Tag Archives: Bellytone

The Ayurvedic Medicine for Digestion Problem


ayurvedic medicine for digestion problem

Digestion is indeed one of the most essential processes of our body. Beginning from the intake of food to the excretion of waste materials, all of these mechanisms together as a whole is defined as digestion. The malfunctioning of the digestive system gives rise to disorders like acidity and constipation. This is when Ayurveda sheds light on the reasons behind digestive problems and the concepts of AGNI (the digestive fire) and  AMA (toxins) take their shape. Dr. Vasant Lad, a veteran Ayurvedic expert based in Albuquerque, New Mexico stated his opinion about the importance of digestion in Ayurveda in an interview with the lifestyle media brand MindBodyGreen1.

In his interview, he stated how Ayurveda pinpoints the connection between digestion and AGNI.  He said that gastric fire, metabolism, and enzymes are together known as AGNI. If AGNI weakens, food would not be digested properly and undigested food would accumulate as AMA, which in other words means toxins. Ayurveda emphasizes that AMA is the underlying cause of all diseases. AMA is sticky by nature and it blocks the inner channels of the body. The accumulation of toxins in the body is responsible for weakening the immune system and that exposes people to other infections. He also mentioned how Ayurveda specifies that a mild digestive fire and profuse toxic production are the main reasons working behind frequent illnesses and that Ayurveda stresses on maintaining efficient digestion and elimination of waste materials.

Therefore, Dr. Vasant Lad’s interview magnifies our outlook on how Ayurveda perceives a healthy digestive system that ensures a healthy body.

Ayurveda aims at restoring the nourishment and well-being of the body. Bellytone and Livonia, manufactured by Branolia Chemical Works, balance the Agni- Ama equation to foster a healthy metabolism within the body.
Bellytone and Livonia contain the precise herbal extracts that address digestive disorders which are frequently exhibited by the body. Bellytone contains Sonapata, Haritaki, Ajowan, and Teori which foster digestion. Livonia consists of Triphala and Kalmegh which helps in restoring the functional efficiency of the liver.

Two of the Digestive Disorders that are Consequences of a Feeble Digestive Fire are :


Constipation is either hereditary or is caused due to a distorted food regimen. Haritaki, an Ayurvedic herb, is indeed a boon for people who have been victims of constipation. It is rich in Vitamin C and is endowed with substances that have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.
Bellytone, one of the finest products of Branolia Chemical Works which is an Ayurvedic medicine for digestion, becomes an indispensable choice for us, to do away with constipation as Bellytone contains the goodness of Haritaki in it along with Sonapata, Teori, and Ajowan.


Acidity is the burning sensation or pain experienced in the chest which generally occurs after a heavy meal.
Amla is an effective agent that subsides acidity. Amla, the Indian gooseberry is present along with Haritaki and Bibhitaki in Livonia, a liver purifying tonic manufactured by Branolia Chemical Works aimed at fostering proper liver functioning.

Thus, Branolia Chemical Works has always put its best foot forward in providing relief to the people suffering from digestive disorders with some of its promising products like Livonia and Bellytone.



Ayurvedic Remedies for Diabetes


Life does not always tilt the scales of fortune in our favour. Since man’s expectation knows no bounds, it is inevitable that he gets engulfed with anxiety and stress if things don’t turn up his way or maybe if he is too worked up. It is more often discerned that health problems crop up from a disturbed mind or the health issues may be hereditary. The mind can be put to ease in a number of ways, and Ayurveda advocates all possible remedies to diminish such common health issues. WHO1 has reported that the number of people suffering from diabetes has spiraled from 108 million in 1980 to 422 million in 2014. These figures indicate that diabetes is emerging as a common health issue that needs to be addressed in the upcoming years.

What is diabetes?

It is a condition of increased blood sugar levels in the body. The glucose in our bloodstream is the main source of energy obtained from the disintegration of food materials. The pancreas secretes a hormone called Insulin, which stimulates the passage of glucose into our cells for processing energy. When the body becomes incapable of producing sufficient insulin or, is unable to use insulin properly, a substantial amount of unused glucose persists in the bloodstream, leading to Diabetes.

Types of Diabetes:

  • Diabetes Mellitus:  This chronic situation arises either due to insufficient production of insulin or due to unresponsive behavior of cells to the glucose level.
  • Diabetes Insipidus:  This happens to be a rare situation of diabetes where the kidneys are unable to maintain the balance of body fluids and expel an abnormally large volume of urine from the body, which happens to be insipid.

