Tag Archives: Constipation

How Bellytone Can Ease Your Pain

Ayurveda believes that human beings are all a part of nature. Just as animals and plants are interdependent on each other to create balance within their beings, there is an inherent connection between the universe and human beings. Unlike the animal kingdom, human beings live in a more complex, natural world where they are continuously exposed to environmental changes. Any kind of change in weather, society, economy, lifestyle, diet, work, financial status, emotions, and relationships can easily tip the balance and negatively influence an individual’s state of mind, body, and soul. With the increase in pollution and lifestyle changes, human beings have become more prone to diseases. Ayurveda tends to balance out all the elements present in a human body to enhance overall well-being.

Branolia Chemicals with a legacy of over ninety years constantly endeavors to bring together a potpourri of ayurvedic medicines to help humans adjust to the changing environments.

Millions of people around the globe suffer from indigestion and constipation. In ayurvedic language, indigestion is called ‘Agnimandya’. Indigestion is also a root cause of various other diseases like constipation. Keeping the stomach clean is essential for the proper functioning of the digestive system. Malfunctioning of the digestive system may lead to various other ailments. Bellytone from the house of Branolia Chemicals is formulated to fight problems related to indigestion and constipation.

Bellytone is prepared after extensive research and the key ingredients are Haritaki, Sonapata Teori, and Ajowan. In Ayurveda, Haritaki (Terminalia Chebula) is considered as a wonder herb.Haritaki is also one of the prime ingredients in Triphala. Haritaki has great nutritional values as it contains essential vitamins, calcium, and proteins. Some of the key benefits of Haritaki are:

  1. Reduction in constipation
  2. Smooth functioning of the digestive system
  3. Helps in improving the nervous system

The other important herb in Bellytone is Sonapata or Oroxylum indicum. This herbal plant is known to possess anti-inflammatory, diuretic, antifungal and antibacterial properties. The roots of this plant are used to fight diarrhea and dysentery. However, the seeds of this plant are an extremely effective remedy for constipation.

At Branolia Chemicals, research is given a priority. Indeed, it is this emphasis on Research &Development that allows Branolia to produce safe, efficacious and consistent remedies using ayurvedic principles.

The Research &Development department in Branolia Chemicals is focused on product development, quality control, and standardization. All the products are derived from rigorous research and produced in state-of-the-art facilities. They represent our commitment to continuous investment in the best people, practices, and technology. Each product undergoes years of primary research before it reaches the market.

Bellytone from Branolia Chemicals is perfected after years of research and is one of the most effective ayurvedic remedies against Constipation and indigestion.