Tag Archives: Honey Guard

Get Rid of Obesity with Ayurveda


Obesity is a problem that has engulfed our society in the recent years. According to recent reports published by WHO1, 2016 witnessed an upsurge in the number of overweight people. It stated that more than 1.9 billion people were overweight and out of these, 650 million were obese. People are putting in consistent efforts to resolve this issue and have turned to Ayurveda for respite. Ayurveda and its principles give an impetus to the body to stay toned and certain ayurvedic herbs are fruitful in getting rid of the body fat as well, thus mitigating the risk of excess weight gain or acute obesity.

What is Body Fat and How it Causes Weight Gain or Acute Obesity?

Triglycerides, cholesterol and fatty acids are collectively known as body fat. Body fat is stored in a loose connective tissue that is composed of adipocytes. Another name for these tissues is the Adipose tissue. These tissues store energy in the form of fat deposits. These are specially layered under the skin or coating the internal organs of the body. Adipose tissue has two constituent tissues, the white adipose tissue, and the brown adipose tissue. White adipose functions as a reservoir of energy, producing various hormones and cytokines that monitor the metabolic activities of the body whereas the brown adipose tissue converts food into heat energy. The equilibrium between these two tissues determines the amount of fat in the body. However, an extreme imbalance between these two tissues or between the consumption of food and the outgoing of energy can further give birth to health issues such as obesity.

There are specific Ayurvedic elements that have the ability to get rid of body fat. Triphala, Pipul, and Honey cut down on fat deposits and are a genuine help to obese people. Triphala encourages the secretion of cholecystokinin in the body which relays messages to the brain signaling that the stomach is full. This automatically diminishes the food intake resulting in weight loss. Pippali, on the other hand, burns the fatty acids accumulating in the body, thus inhibiting weight gain.

Ayurveda’s best-fit resources to restrain such detestable body fat

The unrivaled remedies of Ayurveda provide the most appropriate solutions to slim down cumbersome body flabs. A few of the Ayurvedic constituents which have multipurpose utilities, one of them being decreasing fat accumulation in the body, are mentioned below


The concordant mixture of Amlaki, Bibhitaki, and Haritaki aids weight loss. Triphala is endowed with anti-inflammatory properties along with vitamin C, polyphenols, tannins, flavonoids and saponins, augmented with essential plant compounds. These compounds act as valuable constraints of body weight.

Triphala is present in Livonia along with Kalmegh, one of the products of Branolia Chemical Works aimed at restoring healthy liver metabolism.


Pipul along with sunth ( dried ginger) and maricha ( pepper) restrains the excess deposition of fat. It ignites the “digestive fire “ in the gastrointestinal tract which will escalate the process of digestion, leaving no scope for fat to get deposited.

The richness of Pipul and Sunth is preserved in Bitocough and Branolia’s Honeyguard. Pipul, along with Vasak, Tulsi and Jashtimadhu are present in Bitocough which is an expectorant to combat cough and cold whereas Branolia’s HoneyGuard involves Honey, Tulsi, Jashtimadhu, Aswagandha along with Sunth to give an extra boost to our immunity.


This sweet viscous liquid, when taken before going to bed is exemplary for burning body fat. Honey contains vital hormones that curtail the appetite. This, in turn, enables weight loss as the rate of food consumption deters because of a bad appetite.

Honey is one of the ingredients amalgamated with Tulsi, Sunth, Jashtimadhu, and Ashwagandha in Branolia’s HoneyGuard which cures bronchial disorders.Thus, Branolia Chemical Works uplifts the ideals and principles of Ayurveda and makes our bond with Ayurveda even more concrete.

WHO1: https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/obesity-and-overweight

Healthy Skin with Ayurvedic Herbs

Healthy Skin with Ayurvedic Herbs

The skin is one such organ of our body that reflects the true condition of our health. Our entire body is sheathed in the largest sense organ which is transparent to any disturbance aggravating in our body. The liver is the seat of detoxification in our body and the healthy functioning of the liver is the secret behind flawless skin. Ayurveda endows Kalmegh and Triphala extracts in Livonia, one of the premium products of Branolia Chemical Works, to foster proper liver metabolism. Another product from the house of Branolia Chemical Works, Bellytone, is a tonic which improves digestion. Thus it can be rightfully said that a healthy outside starts from being healthy inside.