Ayurvedic herbs and spices that can cure Diabetes

Since time immemorial, man has always opted for herbal remedies to cure unforeseen health disorders and Ayurveda has been benevolent enough to place its uncountable remedies at our disposition. Even though Diabetes stands as a tough challenge to Ayurveda since there are no permanent cure for it but there are certain herbs that can maintain the blood sugar level in the body regressing the negative impacts of diabetes.

Tulsi(Ocimum tenuiflorum)

This shrub is commonly grown in Indian households owing to its religious significance and medicinal properties. Tulsi is said to have diverse uses, one of them being, regulating the blood sugar levels in the body. It assists in pancreatic beta-cell function and secretion of insulin. It also helps in the absorption of glucose by the muscle cells. Traces of tulsi extract are found in Branolia’s  Honey Guard and Bitocough along with other ingredients to ease sore throat and combat viral infections.


The efficacies of the Indian gooseberry cannot be equated with any other herb in accordance with its medicinal properties. Amla is known to enhance body resistance against numerous ailments, the common ones being cough, cold & flu. However, it is also used in treating pancreatitis, a condition exhibiting inflamed pancreas, in which the insulin-secreting cells are debilitated, thus aggravating the glucose content of blood. Amla also contains chromium which balances the carbohydrate metabolism of the body, thus keeping a steady level of glucose in the blood. Livonia, manufactured by Branolia Chemical Works includes Amla extracts along with Haritaki and Bibhitaki, which cater to problems related to the Liver.


Cinnamon is one of the aromatic spices that contribute to regulating the glucose content in the blood. It is unique in the sense that it counterfeits the effects of Insulin, increasing the uptake of glucose in the cells.


Another regular spice used in the Indian kitchen is bestowed with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory  properties responsible for normalizing blood sugar levels in the body.


Another plant to be mentioned which not only plays a major role in managing stress and anxiety but also acts as an insulin stimulant, thus keeping tabs on the glucose level in the bloodstream. This herb, mixed with honey, Tulsi, Sunth, Joshtimodhu are the key ingredients of Branolia’s Honey Guard, an authentic formulation that takes care of the body’s immune system.


These leaves are far bitter in taste than neem and possess outstanding healing properties, one of them being, curbing the glucose content in the bloodstream. It also helps in restoring healthy metabolism of the liver. This is the reason, the composition of Kalmegh and Triphala is bottled and sold as Livonia, a product of Branolia Chemical Works.

Thus we have been successful in utilizing the bountiful gifts bestowed by Nature to us. The measured Ayurvedic concoctions are indeed a blessing to the common man. Man,for ages, has recognized the treasure trove of Ayurvedic remedies and used them for his personal benefits. Owing to this fact, it is justified that Ayurveda’s profuse resources were never eclipsed to the common eye neither will it ever be in the years to come.

WHO1: https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/diabetes

The Ayurvedic Lifestyle: Long forgotten Dietary Habits

There is a saying in Hindi quite popular among the masses “Aadmi Ke dil ka rasta uske pet se hi hokar jata hai… , the corresponding translation of the statement being that the way to a Man’s heart goes through his stomach”.  On a spiritual note, the stomach is the seat of processing reality. The vacuum in our stomach stirs our innermost sensations and feelings. Whenever the emptiness within begins to consume us, we devour food which satiates our need and hunger and gives us respite from our yearning. Healthy food habits are responsible for nurturing us, moulding our growth and development in a positive way. Ayurvedic lifestyle and food habits have always been a boon for the people, benefitting them in every step of life. However, the reality which surfaces itself is much gloomy. The galloping time has left  ancient Ayurvedic practices and food habits far behind, oblivious to the common man which otherwise would have been an extra advantage to us

Some of the food habits involving Ayurvedic practices which should be inculcated in our regular lifestyle:

Eating Seasonal Food

A monotonous food regime is not welcoming as it may not be enough to nurture our body. Bringing in variety in the choice of food during the different seasons of the year is an added advantage to our body’s nutrient cycle. Seasonal fruits are a necessity for healthy body growth. For instance, the consumption of curd, cucumber and bottle gourd should be imperative during the summer months bringing about a cool effect in the body. The heat aggravating foods such as ghee should be consumed during the winter months.

