Tag Archives: Haritaki

Ayurveda’s Call On Irritable Bowels

Healthy bowel movements are one of the major reasons that ensure the robust metabolism of the body. However, there are instances when the body does not perform regular mechanisms of excretion due to a number of reasons. This, in turn, triggers disorders related to the large intestine which involve bloating of the lower abdomen, flatulence, and in some instances even diarrhea. The prominence of these symptoms may suggest the presence of Irritable Bowel Syndrome which is a functional disorder occurring in the gastrointestinal tract. Ayurveda fosters the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders through some of its herbal formulations of Sonapata, Haritaki, and Teori as they never come with side-effects.

IBS has two segregations, one being IBS-D(due to diarrhea) and the other being IBS-C(due to constipation)

  • IBS-D is identified with frequent diarrhea  and  problems such as recurring stools, Nausea, also the feeling of unevacuated bowels during excretion are some of the distinctive symptoms of IBS-D
  • IBS-C  features abdominal pain and an uncomfortable sensation owing to constipation. It has distinctive symptoms of bloating of abdomen, flatulence, straining sensation during the passage of stool.

The causes of Irritable Bowel Syndrome(IBS) are based on some assumptions as the actual reasons supporting its cause are unknown:

  • Gastroenteritis, which is typically a bacterial or viral infection in the stomach and intestines, acts as a potential trigger for IBS.
  • The possible occurrence of food sensitivities due to absorption of salts and acids from food
  • Peculiarities in the serotonin levels in the colon which adversely affect the colon and bowel movement
  • Anxiety, stress, and depression may play a vital role in the occurrence of IBS.

Some prominent symptoms of IBS include:

  1. Pain in the abdomen, Bloating of the abdomen, and severe cramps which mitigates the passage of stool.
  2. Excess flatulence
  3. Constipation
  4. Mucous discharge in the stool.
  5. Bleeding from the rectum
  6. Incurring weight loss
  7. Nausea- the urge to vomit
  8. Lethargy

Nowadays, people have become more vulnerable to such gastrointestinal disorders due to their imbalanced diets, consumption of gluten-rich and fried foods and they are responsible for deterring the bowel movement. A report published by the Indian Society of Gastroenterology Task Force in 2008 aimed at studying the profile of Irritable Bowel Syndrome(IBS) and the incidence of its symptoms across the population in India. The study concluded that most middle-aged men were susceptible to IBS. It stated that middle-aged men experiencing IBS had a sensation of incomplete evacuation of bowels and the presence of mucus in their stool. Even though abdominal pain was a prominent symptom but it was not universal and that the stool frequency was similar for all the patients irrespective of the fact, whether it was diarrhea or constipation. The study highlighted that 90 percent of the non- affected people had 1to 2 stools per day whereas  4.2 percent of the people, experienced complex symptoms of IBS.1 Evidently, more people in the middle ages are seeking medical assistance for its cure.

Even though in today’s world, allopathic cures are more sought after, Ayurveda can offer much simpler and refined remedies to alleviate victims of  IBS. There are a number of ayurvedic solutions which suffice the treatment of hindered bowel movements. Branolia Chemicals is one such company that has utilized Ayurveda’s authenticity and versatility in a way that would benefit every man. Branolia Chemicals has a number of products in store for us, and one such product which meets the requirements for healing IBS is Bellytone. Bellytone is one such exclusive tonic manufactured by Branolia Chemicals which is an amalgamation of Sonapata, Haritaki, Teori and Ajowan, all of them aimed at relieving constipation and subsiding flatulence. Sonapata and Haritaki are renowned laxatives that ease bowel movement. Teori is recognized as a carminative and Ajowan quickens digestion. These properties of Bellytone make it potentially capable of eliminating gastrointestinal disorders like IBS.

Branolia Chemicals has indeed been getting along with the illustrious years of its journey, inculcating the principles of Ayurveda into people’s lives, making use of Ayurvedic authenticities in its exclusive products that are aimed at benefitting people and doing away with their health miseries. Branolia Chemicals, through its wide range of products, has reached out to people in need and this keeps motivating people to fight off the perils of grave health issues, like IBS, thus lifting a heavy burden off their shoulders.