Ayurveda and Skin

Ayurveda asserts the concept of Doshas. It vividly describes that these are biological forces influencing our body’s constitution, our emotional state of mind and our spiritual overview. So it becomes pertinent that the doshas govern some of our external features as well, like the skin. Our body comprises the tridoshas, Vata (the influence of space and air), Pitta (influence of fire and water) and Kapha (influence of water and earth). People possessing the Vata constitution have dry and chapped skin. This skin type is subjected to dehydration. People having the Pitta constitution have more sensitive skin which is oily and prone to skin breakouts. The reddish tinge reflected on the face is also identified with Pitta skin. The Kapha constitution fosters a thick, moist skin that is resistant to the scorching heat.

Each skin type manifests a sophistication of its own and these skin textures require treatments that suit their characteristics as well. Ayurveda is well equipped with remedies that can address skin problems of every kind. Branolia Chemical Works does its duty of upholding the principles of Ayurveda.

A Relevant Connection between the Gut and the Skin

The proper functioning of the bowels is one of the underlying factors which determine the health of the skin. Acne, pimples, redness of the face are different manifestations of skin infection. The quality of food, whether it is nutritious or a crash diet determines our digestive mechanism. This dietary imbalance causes strained bowel movements that facilitate re-absorption of toxins into the blood through the large intestine. This can often cause the skin to break into pimples. Reduced production of essential digestive enzymes diminishes the absorption of fats and proteins from food. This leads to dry and dull skin, thus initiating eczema or psoriasis. However, Branolia Chemical Works takes upon itself the responsibility of establishing a healthy gut-skin relation by manufacturing two of its products, Bellytone, and Livonia. Bellytone enriched with Sonapata, Haritaki, Ajowan, and Teori enables good digestion. Liver metabolism, on the other hand, comes under Livonia’s domain, the Ayurvedic tonic endowed with Triphala and Kalmegh extracts which restore proper functioning of the liver.

Two herbs present in the products of Branolia Chemical Works that nourish the skin:


The Indian gooseberry acquires multifarious utility in the field of Ayurveda. Owing to the presence of Vitamin C and various anti-oxidants, it rejuvenates the skin making it more appealing to the eye. Hints of Amlaki extracts are present, along with Haritaki and Bibhitaki in Livonia, which is one of the exclusive products manufactured by Branolia Chemical Works, aimed at restoring proper digestion.


One of the ingredients of Branolia’s Honey Guard which is characterized by its anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties acts as a constraint to acne and pimples. The heavy concentration of antioxidants in Aswagandha shields the skin from free radicals thus fostering radiant skin.

Ayurveda’s nutrient-rich herbs have been long sought for by people and these herbs have built the foundation for a healthy metabolism. Ayurveda also furnishes emollient concoctions and its extensive range of edible herbs provides nourishment to the body which in turn augments our face value.

Ayurvedic antidotes to fight air pollution


Bleak evenings, making our hair stand on its edge. Abrupt Celsius dips. Frequent inclement weather conditions, all of these conditions hint towards the approaching seasonal transition. As winter begins to set in its foot, its somber strokes make us drowsy and feel listless. The seasonal transition in India has brought along with it, a thick layer of air encompassing us, obstructing and make things go haywire. Smog (Smoke Fog) overhangs a substantial portion of the Northern belt of India, bringing Delhi and the adjacent states of Haryana and Punjab within its grip. WHO’s World Global Ambient Air Quality Database1 states that nine out of ten people inhaled polluted air, and more than 80% of the people dwelling in the urban areas are subjected to outdoor pollution. This percentage surpasses optimum health standards. People are more keen to resort to Ayurveda’s traditional techniques to shield themselves against the hazardous impacts of air pollution.


The leaves of this tree work wonders for the body. It is a renowned blood purifier. It also has an exceptional tenacity to endure high pollutants. Neem trees act as natural air filters, straining dust particles from the air and also neutralizing the effect of harmful emissions. Doctors more often advise washing off the dirt from the face or hair with a neem solution, prepared by boiling neem leaves in water. Neem solution proves to be useful for rejuvenating our skin after a grueling day.

