Tag Archives: Chronic Constipation

Ayurvedic Medical Tourism – A SWOT Analysis

Ayurvedic treatment and medication have captured the attention of the global population since ages. Ayurveda has gained popularity in recent times because of its overall approach towards diseases, the simplicity of the procedures and the availability of cure from chronic and incurable diseases with the use of herbs. The formation of the Ministry of Ayush in 2014 and the steps taken by the government in promoting Ayurvedic treatment and medicine globally have given it a much-needed boost. This year in the 4th International Ayurveda Congress held in the Netherlands, Ayurveda was hailed as the mother of modern medicine. This global recognition is turning India into a prime destination for ayurvedic health tourism. India with its natural abundance of forest resources, the climate, and easy availability of herbs is best suited for therapeutic and rejuvenating ayurvedic treatment. A techno-centric lifestyle, increasing level of stress, anxiety, wrong food habits have encouraged more and more people to opt for ayurvedic health tourism.

A study of the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats of the Ayurvedic Tourism will give a proper insight:


  • It is part of the traditional health sector and is in vogue since ages
  • A source of alternative medicine and is recognized globally
  • Strong support from the government
  • A large number of herbal medicine and ayurvedic treatments are available easily
  • Hospitals and ayurvedic dispensaries in all the states of India
  • The huge resource base of doctors with necessary skill sets from recognized universities and institutions
  • Government funded research labs across India to study herbs and herbal medicines


  • Low on technology
  • Lack of globally accepted standards
  • Lack of integration with the mainstream market
  • Irregular supply of raw material


  • Lifestyle issues of the people like, stress, wrong food habits, anxiety to name a few
  • Increased knowhow of alternative cures
  • The rise in demand for alternative medical treatment with the high cost of healthcare facilities


  • Lack of measures to standardize medicines and herbs used in Ayurvedic treatment
  • Non-availability of certain herbs on a regular basis
  • Lack of innovation and research and development in the segment of ayurvedic medicine
  • Adopting modern techniques for the diagnosis of diseases
  • A SWOT analysis will help the health tourism in India to identify new opportunities and to focus on long-term benefits.

India currently offers an array of ayurvedic medicine for the overall well-being of the people using them. Branolia Chemical Works has been offering a range of herbal products that have been well accepted by people across all genres. The offerings from Branolia Chemical Works comprises of

  1. Branolia – The flagship product of the company also known as a memory enhancer is in circulation for more than a century
  2. Livonia – To help in the digestion process
  3. Kulerron – To fight anemia and increase the hemoglobin count in the blood
  4. Bellytone – To remove constipation
  5. Bitocough – Used in the cure for a cough and cold
  6. Honeyguard – This ayurvedic medicine brings with it the goodness of honey and some other medicinal herbs.

The impact of ayurvedic tourism will increase the overall economic positioning of the entire ayurvedic industry and will also give it a boost globally.

Ministry of AYUSH Signs MoU to Promote Medicinal Herbs

The National Medicinal Plants Board (NMPB), Ministry of AYUSH, in order to address the scarcity in the supply of medicinal herbs has signed an MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) with the Tribal Cooperative Marketing Development Federation of India Ltd. (TRIFED) recently. The main purpose behind the signing of the MoU is to stimulate the production of medicinal herbs in the tribal areas. This will have a dual benefit of promoting livelihood among the tribal people along with the increased production of good quality medicinal herbs.

The main activities that the MoU envisages on promoting are:

  • Identification of new medicinal plants that are grown in the tribal areas.
  • To encourage and endorse skill up gradation and capacity building for the gatherers.
  • The SHGs functioning under the Van Dhan Vikas  Kendra will receive the necessary financial assistance and hand-holding to help them grow good quality Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (MAPs). Training and awareness building exercises will be conducted on Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) & Good Field Collection Practices (GFCP). The  Van-Dhan Vikas Kendra promote medicinal herbal gardens.
  • A research and testing center will be established based on standards laid down in consultation with NMPB,Ministry of AYUSH where further studies on potential medicinal plants can be undertaken.
  • Establishing a supply chain system for Minor Forest Produce to generate employment and help the local people get suitable compensation for their produce.