Indian Society of Gastroenterology Task Force-  Epidemiological and clinical profile of the irritable bowel syndrome in India.  http://medind.nic.in/ica/t08/i1/icat08i1p22.pdf

Stay Healthy During Monsoon with Ayurveda

Monsoon stems from an Arabic word meaning ‘seasons’. After the hot and humid summer months, the rains come as a blessing for one and all. Whether it drizzles or comes down as a wall of water, the soft vibration over the green landscape that mutes the noises of daily life reduces the intense speed of our usual activities. The monsoon season is a time of introspection, a period which through nature’s support is ideal for meditation and Ayurvedic treatments.

In Ayurveda, every season has its advantages and disadvantages. Each season is also accompanied by some doshas. Monsoon is the time when the Vata Dosha prevails. Ayurveda primarily focuses on cleansing the body of substances that cause diseases thus re-establishing harmony and balance. The doshas that attain priority during the monsoon season are:

a) Vata – It increases during the monsoon season which is the main cause of weakened digestion, acidic atmospheric conditions and gas produced from the earth and;

b) Pitta – Accumulation of Pitta due to the atmospheric condition gives rise to various stomach ailments.

In order to keep both Vata and Pitta under control, certain food and lifestyle changes are mandatory.

Branolia Chemicals has a potpourri of solutions to tackle the aggravation of Vata and accumulation of Pitta.

The best of therapeutic ayurvedic medicines from the house of Branolia Chemicals are:

  1. Branolia’s Honey Guard – This formulation brings along with it the goodness of Tulsi, Jostimadhu, Ashwagandha, Sunth and Honey to help in digestion and also to prevent cough and cold. It also acts as a health protector which can be consumed by people of all ages. This formulation also helps in fighting disease-causing Tulsi(Ocimum sanctum)  which has been frequently recommended by the Ayurvedic research community because of its ability to fight lifestyle diseases resulting from imbalances of Vata and Pitta.
  2. Bitocough – The essential ingredients used in the making of Bitocough, are Vasak, Pipul, Tulsi, and Jastimadhu. Vasak one of the key herbs in Bitocough has expectorant properties and acts as a bronchodilator. It is greatly used in respiratory troubles. It relieves a cough and fights off respiratory infections. It also helps in the management of asthma. Vasak and Tulsi are the most important ingredients in all ayurvedic cough syrup to fight cough and cold.
  3. Bellytone – During the monsoon, weakened digestion due to the acidic atmospheric condition is one of the prime cause of all diseases. Bellytone from the house of Branolia Chemicals is an ayurvedic syrup which tackles the gastrointestinal problems arising in this particular season. The herbs used in the making of Bellytone are Haritaki, Sonapata, and Ajowan. Consumption of these herbs helps balance the Vata and Pitta dosha in the body.
  4. Livonia –Regular intake of Livonia during the monsoon months works together in a synergistic manner to create an effect that is far more powerful and also more balanced than the effect created by individual herbs. It is one of best tonic to enhance the overall functioning of the liver.

Regular intake of these formulations from the house of Branolia Chemicals will help balance Vata and Pitta dosha in the body and fight against the onslaught of diseases during the monsoon.

14% of Indians Suffer from Constipation

A large number of Indians are facing the Piku syndrome. “Motion Se Hi Emotion” which Bhashkor Banerjee (Amitabh Bachchan) repeats every time when his effort and outcome in the toilet do not match rings a bell for at least 14% of Indians who suffer from chronic constipation.

The incidence of chronic constipation is pervasive in India as revealed by the study by the Pharma major Abbot. Doctors define chronic constipation as a condition where there is the inability to pass stools more than three times a week, and for more than three months at a stretch. Other symptoms experienced are abnormally hard stools, the need to strain very hard to pass motions, feeling of incomplete evacuation or a feeling of bowel obstruction.