A Combination of Tulsi and Giloy

Tulsi or (basil) has always emerged as an essential constituent of many an Ayurvedic formulation. Apart from having a religious significance, it is a magnificent herb used for purifying air on account of its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial compounds which neutralize the gaseous contents of air. It enhances the immunity power of the body against common cough and cold. Branolia Chemical Works manufactures two products, Branolia’s Honey Guard & Bitocough, which are concocted with the extracts of Tulsi and primarily focus on treating the common cold.

Amla (Amlaki)

Better known as the Indian gooseberry, it has a high concentration of vitamin C, an antioxidant that resists the body against poisonous gases. The consumption of Amla fortifies our immune system. It replenishes the Vitamin E in our blood. The quality of air deteriorates day by day posing a threat to our body’s immune system. Thus, we can envision that the consumption of Amla tends to be a solution to most of our health problems. Amla, when combined with Haritaki and Bibhitaki is known as Triphala, which is one of the major ingredients of Livonia, a well-known product of Branolia Chemical Works.

Turmeric (Haldi)

Haldi is another herbal entity known for its antiseptic property and has a broad range of use. The anti-oxidant properties of turmeric help in resisting the body against problems caused by the inhalation of gaseous pollutants. The anti-inflammation properties naturally bestowed upon it protects the lungs from infections and other respiratory problems.


A traditional herb that is used in many of the Ayurvedic formulations. Pipul, when mixed with honey, cleans the lungs of its impurities reviving its healthy functioning. Bitocough, a formulation of Branolia Chemical Works effectively treats bronchial problems. Bitocough’s exclusive composition of Pipul, Vasak, Tulsi, and Jashtimadhu are potential cures of cough and sore throat.


Ghee is a specific form of clarified butter. It is one of the dairy products obtained from cow’s milk and is more often used in Indian households for cooking. The inhalation of gaseous pollutants can be blocked by applying greasy substances like ghee around the rim of the nostrils. The passage of micro particles of dust or harmful substances will be obstructed on the verge of entering our nasal cavity. A remarkable external shield provided by ghee.

The horrid impacts of pollution have infiltrated our daily lives and have already ceased the momentum of our reflexes. However, we, as the inhabitants of this planet can do our bit by going the traditional way, which is curbing the disastrous impacts of air pollution by resorting to Ayurvedic solutions. Branolia Chemical Works, with its wide range of products, stands by us in this endeavour.


Article on World Global Ambient Air Quality Database1






It becomes a norm for every quintessential Indian to get tied to the phenomenal festivities offered by our culture, be it a small scale celebration or a festival celebrated with majesty. The dedication to participate in many festivities thrives on the heart of every Indian. The receding celebrations of Navratri, make way for the modest advances of the next session of festivities in a row, Dhanteras, Diwali and Bhai Dooj. Dhanteras assumed to be “the day of wealth” to be concise in one word, symbolizes abundance and replenishment of wealth in everyone’s lives. Another myth supporting the origin of this day is that as told in the Puranas ,Lord Dhanvantari, the God Of Ayurveda, had emerged from a Samudra Manthan and he held a Kalash of Amrit in one hand and the sacred text of Ayurveda in the other. This year( 2019) Dhanteras was held on the 25th of October. However, this calendar date also strikes a chord with us reminding that the Ministry of AYUSH, was commenced on the 9th of November, 2014. This Ministry was known as the Department of Indian System of Medicine and Homeopathy(ISM&H) and it had been formed in March 1995. Years later, it was renamed as AYUSH, the abbreviation for Ayurveda, Yoga, and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, and Homoeopathy, in November 2003. It specifically focused on broadening the scope of education and research in Ayurveda, Yoga, and Naturotherapy, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy. Over the years, the Ministry has encouraged the favourable development and propagation of the AYUSH techniques in the current health care systems.

