Tag Archives: iron deficiency

Odisha Winning The Anaemia Battle

The results from the recently published NFHS IV data reveal that Anaemia is on the downslide in Odisha. However, the battle is yet to be won, with sizeable numbers still having a low hemoglobin counts.

Incidence of Anaemia NFHS 4 (2015-16) NFHS 3 (2005-06)
Children 6-59 months 44.6% 65%
Non-Pregnant Women (15-49) 51.2% 60.9%
Pregnant Women (15-49) 47.6% 68.1%
All women (15-49) 51% 61.1%
Men (15-49) 28.4% 33.9%

How did Odisha manage to turn around the slide, which is not only for the incidence of Anaemia but also for other key health indicators?

The story of the transformation of the trajectory of the Odisha health indicators is a story of focus, planning, dedication and an honest implementation effort.

1. Enabling Environment:

Odisha has enjoyed political stability since 2003 which has resulted in unhindered policy focus on the development of the state. There has been a significant increase in government spending on health and nutrition with an annual grown rate of more than 20%. The State governments Health Equity Strategy brought in dedicated attention to improving the health of the most disadvantaged people in the State, and recognize the particularly poor health status of Scheduled Tribes and Scheduled Castes and the KBK+ districts. The Nutritional Operation Plan launched by the state targets below 6 yr age children in the 15 high burden districts of the State.

2. Geographical focus on the poorest districts (KBK+)

The Health Equity Strategy and the Nutrition Operational Plan prioritization of KBK+ districts resulted in targeted health and development investment in these areas, and service delivery innovations tailored to the KBK+ context. The National Rural Health Mission expenditure saw a spurt by 45% in KBK+ districts between 2008–09 and 2012–13, in comparison to 28% in other districts. The KBK+ districts include Kalahandi, Nabarangpur,  Nuapada,  Koraput, Rayagada, Malkangiri, Balangir, Sonepur,  Ganjam, Nayagarh and Jajpur.

3.Improving service delivery

A number of initiatives have been taken including construction and renovation of health facilities, training of community health workers, community-based rapid diagnostic kits and introduction of mobile health units. Mobile health units have been particularly of great help in reaching health care to the remotest villages.

4. Increasing women’s access to health services

Odisha has focused on making access to health care and nutrition services more favorable for women and girls. The health facilities are now more gender sensitive including construction of female toilets and partitions in labor rooms for privacy and dignity. Significant strides have been made in strengthening the capacity of female frontline health workers. Adolescent Anaemia Control Program and Village Health and Nutrition Days have contributed in increasing female access. The Janani Suraksha Yojana has made a significant contribution to increasing institutional delivery in the state. Innovative schemes like Mamata and Janani Sishu Suraksha Karyakram provide cashless deliveries and treatment of sick neonates have helped keep the momentum of health services focus on women going.

While significant strides have been made, the job is not fully done yet. Branolia salutes the political leadership, state bureaucracy, health managers, doctors, paramedics, community health workers and citizens of the state in bringing about this turnaround.

Branolia on its part is playing a small role for a healthy Odisha by increasing access to its herbal formulations across the state. Kulerron a formulation based on Kulekhara plant, the best known Ayurvedic herb to fight against Anaemia for fighting Anaemia is now available in a large number of retail counters in the State and is seeing a big uptake. Our other products like Branolia (for increasing mental alertness and well being), Livonia (for regulating liver function), Bellytone (for keeping digestive system tuned and Bitocough (for cold) are extremely popular in Odisha.

Branolia Chemical Works remains committed to health care of the state and will keep providing high-quality ayurvedic formulation to our customers in Odisha.

Iron Deficiency – Cure and Concern

It has been often observed that the deficiency of certain important elements has a considerable effect on the overall working of the human body.Iron is an important element which is required by almost all living organisms to function properly.The function of Iron in our body is multi- dimensional. It helps the red blood cells to transmit oxygen to all parts of the body. It is also necessary for transporting electron and synthesis of deoxyribonucleic acid. About 70% of iron present in the body is found in hemoglobin and myoglobin. Moreover, a large number of enzymes in our body requires iron as a cofactor to operate properly. ( www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3999603/)

History reveals that even in the ancient time’s people had recognized the importance of iron in the proper abcfunctioning of the human body.In the year 1932, it was finally proved that iron was needed for hemoglobin synthesis.It was always regarded as one of the most common causes of anemia.(https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3999603/)

Iron deficiency is a condition that results from too little iron in our body.Iron deficiency is a concern because:
• Iron deficiency can lead to delay in normal motor function in infants
• Deficiency in iron can cause fatigue, memory and even affect mental functions
• Overall fatigue, weakness, and shortness of breath
• Poor appetite, cold hands, and feet are also common sign of iron deficiency

There are, however, many common reasons for the people to need iron like:
• Children in their growing up years need more iron than what is available from their normal diet
• Pregnant women are also advised to take iron supplements
• Sometimes people lose iron from their body because of some chronic disease and are in need of iron.

How is iron deficiency treated?

To correct the deficiency of iron in the human body, certain strategies need to be adopted.
• Food Diversification: Some crucial dietary changes like consuming iron rich fruits and vegetables. Dark green leafy vegetables, cereals and bread with extra iron, meat, and pulses should be consumed to increase the intake of iron.
• Consuming food reach in Vitamin C: Ascorbic acid helps in the absorption of iron in the intestines. Thus eating foods enriched with vitamin C can help in the prevention of iron deficiency.
• There are various herbs available naturally that bring about wonderful results to the human body.
• Branolia Chemical Works uses herbs like Kulekhara, Ashwagandha, Nagkesar is few of the best-known antidote available naturally to fight iron deficiency. The herb Kulekhara (Hygrohila Spinosa), was tested and was found to increase red blood cell count and WBC in rodents. (Gomes, Manika Das an SC Dasgupta, Department of Physiology, the University of Calcutta, Published in Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, Vol 39, April 2001, pp 381-382, “Haematinic effect of Hygrohila Spinosa on experimental rodents”.)

Steps to control iron-deficiency in Odisha

India is a country where adolescent girls are the most neglected lot as far as their health, nutrition, and overall growth and development are concerned. Odisha as compared to all India figure of 55.8% has a high prevalence of anemia.A recent study by the Regional Medical Research Centre (RMRC), ICMR, Bhubaneswar shows the prevalence of Anaemia among 11-19 years girls in Orissa is as high as 96.5%.With this data in hand, to combat Anaemia amongst Adolescent Girls, the Department of Health and Family Welfare (DH&FW) initiated implementation of Adolescent Anaemia Control Program (AACP) in 9 districts (all the 8 KBK districts viz. Koraput, Malkangiri, Rayagada, Nabarangpur, Bolangir, Sonepur, Kalahandi and Nuapada and 1 Non-KBK district i.e. Mayurbhanj) of Odisha. The initiation of the project has been done but much remains to be achieved. Various other programs have been adopted state-wise to fight iron-deficiency. (http://www.nrhmorissa.gov.in/writereaddata/Upload/Documents/Quick%20Assessment%20of%20AACP.pdf)