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Modern Age Ayurveda with Integrated Technology and Digitalization

Branolia Blog

India, the holy land, has been always revered for her immense contribution to the world, in various spheres. She has always defined her perpetual relationship with the various elements of Mother Nature. Ayurveda defines one such explicable relation of ancient India with Mother Nature. Ayurveda is the system of medication which has been an integral part of India’s glorious past.

In the modern age, Ayurveda has imbibed technology, which is evident through technological developments in ayurvedic medicines as in today’s clockwork world; technology and digitalization have seized the limelight. In today’s world, every single aspect of our lives is governed by technology. It has taken its reigns over nature’s potentiality as well. With advanced technology and digitalization, Branolia Chemicals can easily upgrade their brand value. Some of Branolia Chemical’s popular products are Branolia, Branolia’s Kulerron, Branolia’s Honey Guard, Bitocough, Bellytone, and Livonia.

We see nowadays that, technology has created its impression on Ayurveda in the most unique way. Numerous software has been designed to provide specific guidelines for Ayurvedic doctors so that there is no diversion in the methodology of their treatments and it is carried out in a meticulous way. In the modern age, information technology plays a vital role in the propagation of Ayurveda. It incorporates clinical uses that add regular improvisations in the flow. Some of the technical innovations are:

  1. CAM- (Computerized Ayurvedic Medicare) Body Tuning is another form of the treatment in which the procedures of treatment are interconnected. Firstly, the data related to the physical conditions are indicated and relayed. Secondly, the data collected is comprehended so that it can be used to assess and effectively diagnose the problem. Originally, this software had been tested by Gujarat Ayurveda University in 1993 that had been developed by Dr. M.A. Shajahan.
  2. Prakes-It is another aspect of digitalization in Ayurveda. The body constitution (Prakrti) software and estimated by this digitalized system. This was designed by CIRA (Center for Research Advancement, Kerala). It focuses on the evaluation of the Prakrti.
  3. PILEX – Piles is a prominent problem faced by most people and there is no permanent solution to it as it is recurrent. Hence, technology has gifted the software PILEX which directs towards determination, effective diagnosis and facilitates treatment for a healthy future ahead.
  4. AYUSOFT- The Centre for Development of Advanced Computing had designed a software system, such that it facilitates the diagnosis of prevalent diseases. The system makes provisions for on-line learning sessions as well as constant up-gradation of the system.  This system enables the physician to devise an interactive session with the system in which he gives inputs regarding the patient’s current condition in the form of answers to questions designed by the system itself. The system suggests its own diagnosis for the patient’s illness thus advising and guiding the physician all the way through.
  5. RASEX- is another contribution of digitalization. It was designed by Government Ayurveda College, Trivandrum, CIRA and ER&DC, Trivandrum. This integrated technology brings out the correlation between pharmacological properties and therapeutic properties which acts as a valuable source of information.

Recent news doing the rounds is that  Nirog Street, an association aimed at bridging the gap between Ayurvedic practitioners and patients through integrated technology, which works in close coordination with the Ministry of AYUSH. They jointly organized the third edition of the Ojha Festival in association with CSIR-IIM Technology Business Incubator, to promote Ayurveda. The aim of the festival was to provide a podium to the ayurvedic experts and practitioners who were vocal about their thoughts and opinions about the connection between Ayurveda and technology.

The production unit of Branolia Chemicals Works is GMP certified. The production unit adheres to the GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) guidelines for manufacturing, testing, and quality assurance in order to ensure that a drug product is safe for human consumption. Branolia Chemicals have consistently maintained the quality of all their products and has continually adopted new technology and manufacturing processes to keep in pace with the changing times.

Integrated technology and digitalization have indeed been a boon for our generation and Branolia Chemicals surely has an immense contribution to India’s glorious healing system. With the help of integrated technological up-gradations, the products of Branolia Chemicals will easily be able to attain their desired goals in the years to come.

Brahmi – the Herb of Grace

Ayurveda believes in the overall well- being of a human being and thus it is often termed as the ‘science of life’. Ayurveda also lays stress on maintaining a proper balance in every sphere of our lives; be it physical, emotional and spiritual. It is of utmost importance to all of us that this balance is maintained under all circumstances. In the modern world increasing digitalization is impacting our day- to – day functioning to a great extent. Till recently any individual would remember at any given times a minimum of ten phone numbers. However, with a ready to use cell phone address book and other technological devices that do the remembering for humans the ability to memorize has witnessed a downfall. But if someone is frequently being forgetful then it is time to treat one’s brain with a little bit of Ayurveda.