The Ministry of AYUSH had come forward with the decision on celebrating the National Ayurveda Day every year,on the same day which is observed as Dhanteras. This year the Ministry of AYUSH conducted the Fourth Ayurveda Day at Jaipur while the National Institute of Ayurveda (NIA) were the ones who hosted the event. The NIA held both the Dhanvantari Pujan and National Dhanwantari Ayurveda Awards-2019 which were two events on the National Ayurveda Day. Shri Om Birla, Speaker in the Lok Sabha graced the event as the Chief Guest while Shri Shiprad Yesson Naik, the Union Minister of AYUSH participated in the event. The event also observed 25 delegates of Mekong-Ganga Cooperation (MGC) who were active participants of the subsequent events on the 4th Ayurveda Day. Ayurveda, the ancient healing system which dates back to thousand years, originated in India. It has been rendered as one of the most meticulous and well-documented systems of medicines. Modern India inculcates the Ayurvedic way of living even to this day. Ayurveda aims at preventing diseases and promote a healthy state of living. The primary objectives of National Ayurveda Day are:

  1. Endeavouring to propagate Ayurveda into the mainstream
  2. To concentrate on the strengths and unique principles offered by Ayurveda
  3. Utilizing Ayurveda’s potentials as a cornerstone of reducing diseases and related morbidity and mortality.
  4. Exploration of Ayurveda’s potential, which plays an instrumental role in shaping national health policy and National Health programs.
  5. To create awareness amongst the young generation and to propagate Ayurvedic principles of healing within the society, in modern India.

The well-reputed Branolia Chemical Works has always upheld the principles of Ayurveda, over such a vast expanse of time and it still continues to do so. Ayurveda can always be addressed as a medical benefactor who has dissipated the arduous health miseries from the lives of people. Branolia Chemical Works has embraced the authenticities of Ayurveda through its products. Each of the products of Branolia Chemical Works, namely, Branolia, Branolia’s Kulerron, Branolia’s Honey Guard, Bitocough, Bellytone, and Livonia have alleviated people from their adverse health conditions and will continue to do so many more years down the line.

The Women Idol Makers of Bengal

Women Idol Makers of Bengal

Kumartoli, in Kolkata, is a famous place for being the designer’s abode of thousands of idols that are rolled out each year during the festive season. A group of artisans has been mesmerizing the world with their unique art form. It has always been a male bastion for all these years. A few women have challenged this monopoly of male artisans. These new and determined breeds of women are breathing new life into wet clay to create a goddess that they can relate to.

The few of the extraordinary women folk who were able to carve a niche a niche out for themselves are:

  1. Mala Pal – Her small room in the narrow lanes of Kumartoli are adorned with several awards that she has won for her art. After quitting formal schooling at the age of 15, she only took up working as a full-time artisan after her father’s death. Today she has earned a place for herself and the idols made by her are exported to various countries in Australia, Canada, and Mala’s forte is the foldable idols that can be easily shipped to foreign locales. She has been successful and is now a famous name in Kumartoli.
  2. China Pal – China was initiated into this trade by a sudden twist of destiny. A sudden demise of her father and the financial hardship that followed forced China to take up the family business. Twenty-two years and China is today overseeing a team of twelve people working hard to meet the demands of her client. It is not just her profession but her passion that has earned her international fame. China has also participated in the China-South Asia & Southeast Asia Arts Week and Lancang Mekong Arts Festival.
  3. Kanchi Pal – She is a one-woman army who faced a lot of hardships, competition from her male counterparts to carve a place for her. Today all her idols are in high demand. She is one of the new generations of artists who are well adept in designing contemporary idols. Her idols have also won awards and accolades.

Clad in a sari these women entered this profession, not by choice but sheer coincidence. There have been times when these women have lost faith, but they kept fighting. Over the years, these hard-working women have mastered the art of mixing clay to give the right dimension to the idols that they design with such care. Today they are recognized for their talents globally and often conduct workshops all over the world. They conduct camps and have also ventured into the domain of creating clay jewelry during the lay months.

Branolia Chemicals recognizes the true spirit of these women, embodiments of Durga and Kali in real life.

At Branolia Chemical Works, concern for women and their health needs has always been foremost in our minds. This prompted our research team to bring out the Ayurvedic formulation Kulerron, which is extremely effective against anemia. With anemia being endemic amongst women in India, we hope to do our bit to meet this health challenge afflicting women effectively.