Discouraging Overeating or we should eat the right proportions

Recurrent meals should not be undertaken. Ayurveda insists that there should be a substantial length of time separating two consecutive meals. The spiraling rate of junk and processed food consumption intensifies toxic elements that need to be cleansed. Cultivating sattvik food habits in our daily lives facilitates the detoxification of our body. Livonia, an authentic formulation of Branolia Chemical Works proves to be a perfect Ayurvedic tonic expelling toxins from our body and revitalizing the functionalities of the pivotal digestive organ of our body, the Liver.

Slow-paced eating

It should be imperative to eat at a steady pace and directing all the concentration while chewing food. The morsel of food in our mouth should be chewed and ground well, providing sufficient surface area for the digestive enzymes in the mouth to act fast, so that the digestion speeds up after the food passes down. Bellytone is an ayurvedic tonic, manufactured by Branolia Chemical Works which aids digestion and stimulates a healthy metabolism.

Distracted eating is averse to health

Certain food habits can lead to adversities in health. Surfing phones, sifting the pages of the newspapers, tampering with other gadgets while eating will falter the relaying of signals to the brain and result in impeding the rate of enzyme secretion for digestive functioning.

Eating food using fingers

This particular food habit is accentuated in traditional lifestyles encouraged by Ayurveda. Involving fingers directly to make the morsel of food conveys a direct signal to the brain. This, in turn, stimulates the secretion of digestive enzymes enhancing digestion.

Sitting posture while having meals

This is another Ayurvedic practice that is still popular among the rustic folk, in India which is deemed beneficial for our body metabolism. Sitting in this posture is not only supposed to strengthen the muscles in the pelvic area, but also alleviate stress and anxiety, ensures tranquility to the mind on account of blood flow to the brain.

Drinking  water while standing should be avoided

The standing posture for eating food or drinking water is more often criticized for its negative health impacts. Drinking water up straight mounts unnecessary pressure on the kidneys. It also disturbs the equilibrium of the body fluids, amassing fluids in the joints inflicting arthritis.

Lukewarm water at the beginning of the day

An ayurvedic practice which people should adhere to is to drink lukewarm water and then to start rolling in the regular chores. Lukewarm water warms up the body, thus hastening metabolic activities and assists in shedding bodyweight.

These Ayurvedic practices should be cultivated in our daily lives for a harmonious and serene lifestyle. Branolia Chemical Works has maintained the pristine essence of Ayurveda in its authentic products. The formulated tonic like Bellytone has created a perpetual imprint on our lives and that is what makes a difference today.



It becomes a norm for every quintessential Indian to get tied to the phenomenal festivities offered by our culture, be it a small scale celebration or a festival celebrated with majesty. The dedication to participate in many festivities thrives on the heart of every Indian. The receding celebrations of Navratri, make way for the modest advances of the next session of festivities in a row, Dhanteras, Diwali and Bhai Dooj. Dhanteras assumed to be “the day of wealth” to be concise in one word, symbolizes abundance and replenishment of wealth in everyone’s lives. Another myth supporting the origin of this day is that as told in the Puranas ,Lord Dhanvantari, the God Of Ayurveda, had emerged from a Samudra Manthan and he held a Kalash of Amrit in one hand and the sacred text of Ayurveda in the other. This year( 2019) Dhanteras was held on the 25th of October. However, this calendar date also strikes a chord with us reminding that the Ministry of AYUSH, was commenced on the 9th of November, 2014. This Ministry was known as the Department of Indian System of Medicine and Homeopathy(ISM&H) and it had been formed in March 1995. Years later, it was renamed as AYUSH, the abbreviation for Ayurveda, Yoga, and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, and Homoeopathy, in November 2003. It specifically focused on broadening the scope of education and research in Ayurveda, Yoga, and Naturotherapy, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy. Over the years, the Ministry has encouraged the favourable development and propagation of the AYUSH techniques in the current health care systems.