According to Ayurveda there are three aspects of memory and learning that the brain does. They are: a) the power of learning; b) the power to retain and process and c) the power to recall and remember.The most common popular herb used in Ayurveda to enhance the functioning of the brain is Brahmi.

Scientifically known as Bacopa Monnieri ; Brahmi as it is popularly known is a herb which is being used in Ayurveda since time immemorial. It is also known as an herb of grace which is commonly used to promote intellect and overall functioning of the brain. The Brahmi plant which is a creeper with thick leaves is easily available across the globe.

The unique health benefits of this amazing Ayurvedic herb are Brahmi has been commonly used in Ayurvedic medicines to enhance the power of the brain. Some of the organic compounds in brahmi stimulate cognitive pathways in the brain to enhance the cognitive ability of humans , according to a study by Devendra, Patel Saurabh Shankar et al., 2018 (Journal of Pharmacognosy and Photochemistry). The leaves of the Brahmi plant are also known to reduce stress and anxiety in humans. It also acts in enhancing the cognitive function, reduces amyloidal levels in PSAPP mice, the effect on the cholinergic system, prevents aluminum neurotoxicity i.e., protect the brain from oxidative damage resulting from aluminum toxicity. (Source: https://www.omicsonline.org/open-access/medhya-rasayanas-in-brain-function-and-disease-2161-0444-1000309.php?aid=64517).

Brahmi in combination with other herbs increases the effectiveness of Branolia to a large extent. It also works as an anti – inflammatory and nerve tonic agent when combined with digestive stimulants like cumin seeds, fennel seeds to name a few.

Branolia an Ayurvedic tonic is the flagship product from the house of Branolia Chemicals was first launched in 1922.This tonic is being used for improving the mental capacities for more than a decade. Branolia is fortified with the goodness of Satamuli,Aswagandha, Jyoshtimadhu and Alkushi which apart from enhancing the capacities of the brain improves muscle and tissue flexibility. Branolia can be administered to people of all ages. It is useful to sharpen the cognitive skills in the young ones, for the middle aged to relieve them from stress. Branolia is especially of value to the senior citizens to manage age related mental degeneration. It can be consumed by all for a healthy lifestyle.

Ayurvedic Medicine Market Visualizes a Surge Globally

Research reports published by Orbis Research.com predict that the Global Ayurvedic Market will witness an upward surge to $9,791.0 million by 2022. These are positive signals for manufacturers of Ayurvedic products to make a foray into the global market. Success to a large extent will depend on the online presence of Ayurvedic medicine manufacturers. The conditions favorable for the spread of Ayurveda globally can be attributed to the fact that ayurvedic medicine has become more:

  1. Accessible and affordable –Ayurvedic medicines are natural and have no side effects. With the global consumer trend shifting towards herbal, organic, and natural solution there is a rise in the demand for ayurvedic products from all the corners of the world. The hindrance was in the accessibility and affordability of the Ayurvedic products. Manufacturers of Ayurvedic products have also woken up to new possibilities of marketing to reach out to the necessary consumer segment. The growth in online marketplaces globally has bolstered the entire process of reaching out to consumers globally.
  2. Technologically Driven – The ayurvedic healthcare segment has received a boost from the rise in online trade and commerce. Online transactions are a lot more transparent and to add to that the introduction of quality control standards by the Ministry of Ayush has enhanced consumer confidence.

The online marketplaces have increased consumer confidence in the products by providing accurate information about the products. Easy accesses to patient testimonial and reviews on the products have also helped users get a better update about the products offered in the market.

  • Leveraging research and development – The Ministry of Ayush has initiated various projects to boost research and development in the field of Ayurvedic medicine. Recently they have signed an MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) to promote cooperation in the field Indian traditional medicinal system. With the incorporation of new technology in this field, Ayurvedic medicine is all set to soar high. The government is also promoting Ayurvedic hospitals and institution in the country.