Address Air Pollution with Ayurveda

Air pollution

A week before Diwali India woke up to some astonishing facts published by the WHO (World Health Organisation) on the present condition of air pollution in India. The study highlighted that about 1 lakh children in India have died because of air pollution in the year 2016. Another study conducted by Greenpeace, a social work organization also published a report stating that 1.2 million deaths are occurring in India every year on account of the bad quality of air inhaled by the people. The current rise in environmental problems associated with the well –beings of humans are forcing folks to look at Ayurveda, a traditional system of medicine.

Ayurveda aims towards balancing the entire eco-system of human existence in the best possible way. The main benefit of Ayurvedic medicine is that it is not only curative but at the same time preventive and restorative. It is well known that polluted air is one of the primary causes of adding toxins to our body making it more assailable to lung-related diseases and infections. Extreme cases have also come in the forefront where people have been afflicted with lung cancer. According to Ayurveda an increase in toxin content in the body leads to an imbalance in the Tridoshas. Ayurvedic treatment is solely based on the premise that a proper balance between Vata, Kapha and Pitta is essential for the proper functioning of the human body. Ayurveda has an entire spectrum of methods to address this issue.

Ayurveda prescribes certain herbs to tackle the ill –effects of air pollution. The most important herbs prescribed by Ayurveda are:

  1. Tulsi – It is often referred to as the mother of all medicinal herbs. It is known to balance the Kapha dosha and is one of the key ingredients in the treatment of asthma, and other chronic respiratory disorders. It is also regarded as one of the most formidable anti-viral herbs with anti-microbial properties. The Tulsi plant also acts as an air purifier and if placed near the main entrance of a house will help in keeping the environment clean and pure.
  2. Triphala – There is a popular saying that is used amongst the Ayurvedic practitioners in India that with the proper use of Triphala all ailments related to the human body can be treated. Triphala is a combination of three fruits namely, Haritaki, Amalaki and Bibhitaki. Triphala is particularly effective in removing toxins from the human body. It also helps in balancing the Tridosha, which is a necessary component for good health.
  3. Vasaka or Vasak – It is a medicinal herb which is used to treat many ailments like asthma, bronchitis, and various other disorders. It is also used as an expectorant and a bronchodilator. The use of this herb can help fight ailments related to a lung Vasak is used as an ingredient in Bitocough, a cough syrup from Branolia Chemicals.

All the three key ingredients prescribed in Ayurveda for better functioning of the lungs and improving body constitution against the harshness of the external environment is present in Bitocough, an Ayurvedic formulation for fighting cough and cold. Bitocough is an effective shield in combating the adverse impact of air pollution and resultant lung disorders.

Stay Healthy During Monsoon with Ayurveda

Monsoon stems from an Arabic word meaning ‘seasons’. After the hot and humid summer months, the rains come as a blessing for one and all. Whether it drizzles or comes down as a wall of water, the soft vibration over the green landscape that mutes the noises of daily life reduces the intense speed of our usual activities. The monsoon season is a time of introspection, a period which through nature’s support is ideal for meditation and Ayurvedic treatments.

In Ayurveda, every season has its advantages and disadvantages. Each season is also accompanied by some doshas. Monsoon is the time when the Vata Dosha prevails. Ayurveda primarily focuses on cleansing the body of substances that cause diseases thus re-establishing harmony and balance. The doshas that attain priority during the monsoon season are:

a) Vata – It increases during the monsoon season which is the main cause of weakened digestion, acidic atmospheric conditions and gas produced from the earth and;

b) Pitta – Accumulation of Pitta due to the atmospheric condition gives rise to various stomach ailments.

In order to keep both Vata and Pitta under control, certain food and lifestyle changes are mandatory.

Branolia Chemicals has a potpourri of solutions to tackle the aggravation of Vata and accumulation of Pitta.