The Ministry of AYUSH had come forward with the decision on celebrating the National Ayurveda Day every year,on the same day which is observed as Dhanteras. This year the Ministry of AYUSH conducted the Fourth Ayurveda Day at Jaipur while the National Institute of Ayurveda (NIA) were the ones who hosted the event. The NIA held both the Dhanvantari Pujan and National Dhanwantari Ayurveda Awards-2019 which were two events on the National Ayurveda Day. Shri Om Birla, Speaker in the Lok Sabha graced the event as the Chief Guest while Shri Shiprad Yesson Naik, the Union Minister of AYUSH participated in the event. The event also observed 25 delegates of Mekong-Ganga Cooperation (MGC) who were active participants of the subsequent events on the 4th Ayurveda Day. Ayurveda, the ancient healing system which dates back to thousand years, originated in India. It has been rendered as one of the most meticulous and well-documented systems of medicines. Modern India inculcates the Ayurvedic way of living even to this day. Ayurveda aims at preventing diseases and promote a healthy state of living. The primary objectives of National Ayurveda Day are:

  1. Endeavouring to propagate Ayurveda into the mainstream
  2. To concentrate on the strengths and unique principles offered by Ayurveda
  3. Utilizing Ayurveda’s potentials as a cornerstone of reducing diseases and related morbidity and mortality.
  4. Exploration of Ayurveda’s potential, which plays an instrumental role in shaping national health policy and National Health programs.
  5. To create awareness amongst the young generation and to propagate Ayurvedic principles of healing within the society, in modern India.

The well-reputed Branolia Chemical Works has always upheld the principles of Ayurveda, over such a vast expanse of time and it still continues to do so. Ayurveda can always be addressed as a medical benefactor who has dissipated the arduous health miseries from the lives of people. Branolia Chemical Works has embraced the authenticities of Ayurveda through its products. Each of the products of Branolia Chemical Works, namely, Branolia, Branolia’s Kulerron, Branolia’s Honey Guard, Bitocough, Bellytone, and Livonia have alleviated people from their adverse health conditions and will continue to do so many more years down the line.

Ayurveda’s Call On Irritable Bowels

Healthy bowel movements are one of the major reasons that ensure the robust metabolism of the body. However, there are instances when the body does not perform regular mechanisms of excretion due to a number of reasons. This, in turn, triggers disorders related to the large intestine which involve bloating of the lower abdomen, flatulence, and in some instances even diarrhea. The prominence of these symptoms may suggest the presence of Irritable Bowel Syndrome which is a functional disorder occurring in the gastrointestinal tract. Ayurveda fosters the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders through some of its herbal formulations of Sonapata, Haritaki, and Teori as they never come with side-effects.

IBS has two segregations, one being IBS-D(due to diarrhea) and the other being IBS-C(due to constipation)

  • IBS-D is identified with frequent diarrhea  and  problems such as recurring stools, Nausea, also the feeling of unevacuated bowels during excretion are some of the distinctive symptoms of IBS-D
  • IBS-C  features abdominal pain and an uncomfortable sensation owing to constipation. It has distinctive symptoms of bloating of abdomen, flatulence, straining sensation during the passage of stool.

The causes of Irritable Bowel Syndrome(IBS) are based on some assumptions as the actual reasons supporting its cause are unknown:

  • Gastroenteritis, which is typically a bacterial or viral infection in the stomach and intestines, acts as a potential trigger for IBS.
  • The possible occurrence of food sensitivities due to absorption of salts and acids from food
  • Peculiarities in the serotonin levels in the colon which adversely affect the colon and bowel movement
  • Anxiety, stress, and depression may play a vital role in the occurrence of IBS.

Some prominent symptoms of IBS include:

  1. Pain in the abdomen, Bloating of the abdomen, and severe cramps which mitigates the passage of stool.
  2. Excess flatulence
  3. Constipation
  4. Mucous discharge in the stool.
  5. Bleeding from the rectum
  6. Incurring weight loss
  7. Nausea- the urge to vomit
  8. Lethargy

Nowadays, people have become more vulnerable to such gastrointestinal disorders due to their imbalanced diets, consumption of gluten-rich and fried foods and they are responsible for deterring the bowel movement. A report published by the Indian Society of Gastroenterology Task Force in 2008 aimed at studying the profile of Irritable Bowel Syndrome(IBS) and the incidence of its symptoms across the population in India. The study concluded that most middle-aged men were susceptible to IBS. It stated that middle-aged men experiencing IBS had a sensation of incomplete evacuation of bowels and the presence of mucus in their stool. Even though abdominal pain was a prominent symptom but it was not universal and that the stool frequency was similar for all the patients irrespective of the fact, whether it was diarrhea or constipation. The study highlighted that 90 percent of the non- affected people had 1to 2 stools per day whereas  4.2 percent of the people, experienced complex symptoms of IBS.1 Evidently, more people in the middle ages are seeking medical assistance for its cure.