Ayurvedic medicine originally committed itself to a two-fold purpose––– a reversal of diseases and health promotion with no side effects. Ayurveda aimed towards an entire paradigm shift brought on by a shift in consumer mindsets from trying to achieve mere physical health to adopting an approach that considers physical, mental/psychological, and spiritual health. With many countries incorporating therapies that include Ayurvedic medicines as part of their tourism promotion strategy, the unique differentiation potential of authentic Ayurvedic health services has increased in the last couple of decades.

Branolia Chemical Works with its huge range of ayurvedic medicine is all set to become market winners.

Ayurvedic Tips for a Cool Summer

Ayurveda sustains on the common knowledge that seasons are divided on the basis of elemental forces or doshas as they are popularly known. The three doshas are kapha, pitta, and dosha. The summer season is ruled by the pitta dosha which is ruled by the fire and water element. Balancing these two elements will lead to a healthy body. The advent of summer in India is laced with extreme heat, dehydration, sweat and skin problems. However, Ayurveda has a lot to offer to maintain a healthy body in this weather.

 Ayurveda believes that whatever is happening in nature is also happening inside our bodies. This simply indicates to the fact that during the hot summer months heat accumulates inside our bodies as well. Thus consuming proper food is the best tool to balance out excessive summer heat. It is only possible by consuming food with higher water content that will keep the bodies hydrated at all times. Some of the Ayurvedic tips to keep cool this summer are:

  1. Consume foods to address the Pitta Dosha: In order to balance out the doshas during the summer months including foods with cooling effect will help. The focus should be on consuming:
    • Vegetables: Cucumber, summer squashes (zucchini), celery, asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, and all green vegetables (spinach, kale, chard, etc.)
    • Fruits: Melons, grapes, berries, and stone fruits such as peaches and pears
  2. Time is an essential factor: It is advisable that especially during the summer months one should not skip lunch. A proper lunch will help balance out the pitta dosha and keep the body cool. Foods like meats, carrots, garlic, and chili should not be consumed in large quantities as they tend to hamper the functioning of the overall bodily functions by increasing the pitta dosha. Moreover, all strenuous activities should be avoided when the sun is overhead.
  3. Refrain from hot drinks: Hot beverages of all kinds should be especially avoided during the summer months. It is essential to consume drinks that are in the room temperature and are neither very hot nor very cool. Drinking chilled waters harm digestion in many ways.
  4. Moderate exercising is the key: Exercising should be of moderate nature as excessive exercising may create an imbalance in the body. It is always advisable to practice breathing exercises which have a calming and cooling effect on the body.
  5. Go herbal – Ayurvedic herbs have been in vogue since generation as to help in maintaining the balance and warding off the doshas. The most common herb that can be used to have a cooling effect on the brain is Brahmi along with Ashwagandha. Branoila Chemicals have been manufacturing the well-known tonic ‘Branolia’ since decades. This tonic will not only enhance brain function but will also have a cooling effect. Another important herb which is essential to detoxify the body is the Triphala. Its use as a digestive cleanser has been supported by various modern scientific studies as well. Livonia from the house of Branolia Chemicals is fortified with the goodness of Triphala will help balance out the pitta dosha.

Ayurveda strongly recommends that diet needs to change with every season to promote healthy and happy living.

Anemia at Older Age

With population aging, Anemia in older patients is a condition which doctors have to increasingly deal with. Large prospective registry studies have revealed an overall prevalence of anemia ranging from 10% to 24% in older individuals. Senior adults admitted to the hospital are more frequently affected by anemia (40%), and the prevalence is even higher (47%) in nursing home residents. Incidence of anemia rises with age with from 17% for males and 13% for females for mean age of 65 yrs to 45% for males and 30% of females in 85 yrs old age bracket.


World Health Organization (WHO) thresholds were established in 1968 in a cohort of persons <65 years old, defining anemia as a hemoglobin (Hb) level of <130 g/L in men and <120 g/L in women. However, Hb levels decline with age and are distinct in different ethnic groups.

Low Hb levels are a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, cognitive impairment, insomnia, impaired mood, and restricted Quality of Life. Moreover, anemia is associated with reduced physical performance. Low Hb levels are associated with an increased risk for falls and fractures. In addition, the presence of anemia is significantly associated with more frequent hospitalization and longer hospital stays for the elderly.