The best of therapeutic ayurvedic medicines from the house of Branolia Chemicals are:

  1. Branolia’s Honey Guard – This formulation brings along with it the goodness of Tulsi, Jostimadhu, Ashwagandha, Sunth and Honey to help in digestion and also to prevent cough and cold. It also acts as a health protector which can be consumed by people of all ages. This formulation also helps in fighting disease-causing Tulsi(Ocimum sanctum)  which has been frequently recommended by the Ayurvedic research community because of its ability to fight lifestyle diseases resulting from imbalances of Vata and Pitta.
  2. Bitocough – The essential ingredients used in the making of Bitocough, are Vasak, Pipul, Tulsi, and Jastimadhu. Vasak one of the key herbs in Bitocough has expectorant properties and acts as a bronchodilator. It is greatly used in respiratory troubles. It relieves a cough and fights off respiratory infections. It also helps in the management of asthma. Vasak and Tulsi are the most important ingredients in all ayurvedic cough syrup to fight cough and cold.
  3. Bellytone – During the monsoon, weakened digestion due to the acidic atmospheric condition is one of the prime cause of all diseases. Bellytone from the house of Branolia Chemicals is an ayurvedic syrup which tackles the gastrointestinal problems arising in this particular season. The herbs used in the making of Bellytone are Haritaki, Sonapata, and Ajowan. Consumption of these herbs helps balance the Vata and Pitta dosha in the body.
  4. Livonia –Regular intake of Livonia during the monsoon months works together in a synergistic manner to create an effect that is far more powerful and also more balanced than the effect created by individual herbs. It is one of best tonic to enhance the overall functioning of the liver.

Regular intake of these formulations from the house of Branolia Chemicals will help balance Vata and Pitta dosha in the body and fight against the onslaught of diseases during the monsoon.

Researchers Recommend Tulsi to Combat Lifestyle Related Chronic Diseases

Applause for Tulsi(Ocimum sanctum Linn)  from the Ayurveda research community is becoming more and more pronounced with a number of journal papers attesting Tulsi’s ability to battle lifestyle disease resulting from physical, chemical, metabolic and psychological stress through a unique combination of pharmacological actions (1).


Tulsi has been attested to protect organs and tissues against chemical stress from industrial pollutants and heavy metals. Lab results and trials show that Tulsi has protected against the toxic effects of industrial chemicals such as butylparaben,[2] carbon tetrachloride,[3] copper sulfate[4] and ethanol,[5] and common pesticides such as rogor,[6] chlorpyrifos[7], endosulfan[8] and lindane[9]. Tulsi has also been shown to protect against the toxic effects of many pharmaceuticals drugs including acetaminophen [10], meloxicam[11], paracetamol[12], haloperidol[13] and anti-tubercular drugs[14].

Tulsi is also credited with giving brightness to the complexion, mellifluousness to the voice and help foster stamina and a calm emotional disposition. In addition, tulsi is recommended as a treatment for a range of conditions including anxiety, cough, asthma, diarrhea, fever, dysentery, arthritis, eye diseases, otalgia, indigestion, hiccups, vomiting, gastric, cardiac and genitourinary disorders, back pain, skin diseases, ringworm, insect, snake and scorpion bites and malaria[15,16,17,18].

Tulsi helps in prevention of cancers caused by toxic compounds by reducing DNA damage[19] and inducing apoptosis in precancerous and cancerous cells, thereby reducing the growth of tumors[20,21].Tulsi also enables the enhancement in liver detoxification enzymes such as the cytochrome P450 enzymes, which deactivates toxic chemicals and enables them to be safely excreted[22].

Tulsi has radioprotective effects by cleaning free radicals and reducing the oxidative cellular and chromosomal damage brought about by radiation,[23,24,25,26] enabling reduction of organ damage and enhancing post-radiation survival in experimental animals[27,28,29].

Numerous animal experiments and human clinical trials have shown that tulsi has anti-diabetic activity. Tulsi can reduce blood glucose, correct abnormal lipid profiles[30,31] and protect the liver and kidneys from the metabolic damage caused by high glucose levels[32]. Tulsi has also been shown to improve lipid profiles[33,34], prevent weight gain, hyperglycemia, hyperinsulinemia, hypertriglyceridemia, and insulin resistance[35,36], and protect the organs and blood vessels from atherosclerosis[32,37] in laboratory animals fed high-fat diets. Similarly, in human clinical trials, tulsi has shown to decrease glucose levels, improve blood pressure and lipid profiles[38,39,40] and reduce many diabetic symptoms in patients with type 2 diabetes.[41]

There are many more benefits from Tulsi which scientific studies have verified which we will be discussed in subsequent Branolia Chemicals blog posts.