Even though in today’s world, allopathic cures are more sought after, Ayurveda can offer much simpler and refined remedies to alleviate victims of  IBS. There are a number of ayurvedic solutions which suffice the treatment of hindered bowel movements. Branolia Chemicals is one such company that has utilized Ayurveda’s authenticity and versatility in a way that would benefit every man. Branolia Chemicals has a number of products in store for us, and one such product which meets the requirements for healing IBS is Bellytone. Bellytone is one such exclusive tonic manufactured by Branolia Chemicals which is an amalgamation of Sonapata, Haritaki, Teori and Ajowan, all of them aimed at relieving constipation and subsiding flatulence. Sonapata and Haritaki are renowned laxatives that ease bowel movement. Teori is recognized as a carminative and Ajowan quickens digestion. These properties of Bellytone make it potentially capable of eliminating gastrointestinal disorders like IBS.

Branolia Chemicals has indeed been getting along with the illustrious years of its journey, inculcating the principles of Ayurveda into people’s lives, making use of Ayurvedic authenticities in its exclusive products that are aimed at benefitting people and doing away with their health miseries. Branolia Chemicals, through its wide range of products, has reached out to people in need and this keeps motivating people to fight off the perils of grave health issues, like IBS, thus lifting a heavy burden off their shoulders.

Indian Society of Gastroenterology Task Force-  Epidemiological and clinical profile of the irritable bowel syndrome in India.  http://medind.nic.in/ica/t08/i1/icat08i1p22.pdf

Ayurveda for a Healthy Navratri

The month of October ushers with it, the splendour and grandeur of seasonal festivals. In this month, people get carried away with the frenzy and frolic surrounding them, enjoying the company of their relatives and peers. One such festival, known for its exuberant ambience is Navratri. Navratri is an auspicious occasion, celebrated over a length of nine days, aimed at invoking the spirit of the deity, Goddess Durga, accompanied with the festive mood and savoring of aromatic delicacies. This auspicious occasion is celebrated during autumn, and it marks the beginning of the season change, the transition period between summer and winter. Amidst all the fun and frolic and open-air programmes, people do not pay much heed to the chilled nip in the air during this time of the month, which becomes their prime reason for falling prey to viral infections and cold flu. Not only that, but the guilty pleasures of gorging on an array of delicacies served during such occasions, after a full day’s fast, make people victims of indigestion and gastric problems. This is where

Ayurveda provides the best solutions for people to cure themselves of the illness and jive their way through the festive season and enjoy themselves to the fullest.

Ayurvedic extracts and concoctions prove to be the simplest and indispensable solutions to viral infections and gut centric problems. Most people, due to their careless attitude, do not take precautionary measures to shield themselves from the sudden Celsius dips, resulting in viral fevers and sore throat. Even allergies are predominant among people during this time.

Bitocough & Branolia’s Honeyguard serve the purpose of curing such ailments. Branolia’s Honeyguard is a tonic composed of Honey, Tulsi, Sunth, Jostimadhu, and Aswagandha. Bitocough comprises ingredients Vasak, Pipul, Tulsi and Jostimadhu.

These ingredients have effective medicinal properties:

  • Tulsi: It is necessarily used in tonics for combating bronchial problems. It enhances the immunity of the human body and fights against chronic cough& cold.
  • Vasak: It is a renowned broncho-dilator.
  • Pipul: It combats allergic cough & irritating throat sensation.
  • Aswagandha: It is an effective stimulator of the immune system. It curbs the multiplication of virus.
  • Jostimadhu: It is specifically used to combat tonsil inflammation.
  • Sunth: It is an herbal remedy (dried ginger) used for treating the common cold.

These ingredients infused in Bitocough and Branolia’s Honeyguard assist in getting rid of all sorts of viral and bronchial infections.

On the other hand, Bellytone and Livonia, the two well-known products of Branolia Chemicals, resolve the issues related to the stomach, which occur due to indulgence in gluten-based foods, rich and spicy platters and in disciplined dietary habits, during festive seasons. Bellytone, having Sonapata, Haritaki, Ajowan & Teori as its primary constituents, assist in the smooth functioning of the bowels, relieving constipation. Livonia, on the other hand, is another product of Branolia Chemicals that regulates digestion and specifically, monitors the functioning of the liver. It is an amalgamation of Kalmegh and Triphala.