The Abbot survey titled “Gut Health Survey” revealed the following:

  • Chronic Constipation in India is higher than the international average: While globally chronic constipation afflicts 10% of the population, in India this figure stand at 14%.
  • Older people report a higher incidence of chronic constipation: 20% of the people in higher age group (45-65) experience constipation as compared to the overall average of 14%.
  • Causes of constipation directly linked to the type of food intake: Non- vegetarian food, low water intake, snacking and eating fried food frequently leads to constipation.
  • Chronic constipation adversely impacts the quality of life: Lack of sleep, stress, physical discomfort (gas, acidity, stomach aches, loss of appetite etc), irritability, mood swings, lack of interest in work are some of the frequently mentioned conditions emanating out of constipation.
  • Serious impacts of constipation are known to the majority of patients: 75% of the respondents reported that they knew that prolonged constipation can lead to other medical problems, with piles or haemorrhoids, ulcers, abdominal pain and anal fissures being the leading issues.
  • Medical attention is rarely sought in preliminary stages for constipation: Seeking prompt medical attention for constipation is not a norm in India. 80% of the respondents with chronic constipation looked for a solution only after they faced the issue multiple times. The average time taken to visit a doctor was 80 days from the time the respondents first faced symptoms of chronic constipation. About 30% of the patients approached a doctor only after 3 -5 months or more of continuous symptoms. 60% of people with chronic constipation opted for home remedies as the most preferred treatment option for relief. However, half the people who self-medicated eventually visited a doctor for a cure.

We at Branolia understand the debilitating conditions that constipation can lead to and would advise taking corrective measures at the advent of constipation symptoms.

Branolia’s Bellytone brings the knowledge of Ayurveda to help chronic constipation patients to deal with their situation. Made from herbal ingredients like Sonapata, Haritaki, Teori & Ajowan blended perfectly, this extremely effective preparation keeps stomach problem at bay. Sonapata is useful as a purgative in habitual constipation, while Hartaki is a good laxative and fights flatulence. Teori acts as a carminative and prevents the formation of gas in the gastrointestinal tract thereby combating flatulence.

Branolia’s Bellytone is the natural way of fighting chronic constipation and its timely use helps prevent serious medical problems associated with prolonged constipation to set in like piles or haemorrhoids, ulcers, abdominal pain and anal fissures.

On a lighter note, we sometimes wonder that if Mr. Bhashkor Banerjee (in Piku movie) had taken Bellytone in time, then the movie Piku would have had a different storyline.

Bellytone and Gastrointestinal Diseases

Unhealthy digestion leads to an unhealthy life. Healthy digestion assures that all the nutrients that person intakes through the way of food are assimilated in a healthy manner into the cells for the proper functioning of the human body. In other words, if you digest properly, your body functions effectively. If the digestive process of a person is weak, it affects the tissues of the body, such as the muscles, the nerves, and more often the body becomes susceptible to diseases. The symptoms of poor digestion are constipation, diarrhoea, burping, burning, vomiting, indigestion, bloating and pain in the abdomen.

According to Ayurveda, Vata, Pitta and Kapha control the functioning of the human body. A proper balance between these three elements of the human body leads to good health. Bellytone from Branolia helps in the proper functioning of the digestive system. People suffering from constipation and other gastroenterological problems are often recommended Bellytone from the house of Branolia.

The main function of the gastrointestinal system is to extract and process nutrients from the food that a person consumes. The main causes of gastrointestinal problems such as constipation, vomiting, irritable bowel syndrome are:

  1. Mal-absorption disorders
  2. inflammation of the stomach and small intestine due to viral or bacterial infection from contaminated food, a bad reaction to something you ate or a side effect of a medication
  3. inflammation of the large intestine that may be triggered by certain foods or bacterial infections
  4. other inflammatory bowel diseases (such as Crohn’s disease)
  5. ulcers in the stomach
  6. cancer of the digestive system
  7. diseases such as depression, Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, underactive or overactive thyroid gland