At Branolia Chemical Works we stand by Tulsi and it is used extensively in all our Ayurvedic formulations may that be Bitocough , Branolia, Honey Guard, Kulleron and Livonia. We at Branolia prefer the black/purple variety of Tusli in our ayurvedic formulas. This is done since the black/purple tulsi has high content of phenolic compounds and anti-oxidant properties compared to the green/white vana tulsi(42).


  1. Cohen, Marc Maurice, Tulsi – Ocimum sanctum: A herb for all reasons, J Ayurveda Integr Med. 2014 Oct-Dec; 5(4): 251–259.
  2. Shah K, Verma RJ. Protection against butyl p-hydroxybenzoic acid induced oxidative stress by Ocimum sanctum extract in mice liver. Acta Pol Pharm. 2012;69:865–70. 
  3. Enayatallah SA, Shah SN, Bodhankar SL. A study of hepatoprotective activity of Ocimum sanctum (Krishna tulas) extracts in chemically induced liver damage in albino mice. J Ecophysiol Occup Health. 2004;4:89–96.
  4. Shyamala AC, Devaki T. Studies on peroxidation in rats ingesting copper sulphate and effect of subsequent treatment with Ocimum sanctum. J Clin Biochem Nutr. 1996;20:113–9.
  5. Bawankule DU, Pal A, Gupta S, Yadav S, Misra A, Rastogi S, et al. Protective effect of Ocimum sanctumon ethanol-induced oxidative stress in Swiss Albino Mice brain. Toxicol Int. 2008;5:121–5.
  6. Verma P, Kedia DK, Nath A. Protective effect of Ocimum sanctum leaf extracts against rogor induced ovarian toxicity in Clarias batrachus Linn. J Ecophysiology Occup Health. 2007;7:177–84.
  7. Khanna A, Shukla P, Tabassum S. Role of Ocimum sanctum as a genoprotective agent on chlorpyrifos-induced genotoxicity. Toxicol Int. 2011;18:9–13. 
  8. Bharath BK, Anjaneyulu Y, Srilatha C. Imuuno-modulatory effect of Ocimum sanctumagainst endosulfan induced immunotoxicity. Vet World. 2011;4:25–7.
  9. Mediratta PK, Tanwar K, Reeta KH, Mathur R, Benerjee BD, Singh S, et al. Attenuation of the effect of lindane on immune responses and oxidative stress by Ocimum sanctum seed oil (OSSO) in rats. Indian J Physiol Pharmacol. 2008;52:171–7.
  10. Makwana M, Rathore HS. Prevention of hepatorenal toxicity of acetaminophen with Ocimum sanctumin mice. Int J Pharm Technol. 2011;3:1385–96.
  11. Mahaprabhu R, Bhandarkar AG, Jangir BL, Rahangadale SP, Kurkure NV. Ameliorative effect of Ocimum Sanctum on meloxicam induced toxicity in wistar rats. Toxicol Int. 2011;18:130–6.
  12. Lahon K, Das S. Hepatoprotective activity of Ocimum sanctumalcoholic leaf extract against paracetamol-induced liver damage in Albino rats. Pharmacognosy Res. 2011;3:13–8. 
  13. Pemminati S, Nair V, Dorababu P, Gopalakrishna HN, Pai MR. Effect of ethanolic leaf extract of Ocimum sanctumon haloperidol-induced catalepsy in albino mice. Indian J Pharmacol. 2007;39:87–9.
  14. Ubaid RS, Anantrao KM, Jaju JB, Mateenuddin M. Effect of Ocimum sanctum(OS) leaf extract on hepatotoxicity induced by antitubercular drugs in rats. Indian J Physiol Pharmacol. 2003;47:465–70.
  15. Singh N, Hoette Y, Miller R. Tulsi: The Mother Medicine of Nature. 2nd ed. Lucknow: International Institute of Herbal Medicine; 2010. pp. 28–47.
  16. Mohan L, Amberkar MV, Kumari M. Ocimum sanctum linn. (TULSI)-an overview. Int J Pharm Sci Rev Res. 2011;7:51–3.
  17. Pattanayak P, Behera P, Das D, Panda SK. Ocimum sanctum Linn. A reservoir plant for therapeutic applications: An overview. Pharmacogn Rev. 2010;4:95–105. 
  18. Mondal S, Mirdha BR, Mahapatra SC. The science behind sacredness of Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum Linn.) Indian J Physiol Pharmacol. 2009;53:291–306. 
  19. Siddique YH, Ara G, Beg T, Afzal M. Anti-genotoxic effect of Ocimum sanctumL. extract against cyproterone acetate induced genotoxic damage in cultured mammalian cells. Acta Biol Hung. 2007;58:397–409.
  20. Jha AK, Jha M, Kaur J. Ethanolic extracts of Ocimum sanctum, Azadirachta indicaand Withania somnifera cause apoptosis in SiHa cells. Res J Pharm Biol Chem. 2012;3:557–62.
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Branolia’s Honey Guard – An Overall Health Enhancer