The various types of anemia affecting the elderly:

Anemia based on iron, folate, and/or vitamin B12 deficiency

Iron depletion is often associated with malnutrition. Age-dependent alterations in function of Gastro Intestinal Tract, concurrent use of multiple medications, and social isolation may lead to malnutrition and subsequent anemia. Bleeding due to a variety of medications (eg, acetylsalicylic acid, standard or direct oral anticoagulants) or GI diseases, including cancer, is the most frequent cause of iron-deficient anemia in older patients.

Anemia developing in the context of Chronic Kidney Disease

At least one-third of anemic patients older than 65 years show a hyper-inflammatory state typical for Chronic kidney disease(CKD) or for AI (cancer, autoimmune disease, and chronic infection). Renal failure results in severe anemia because of reduced EPO production. Erythropoietin (EPO) is the glycoprotein hormone that promotes differentiation of Erythroid Progenitor cells in bone marrow.

Clonal Anemia

Anemia is a condition wherein the number of red blood cells decreases in number and thus the oxygen carrying capacity of blood falls. Generally it is owed to iron deficiency. However in the older population it may be because of mutation in the blood cells. Though mutations take place in our body throughout our lifetime, they are small and cause no trouble. However as we grow older, the effect of these accumulated mutations become visible.

Branolia’s Kulleron brings in the goodness of Kulekhara in helping maintain hemoglobin levels in the blood. Kulekhara herb has been known for its anemia combating abilities in traditional medicine and ratified by modern research. Kulekhara contains 7.03 mg/100 gm of iron as well as other micro nutrients like sodium, potassium and copper. All this goodness goes into Kulleron which is prepared from the whole plant including root, leaves and stem.

Kulleron is an ayurvedic formulation. Advice of the doctor for persistent anemia is recommended.


  1. Gaskell H, Derry S, Andrew Moore R, McQuay HJ. Prevalence of anaemia in older persons: systematic review. BMC Geriatr. 2008;8:1.
  2. Merchant AA, Roy CN. Not so benign haematology: anaemia of the elderly. Br J Haematol.2012;156(2):173-185.
  3. Stauder R, Thein SL. Anemia in the elderly: clinical implications and new therapeutic concepts.Haematologica. 2014;99(7):1127-1130.
  4. Artz AS, Thirman MJ. Unexplained anemia predominates despite an intensive evaluation in a racially diverse cohort of older adults from a referral anemia clinic. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci.2011;66A(8):925-932.
  5. Valent P. Anaemia of the elderly (AOE): does it exist and does it matter in clinical practice? Eur J Clin Invest. 2008;38(10):782-783.
  6. Valent P, Horny HP, Bennett JM, et al. Definitions and standards in the diagnosis and treatment of the myelodysplastic syndromes: consensus statements and report from a working conference. Leuk Res. 2007;31(6):727-736.
  7. Valent P, Orazi A, Steensma DP, et al. Proposed minimal diagnostic criteria for myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) and potential pre-MDS conditions. Oncotarget. 2017;8(43):73483-73500.

Ayurvedic Celebrations of Christmas and New Year

“Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, and Jingle all the way, Santa Claus is coming to town, riding on his sleigh!”

So finally it is Christmas Time and time for a New Year!!!

The entire atmosphere is laced with the spirit of Christmas from churches to lighted streets to colorfully decorated shops. It’s that time of the year when everyone is encouraged to be joyful, charitable, generous and kind. The festivity and spirit of this season pervade all, and no one can resist its joyous essence. But the festive season also brings in with it a lot of stress. Overindulgence with food and festivity leaves a person bloated, hung-over, miserable and with a worse state of overall health. All these things add up to more stress. However, it can be prevented with Ayurveda.

Some of the simple things that can be adhered to by the people during the festive season to avoid stress during the Christmas season are:

An Ayurvedic Toast

Christmas is celebrated during the cold winter months in the northern hemisphere. In order to keep the body warm a drink with the right kind of spices and ayurvedic herbs will be of great help. The things required to make a healthy warm drink that can be toasted on Christmas is :


  • 5 – 6 fresh mint leaves
  • 5 – 6 holy basil leaves
  • 4 – 5 lemongrass stalks about 6 inches long
  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 cup of orange or apple juice
  • Salt or sugar as preferred


  1. Boil water over medium heat
  2. Let it boil gently for about one minute
  3. Put the mint, basil leaves and roughly chopped lemongrass in a glass with one cup of orange or apple juice
  4. Add 3 teaspoons of salt or raw sugar
  5. Pour boiling water slowly into the glass
  6. Cover and let it rest for five minutes

This drink is best suited for those with respiratory ailments like a cough and cold. This drink is also used to enhance immunity by balancing all the three doshas.