Bellytone from Branolia is an ayurvedic formulation that addresses the issues pertaining to gastrointestinal problems and helps in enhancing the overall well – being of the entire digestive system. The most important herbs used in Bellytone are, Haritaki, Sonapata Teori, and Ajowan.
In Ayurveda:

  1. Haritaki – Terminalia Chebulais considered as one of the most important drugs to treat gastrointestinal diseases. Haritaki helps in easing the bowel movement and it helps in having a balancing effect on Pitta, Vata and Kapha. The benefits of Haritaki can be listed as
  • Chewing the Haritaki fruit causes an increase in digestion power.
  • If it is made into a paste and eaten, it clears and cleanses bowels.
  • If it is steamed or boiled, it becomes absorbent, useful in malabsorption syndrome.
  • If it is fried and used, it is useful in Tridosha imbalance conditions.
  • If Haritaki is taken after food, it helps to eliminate all the toxic effects due to food poisoning.
  • If it is taken along with salt, it balances Kapha
  • If taken with sugar, it balances Pitta and if taken with ghee, it balances Vata disorders.
  • Sonapata – Shyonaka (Oroxylum Indicum) is an effective Ayurvedic medicinal herb against gastrointestinal disease. Sonapata fruit is known to balance Vata and Kapha. It not only strengthens digestion but is also used in gynaecological disorders and childhood psychological diseases.

Bellytone from Branolia is fortified with these herbs to fight gastrointestinal diseases.

How Bellytone Can Ease Your Pain

Ayurveda believes that human beings are all a part of nature. Just as animals and plants are interdependent on each other to create balance within their beings, there is an inherent connection between the universe and human beings. Unlike the animal kingdom, human beings live in a more complex, natural world where they are continuously exposed to environmental changes. Any kind of change in weather, society, economy, lifestyle, diet, work, financial status, emotions, and relationships can easily tip the balance and negatively influence an individual’s state of mind, body, and soul. With the increase in pollution and lifestyle changes, human beings have become more prone to diseases. Ayurveda tends to balance out all the elements present in a human body to enhance overall well-being.

Branolia Chemicals with a legacy of over ninety years constantly endeavors to bring together a potpourri of ayurvedic medicines to help humans adjust to the changing environments.

Millions of people around the globe suffer from indigestion and constipation. In ayurvedic language, indigestion is called ‘Agnimandya’. Indigestion is also a root cause of various other diseases like constipation. Keeping the stomach clean is essential for the proper functioning of the digestive system. Malfunctioning of the digestive system may lead to various other ailments. Bellytone from the house of Branolia Chemicals is formulated to fight problems related to indigestion and constipation.

Bellytone is prepared after extensive research and the key ingredients are Haritaki, Sonapata Teori, and Ajowan. In Ayurveda, Haritaki (Terminalia Chebula) is considered as a wonder herb.Haritaki is also one of the prime ingredients in Triphala. Haritaki has great nutritional values as it contains essential vitamins, calcium, and proteins. Some of the key benefits of Haritaki are:

  1. Reduction in constipation
  2. Smooth functioning of the digestive system
  3. Helps in improving the nervous system

The other important herb in Bellytone is Sonapata or Oroxylum indicum. This herbal plant is known to possess anti-inflammatory, diuretic, antifungal and antibacterial properties. The roots of this plant are used to fight diarrhea and dysentery. However, the seeds of this plant are an extremely effective remedy for constipation.

At Branolia Chemicals, research is given a priority. Indeed, it is this emphasis on Research &Development that allows Branolia to produce safe, efficacious and consistent remedies using ayurvedic principles.

The Research &Development department in Branolia Chemicals is focused on product development, quality control, and standardization. All the products are derived from rigorous research and produced in state-of-the-art facilities. They represent our commitment to continuous investment in the best people, practices, and technology. Each product undergoes years of primary research before it reaches the market.

Bellytone from Branolia Chemicals is perfected after years of research and is one of the most effective ayurvedic remedies against Constipation and indigestion.