Tag Archives: goodness of triphala

The Benefits of Triphala

Ayurveda or the ‘science of life’ is one of the oldest systems of healthcare in the world. Sometimes referred to as a bioscience, its chief aim is to cleanse the body of substances that cause disease, thus helping to restore harmony and balance. Primarily, Ayurveda focuses on addressing key foundations that pertain to health and disease—the body’s constitution (Prakriti) and natural forces (doshas).

All herbal formulations at Branolia Chemicals find their roots in classical Ayurvedic texts. A team of Ayurveda experts review these scholarly texts and shortlist suitable herbs for further research. The availability and sustainability of these herbs are first ensured before research is initiated.With an experience of more than a century; Branolia Chemicals has formulated an assortment of ayurvedic medicines to address health-related issues. The legacy of researching nature forms the foundation of all the operations at Branolia Chemicals. One of the most important of all herbs is Triphala, which has existed in the Ayurvedic cache for centuries.

The Sanskrit word for Triphala means three fruits, which signifies that Triphala is a combination of 3 fruits from three trees, Amalaki (Emblica Officinalis), Vibhitaki (Terminalia Bellirica), Haritaki (Terminalia Chebula), It is one of the most popular Ayurvedic herbal formula used in all Ayurvedic preparations. Triphala is the chief ingredient in Livonia an ayurvedic tonic from the house of Branolia Chemicals to enhance the functioning of the entire digestive system.

Triphala’s historical use as a digestive cleanser has been supported by various modern scientific studies. Research performed since ages suggest that Triphala may be antioxidant, antimutagenic, antineoplastic, chemoprotective, radioprotective, and chemopreventive, with a possible role in cancer prevention and treatment. (Source: Baliga MS. Triphala, the Ayurvedic formulation for treating and preventing cancer: a review. J Altern Complement Med. 2010;16(12):1301-1308. doi:10.1089/acm.2009.0633.)

General Benefits of Triphala

Triphala is used to treat all diseases like constipation, diarrhoea, and eyes cleansing or detoxing the colon, good for Kapha conditions, gas, diabetes, parasites.It gives a general sense of feeling pure, light & revitalized by

  • Removing toxins, accumulations, and gas
  • Nourishing the nervous system, blood & muscle
  • Improving Adrenal function in humans
  • Nourishing the bones and reproductive organs
  • Strengthening the overall immune system
  • Eliminating excess mucous from the body
  • Astringent properties
  • Reducing noise and stress-induced conditions
  • Laxative properties for keeping the colon clean
  • Improves the functioning of the liver.

The three fruits in Triphala are like the three musketeers each comes with its own benefits. Amlaki is a fruit rich in vitamin C that builds immunity and an effective antioxidant that removes harmful toxins from the body. Similarly, the other two herbs, a)  Vibhitaki with anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties and b) Haritaki that stimulates the functioning of the digestive system and sensory organs. Together they are a potent ingredient to fight stomach disorders.

Livonia has fortified the goodness of Triphala which helps in detoxifying the liver to significantly improve the overall digestive system.

The Goodness of Triphala in Branolia’s Livonia

TriphalaThe science and practice of Ayurveda began in India more than 5,000 years ago, and this traditional system of healing has a worldwide appeal in today’s world. Branolia Chemical Works has been manufacturing herbal medicines for more than 90 years. They are committed to deliver best in business herbal products. Branolia Chemical Work became a household name with their flagship product Branolia. However, over the span of years, different products are continuously being added to Branolia’s portfolio of herbal medicine to enhance overall well-being.

Branolia Chemical Works have developed a unique product, Livonia, which helps in enhancing the functioning of the liver. The liver is a vital organ in the body which helps the overall functioning of the digestive system. The liver is also an important gland that helps in the secretion of chemicals that are used by the different parts of the body. The liver also detoxifies and acts as a storage unit. The most important ingredient utilized by Branolia Chemical Works in the formulation of Livonia is Triphala (Tridoshic Rasayana).

Triphala (Tridoshic Rasayana) is an herbal formulation that has been in use for thousand of years.It is a combination of Terminalia chebula (Haritaki), Terminalia belarica (Bibhitaki) and Emblica Officinalis (Amalaki), in equal proportions. Livonia from Braolia Chemical uses Triphala as a primary ingredient.

Amalaki –

Chemically referred to as Embilica Officinalis, this herb has been known to contain antioxidant properties since ages. Amla, is a rich source of vitamin C, is considered to be effective in slowing down the aging process which occurs mainly because of the presence of oxygen free radicals in cells. Vitamin C is a scavenger of free radicals which break them down; it has an antioxidant that synergises with vitamin E to prevent pre-oxidation of lipids. It is one of the key ingredients in Triphala.

Haritaki –

Also known as terminalia chebula, it is a small tree which is mostly found in India, Bangladesh, China, and Egypt. Various experiments have been conducted using this herb. Traditionally it has been used as a laxative, astringent and even as an expectorant. (Source: Department of Medical Sciences, Ministry of Public Health. Thai Herbal Pharmacopoeia Volume II. Nonthaburi, Thailand. 2000; 71-89). There is also a research which highlights the fact that it is able to cure blindness and even prevent the growth of tumors. ( Source: Saleem A, Husheem M, Harkonen P and Pihlaja K; Inhibition of cancer cell growth by crude extract and the phenolics of Terminalia chebula Retz fruit. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2002; 81(3): 327- 336 )

Bibhitaki –

Terminalia belerica  is found widely in the Indian sub-continent is often used for its detoxifying qualities. When research was conducted on rabbits, it was observed that this herb relaxed the thoracic aorta. (Source: Arif-Ullah Khan and Anwarl Hassan Gilani. Pharma co-dynamic Evaluation of Terminalia belerica for its Anti-Hypertensive Journal of Food and Drug Analysis .2008;16:6-14).

Triphala has been endorsed by Deepak Chopra, an advocate for alternative medicine. Triphala has been used an important ingredient in Branolia’s Livonia to help in the digestion process. Branolia Chemical Works utilizes the goodness of Triphala along with other herbs to keep the digestive system well-tuned.