Cooking an Ayurvedic Dinner

An ayurvedic meal comprising of grains, beans or lentils, vegetables are healthy and are effective in keeping diseases at bay. They also help in digestion and add variety, taste, and interest to the meal.
The festive seasons are meant for us to enjoy and are important for our mental well – being. Proper healthy food is essential to balance the Doshas.

Branolia Chemicals have ayurvedic health tonics to address various issues related to bodily functions. Branolia’s Honey Guard, Livonia, Bitocough are all essential ayurvedic health tonics to balance the doshas.

The saying, “ A man is what he eats” is taken a step further by Ayurveda which also adds that it is not only what one eats but also how and when. Ayurveda always recommends a balanced approach to eating food that is fresh, digestible, satisfying our senses and prepared with love and care.


The Women Idol Makers of Bengal

Women Idol Makers of Bengal

Kumartoli, in Kolkata, is a famous place for being the designer’s abode of thousands of idols that are rolled out each year during the festive season. A group of artisans has been mesmerizing the world with their unique art form. It has always been a male bastion for all these years. A few women have challenged this monopoly of male artisans. These new and determined breeds of women are breathing new life into wet clay to create a goddess that they can relate to.

The few of the extraordinary women folk who were able to carve a niche a niche out for themselves are:

  1. Mala Pal – Her small room in the narrow lanes of Kumartoli are adorned with several awards that she has won for her art. After quitting formal schooling at the age of 15, she only took up working as a full-time artisan after her father’s death. Today she has earned a place for herself and the idols made by her are exported to various countries in Australia, Canada, and Mala’s forte is the foldable idols that can be easily shipped to foreign locales. She has been successful and is now a famous name in Kumartoli.
  2. China Pal – China was initiated into this trade by a sudden twist of destiny. A sudden demise of her father and the financial hardship that followed forced China to take up the family business. Twenty-two years and China is today overseeing a team of twelve people working hard to meet the demands of her client. It is not just her profession but her passion that has earned her international fame. China has also participated in the China-South Asia & Southeast Asia Arts Week and Lancang Mekong Arts Festival.
  3. Kanchi Pal – She is a one-woman army who faced a lot of hardships, competition from her male counterparts to carve a place for her. Today all her idols are in high demand. She is one of the new generations of artists who are well adept in designing contemporary idols. Her idols have also won awards and accolades.

Clad in a sari these women entered this profession, not by choice but sheer coincidence. There have been times when these women have lost faith, but they kept fighting. Over the years, these hard-working women have mastered the art of mixing clay to give the right dimension to the idols that they design with such care. Today they are recognized for their talents globally and often conduct workshops all over the world. They conduct camps and have also ventured into the domain of creating clay jewelry during the lay months.

Branolia Chemicals recognizes the true spirit of these women, embodiments of Durga and Kali in real life.

At Branolia Chemical Works, concern for women and their health needs has always been foremost in our minds. This prompted our research team to bring out the Ayurvedic formulation Kulerron, which is extremely effective against anemia. With anemia being endemic amongst women in India, we hope to do our bit to meet this health challenge afflicting women effectively.


A Dream Come True – Swapna Barman

“ Na jitle bari phirbo na”, these were the words Swapna Barman had told her mother when she visited her family before traveling to play at the 2018  Asian Games. Determination they say is the most critical predictor of success. This rang true for Swapna Barman, a girl from the Ghospara village situated on the fringes of Jalpaiguri town in North Bengal. Determination coupled with hard work and discipline connotes the strength of one’s mind to translate dreams and desires into reality. The story of Swapna Barman is all about her tenacity, hard work, and determination.

It was the 11th day of the Asian Games in the Gelora Bung Karno Stadium in Jakarta. History was waiting in the wings to write a new story. Swapna, a girl from West Bengal was in extreme pain as the shoes that she was wearing were not designed for her six –toe feet. To add to her suffering a gum infection was troubling her since the first day of the Asian Games. But her determination to achieve her goal in life pegged her on. Before the sun began its westward journey, Swapna had created history. She had become the first Indian athlete to win a gold medal at the Heptathlon.