The usage of herbs to treat ailments has been in vogue since time immemorial. Traditional medicines have evolved from the knowledge, skills, and practices that were solely dependent on the availability of herbs locally. It has been observed in recent times with population rise, insufficient availability of drugs and rising cost of treatment has led to a growing trend in the use of ayurvedic medicinal herbs as a source of medicine for a variety of human ailments. The biggest challenge that the ayurvedic industry is facing currently is the scarcity of good quality medicinal herbs. This MOU will transfer the onus to tribals who have an intimate knowledge of the forests and collect forest produce to help both in conservation and increase the availability of medicinal plants through improved collection methods. It is also felt that the MOU will help indigenous people to become cultivators of medicinal plants through medicinal plant gardens.

We at  Branolia Chemical Works believe that this MoU will act as an important enabler in making medicinal plants available to the Ayurvedic industry and go a long way in making Indian system of medicine a mainstay in Indian health system.

We at Branolia Chemical Works have constantly strived to bring quality products to the masses at prices that are pocket-friendly. Ayurvedic formulations using medicinal herbs like Kulekhara, Ashwagandha, Brahmi, Vasak, Pipul, Jasthimadhu, Kalmegh is being successfully manufactured by Branolia Chemical Works for the past 95 years and address health problems like anemia, constipation, jaundice, loss of appetite, indigestion, flatulence, dyspepsia, congested liver, enlarged liver etc.




14% of Indians Suffer from Constipation

A large number of Indians are facing the Piku syndrome. “Motion Se Hi Emotion” which Bhashkor Banerjee (Amitabh Bachchan) repeats every time when his effort and outcome in the toilet do not match rings a bell for at least 14% of Indians who suffer from chronic constipation.

The incidence of chronic constipation is pervasive in India as revealed by the study by the Pharma major Abbot. Doctors define chronic constipation as a condition where there is the inability to pass stools more than three times a week, and for more than three months at a stretch. Other symptoms experienced are abnormally hard stools, the need to strain very hard to pass motions, feeling of incomplete evacuation or a feeling of bowel obstruction.

The Abbot survey titled “Gut Health Survey” revealed the following:

  • Chronic Constipation in India is higher than the international average: While globally chronic constipation afflicts 10% of the population, in India this figure stand at 14%.
  • Older people report a higher incidence of chronic constipation: 20% of the people in higher age group (45-65) experience constipation as compared to the overall average of 14%.
  • Causes of constipation directly linked to the type of food intake: Non- vegetarian food, low water intake, snacking and eating fried food frequently leads to constipation.
  • Chronic constipation adversely impacts the quality of life: Lack of sleep, stress, physical discomfort (gas, acidity, stomach aches, loss of appetite etc), irritability, mood swings, lack of interest in work are some of the frequently mentioned conditions emanating out of constipation.
  • Serious impacts of constipation are known to the majority of patients: 75% of the respondents reported that they knew that prolonged constipation can lead to other medical problems, with piles or haemorrhoids, ulcers, abdominal pain and anal fissures being the leading issues.
  • Medical attention is rarely sought in preliminary stages for constipation: Seeking prompt medical attention for constipation is not a norm in India. 80% of the respondents with chronic constipation looked for a solution only after they faced the issue multiple times. The average time taken to visit a doctor was 80 days from the time the respondents first faced symptoms of chronic constipation. About 30% of the patients approached a doctor only after 3 -5 months or more of continuous symptoms. 60% of people with chronic constipation opted for home remedies as the most preferred treatment option for relief. However, half the people who self-medicated eventually visited a doctor for a cure.

We at Branolia understand the debilitating conditions that constipation can lead to and would advise taking corrective measures at the advent of constipation symptoms.

Branolia’s Bellytone brings the knowledge of Ayurveda to help chronic constipation patients to deal with their situation. Made from herbal ingredients like Sonapata, Haritaki, Teori & Ajowan blended perfectly, this extremely effective preparation keeps stomach problem at bay. Sonapata is useful as a purgative in habitual constipation, while Hartaki is a good laxative and fights flatulence. Teori acts as a carminative and prevents the formation of gas in the gastrointestinal tract thereby combating flatulence.

Branolia’s Bellytone is the natural way of fighting chronic constipation and its timely use helps prevent serious medical problems associated with prolonged constipation to set in like piles or haemorrhoids, ulcers, abdominal pain and anal fissures.

On a lighter note, we sometimes wonder that if Mr. Bhashkor Banerjee (in Piku movie) had taken Bellytone in time, then the movie Piku would have had a different storyline.