaki and Bibhitaki. Triphala is particularly effective in removing toxins from the human body. It also helps in balancing the Tridosha, which is a necessary component for good health.
  3. Vasaka or Vasak – It is a medicinal herb which is used to treat many ailments like asthma, bronchitis, and various other disorders. It is also used as an expectorant and a bronchodilator. The use of this herb can help fight ailments related to a lung Vasak is used as an ingredient in Bitocough, a cough syrup from Branolia Chemicals.

All the three key ingredients prescribed in Ayurveda for better functioning of the lungs and improving body constitution against the harshness of the external environment is present in Bitocough, an Ayurvedic formulation for fighting cough and cold. Bitocough is an effective shield in combating the adverse impact of air pollution and resultant lung disorders.

Ministry of AYUSH Signs MoU to Promote Medicinal Herbs

The National Medicinal Plants Board (NMPB), Ministry of AYUSH, in order to address the scarcity in the supply of medicinal herbs has signed an MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) with the Tribal Cooperative Marketing Development Federation of India Ltd. (TRIFED) recently. The main purpose behind the signing of the MoU is to stimulate the production of medicinal herbs in the tribal areas. This will have a dual benefit of promoting livelihood among the tribal people along with the increased production of good quality medicinal herbs.

The main activities that the MoU envisages on promoting are:

  • Identification of new medicinal plants that are grown in the tribal areas.
  • To encourage and endorse skill up gradation and capacity building for the gatherers.
  • The SHGs functioning under the Van Dhan Vikas  Kendra will receive the necessary financial assistance and hand-holding to help them grow good quality Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (MAPs). Training and awareness building exercises will be conducted on Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) & Good Field Collection Practices (GFCP). The  Van-Dhan Vikas Kendra promote medicinal herbal gardens.
  • A research and testing center will be established based on standards laid down in consultation with NMPB,Ministry of AYUSH where further studies on potential medicinal plants can be undertaken.
  • Establishing a supply chain system for Minor Forest Produce to generate employment and help the local people get suitable compensation for their produce.

The usage of herbs to treat ailments has been in vogue since time immemorial. Traditional medicines have evolved from the knowledge, skills, and practices that were solely dependent on the availability of herbs locally. It has been observed in recent times with population rise, insufficient availability of drugs and rising cost of treatment has led to a growing trend in the use of ayurvedic medicinal herbs as a source of medicine for a variety of human ailments. The biggest challenge that the ayurvedic industry is facing currently is the scarcity of good quality medicinal herbs. This MOU will transfer the onus to tribals who have an intimate knowledge of the forests and collect forest produce to help both in conservation and increase the availability of medicinal plants through improved collection methods. It is also felt that the MOU will help indigenous people to become cultivators of medicinal plants through medicinal plant gardens.

We at  Branolia Chemical Works believe that this MoU will act as an important enabler in making medicinal plants available to the Ayurvedic industry and go a long way in making Indian system of medicine a mainstay in Indian health system.

We at Branolia Chemical Works have constantly strived to bring quality products to the masses at prices that are pocket-friendly. Ayurvedic formulations using medicinal herbs like Kulekhara, Ashwagandha, Brahmi, Vasak, Pipul, Jasthimadhu, Kalmegh is being successfully manufactured by Branolia Chemical Works for the past 95 years and address health problems like anemia, constipation, jaundice, loss of appetite, indigestion, flatulence, dyspepsia, congested liver, enlarged liver etc.




Stay Healthy During Monsoon with Ayurveda

Monsoon stems from an Arabic word meaning ‘seasons’. After the hot and humid summer months, the rains come as a blessing for one and all. Whether it drizzles or comes down as a wall of water, the soft vibration over the green landscape that mutes the noises of daily life reduces the intense speed of our usual activities. The monsoon season is a time of introspection, a period which through nature’s support is ideal for meditation and Ayurvedic treatments.

In Ayurveda, every season has its advantages and disadvantages. Each season is also accompanied by some doshas. Monsoon is the time when the Vata Dosha prevails. Ayurveda primarily focuses on cleansing the body of substances that cause diseases thus re-establishing harmony and balance. The doshas that attain priority during the monsoon season are:

a) Vata – It increases during the monsoon season which is the main cause of weakened digestion, acidic atmospheric conditions and gas produced from the earth and;

b) Pitta – Accumulation of Pitta due to the atmospheric condition gives rise to various stomach ailments.

In order to keep both Vata and Pitta under control, certain food and lifestyle changes are mandatory.

Branolia Chemicals has a potpourri of solutions to tackle the aggravation of Vata and accumulation of Pitta.

The best of therapeutic ayurvedic medicines from the house of Branolia Chemicals are:

  1. Branolia’s Honey Guard – This formulation brings along with it the goodness of Tulsi, Jostimadhu, Ashwagandha, Sunth and Honey to help in digestion and also to prevent cough and cold. It also acts as a health protector which can be consumed by people of all ages. This formulation also helps in fighting disease-causing Tulsi(Ocimum sanctum)  which has been frequently recommended by the Ayurvedic research community because of its ability to fight lifestyle diseases resulting from imbalances of Vata and Pitta.
  2. Bitocough – The essential ingredients used in the making of Bitocough, are Vasak, Pipul, Tulsi, and Jastimadhu. Vasak one of the key herbs in Bitocough has expectorant properties and acts as a bronchodilator. It is greatly used in respiratory troubles. It relieves a cough and fights off respiratory infections. It also helps in the management of asthma. Vasak and Tulsi are the most important ingredients in all ayurvedic cough syrup to fight cough and cold.
  3. Bellytone – During the monsoon, weakened digestion due to the acidic atmospheric condition is one of the prime cause of all diseases. Bellytone from the house of Branolia Chemicals is an ayurvedic syrup which tackles the gastrointestinal problems arising in this particular season. The herbs used in the making of Bellytone are Haritaki, Sonapata, and Ajowan. Consumption of these herbs helps balance the Vata and Pitta dosha in the body.
  4. Livonia –Regular intake of Livonia during the monsoon months works together in a synergistic manner to create an effect that is far more powerful and also more balanced than the effect created by individual herbs. It is one of best tonic to enhance the overall functioning of the liver.

Regular intake of these formulations from the house of Branolia Chemicals will help balance Vata and Pitta dosha in the body and fight against the onslaught of diseases during the monsoon.