For Swapna Barman, this was no mean feat. Since her childhood, she was different from the others as she had six toes on each foot. From childhood, she had to struggle hard to fulfill her desires. Her father a rickshaw puller and mother a tea – picker had to struggle to earn a decent livelihood to sustain the daily needs of the family. The cost of training and sponsorship were a distant dream for Swapna. One of her biggest challenges was to find the right footwear. It was always a painful affair for Swapna to run in her ill-fitting shoes.

The events of the Heptathlon tested her grit and determination. One of the events in the heptathlon, the Shot-put, was a challenge for Swapna because of her physical abnormality of having a six toe feet and also for the pain in her jaw. She had to place the shot put against the painful jaw and cheek. Moreover, the regular shot put shoes wouldn’t fit her and was too painful. Each time she moved her swollen gums would cause excruciating pain. Swapna proved that with willpower, resolve and resilience success is not just a word in the dictionary.

Swapna Barman is an inspiration for many girls. Success stories are more often a story of opportunities, hard work, long hours and determination. Success happens in the long run when determination turns to look like talent.

Branolia Chemical Works, with an experience of over 100 years in the field of manufacturing Ayurvedic medicine in many ways similar to Swapna Barman. Their grit and determination in the face of all odds to manufacture good quality ayurvedic medicine are visible in the market reach of their product.

Branolia Chemicals salutes winners like Swapna Barman for her spirit and attitude.

Ayurvedic Medical Tourism – A SWOT Analysis

Ayurvedic treatment and medication have captured the attention of the global population since ages. Ayurveda has gained popularity in recent times because of its overall approach towards diseases, the simplicity of the procedures and the availability of cure from chronic and incurable diseases with the use of herbs. The formation of the Ministry of Ayush in 2014 and the steps taken by the government in promoting Ayurvedic treatment and medicine globally have given it a much-needed boost. This year in the 4th International Ayurveda Congress held in the Netherlands, Ayurveda was hailed as the mother of modern medicine. This global recognition is turning India into a prime destination for ayurvedic health tourism. India with its natural abundance of forest resources, the climate, and easy availability of herbs is best suited for therapeutic and rejuvenating ayurvedic treatment. A techno-centric lifestyle, increasing level of stress, anxiety, wrong food habits have encouraged more and more people to opt for ayurvedic health tourism.

A study of the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats of the Ayurvedic Tourism will give a proper insight:


  • It is part of the traditional health sector and is in vogue since ages
  • A source of alternative medicine and is recognized globally
  • Strong support from the government
  • A large number of herbal medicine and ayurvedic treatments are available easily
  • Hospitals and ayurvedic dispensaries in all the states of India
  • The huge resource base of doctors with necessary skill sets from recognized universities and institutions
  • Government funded research labs across India to study herbs and herbal medicines


  • Low on technology
  • Lack of globally accepted standards
  • Lack of integration with the mainstream market
  • Irregular supply of raw material


  • Lifestyle issues of the people like, stress, wrong food habits, anxiety to name a few
  • Increased knowhow of alternative cures
  • The rise in demand for alternative medical treatment with the high cost of healthcare facilities


  • Lack of measures to standardize medicines and herbs used in Ayurvedic treatment
  • Non-availability of certain herbs on a regular basis
  • Lack of innovation and research and development in the segment of ayurvedic medicine
  • Adopting modern techniques for the diagnosis of diseases
  • A SWOT analysis will help the health tourism in India to identify new opportunities and to focus on long-term benefits.

India currently offers an array of ayurvedic medicine for the overall well-being of the people using them. Branolia Chemical Works has been offering a range of herbal products that have been well accepted by people across all genres. The offerings from Branolia Chemical Works comprises of

  1. Branolia – The flagship product of the company also known as a memory enhancer is in circulation for more than a century
  2. Livonia – To help in the digestion process
  3. Kulerron – To fight anemia and increase the hemoglobin count in the blood
  4. Bellytone – To remove constipation
  5. Bitocough – Used in the cure for a cough and cold
  6. Honeyguard – This ayurvedic medicine brings with it the goodness of honey and some other medicinal herbs.

The impact of ayurvedic tourism will increase the overall economic positioning of the entire ayurvedic industry and will also give it a boost globally.