honeyguardBranolia’s Honey Guard is one of its kind formulation that has been fortified with the goodness of Tulsi, Sunth, Ashwagandha, and Jasthimadhu. All these ingredients which are famously known as health reviving ayurvedic herbs, Branolia’s Honey Guard is a perfect for people of all ages to enhance their immunity and also as an overall health enhancer. As a medicinal ingredient, Honey as been in use since ages. The world’s oldest literature mentions honey as an antimicrobial agent which has wound healing properties.

Branolia’s Honey Guard has been enhanced with Tulsi and other herbs. Honey Guard developed by Branolia thus has anti-inflammatory effects, ability to soothe coughs and can also reduce seasonal allergy symptoms. Honey has been known to act like a natural vaccine. It has the capacity to bring about all round health benefit.

Branolia’s Honey guard has several ayurvedic herbs to bring about therapeutic healing properties.

The herbs apart from honey are:

  1. Tulsi – Tulsi (Ocimum sanctumLinn) has been found to protect organ tissues from stress and industrial pollutants. Tulsi is one of the most effective herbs in Ayurvedic medicine and is also well-known as the elixir of life. Scientific research on Tulsi has reinforces the ancient wisdom of sages about the power of Tulsi to heal and address various health issues. Based on studies conducted on rodents Ocimum sanctum (Sanskrit: Tulasi; family: Labiaceae), acts as an immunity enhancer. Although all the parts of the Tulsi plant are useful in some way or the other but the leaves have anti-inflammatory, analgesic properties and is thus used in the treatment of wounds.( Source:  Shetty S, Udupa S, Udupa L. Evaluation of antioxidant and wound healing effects of an alcoholic and aqueous extract of Ocimum sanctum Linn in rats. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2008;5:95–101).
  2. Jastimadhu – Glycyrrhiza glabra or Liquorice is one of the most commonly used drugs in Ayurvedic medication.It has been used in medicine for more than 4000 years. It has been proved that Glycyrrhiza has anti-ulcer activity,anti-asthmatic activity, and anti- diuretic activity. (Source: Glycyrrhiza glabra) is one of the most commonly used drugs in Ayurved medication).
  3. AshwagandhaWithania somnifera(Ashwagandha) is often referred to Indian Ayurvedic System as a Rasayana tonic.It is known to be of use in various diseases and especially as a nerve tonic. Commonly known as Indian Winter Cherry or Indian Ginseng when administered on mice helped in the reduction of leucocytosis.(Source: Singh N. XXXVIth Annual Congress on Medicinal Plant Research (Freiburg) 1988. Effect of Withania somnifera and Panax ginseng on dopaminergic receptors in rat brain during stress; p. 28).

Branolia’s Honey Guard has been known to fight against diseases because of its germicidal, fungicidal, antibacterial and antibiotic properties. Sunth another key ingredient in Branolia’s Honey Guard is effective in fighting indigestion. A natural health protector for all ages Branolia’s Honey Guard helps in the general well-being of people consuming it on a regular basis.