The medicinal properties of the constituents infused in Branolia Chemical’s two tonics, Bellytone & Livonia are such:

  • Sonapata: It is identified as a purgative.
  • Ajowan: It catalyzes the digestion.
  • Teori: It expels gas from the gastrointestinal tract, thereby, controlling flatulence.
  • Kalmegh: It is an effective balancing agent and monitors the proper functioning of the liver.
  • Triphala: A combination of three fruits, Amlaki, Haritaki, and Bahira, aimed at regulating the digestive system due to its detoxifying properties.

Ayurveda indeed acts as a massive storehouse of authentic herbal concoctions which especially, come handy during the festive season and its specific herbal combinations assure people of a blissful and harmonious life, not only during the festive season but all round the year.

Combating Mouth Odour with Ayurveda

Clean bowels assure fresh breath. It is a cyclical process that starts with the intake of nutritious food which enables the stomach to function properly and perform proper digestion. This, in turn, ensures a smooth bowel movement, which in turn induces fresh breath. The digestion of food occurs in three stages; namely, the ingestion of food, assimilation of food and elimination of food. Ingestion involves the disintegration of food into its respective chemical components, whereas assimilation involves the absorption of essential minerals into the body. The elimination of indigestible food, in the form of faeces, is the final stage in this three-tiered process. The hindered movement of faeces is a precursor of constipation. Constipation or unclean bowels are the potential reasons for developing a stench in the mouth. In today’s world, an imbalance in the diet, the increased consumption of fast foods and aerated drinks, are the pivotal causes for the malfunctioning of the digestive system. The constant intake of gluten and greasy food hampers the digestion process. This, in turn, leads to the hindered passage of faeces, and the faecal remnants in the intestine induce foul smell in the mouth, making it unpleasant.

Since time immemorial, Ayurveda, the traditional Indian system of medication has been offering holistic solutions to problems experienced by the human body which encompasses effective remedies for combating a foul breath as well. Even though these problems do have alternative anti-biotic cures, people still invest their trust in Ayurvedic medicinal cures as they are free of side-effects. Ayurveda, through its herbal extracts and concoctions, caters to many of the oral problems, one of them being bad breath.

Some of the herbal ingredients in Ayurveda, effectively combat mouth odour. They are

  • Amla, which has an extensive application in Ayurveda, is used in the form of extracts, for rinsing the mouth. Amla, coupled with Haritaki and Bibhitaki, forms the Triphala, which is used in essential Ayurvedic compositions and acts as a rinsing agent to get rid of mouth odour.
  • Triphala, also identified as an effective remedy in Ayurvedic combats constipation as well, as it is a laxative. It facilitates smooth bowel movement which will result in fresh breath.

Ayurveda also suggests the use of rinsing agents like sesame oil and fermented rice water to do away with mouth odour.

Two of Branolia Chemical’s products, Bellytone and Livonia extend a helping hand to a person who suffers from digestive problems and, indirectly solves the problem of mouth odour. Bellytone, which is one of Branolia Chemical’s products, assists in abdominal metabolism. It relieves constipation and reduces flatulence, which is again a result of gastrointestinal problems or improper bowel movement. The prime ingredients in Bellytone are Sonapata, Haritaki, Teori & Ajwon and each of the ingredients acts as a laxative to combat constipation or curb flatulence. They enable the smooth functioning of the bowel.

Livonia is another product of Branolia Chemicals which assists in the healthy functioning of the liver. The liver, being a vital organ, is responsible for the disintegration of fats from food. Malfunctioning of the liver disturbs the digestion. Both these products aim at the proper functioning of the digestive system, enabling smooth bowel movement and hence, clean bowels will automatically eliminate mouth odour.

Over the years, the numerous products of Branolia Chemicals Pvt Ltd, have proved to be beneficial for the common man. Branolia, Branolia’s Kulerron, Branolia’s Honey Guard, Bitocough, Bellytone, and Livonia have testified their relevance in people’s lives through their commendable medicinal properties. The products of Branolia Chemicals have exerted immense influence on the lives of individuals. The exclusive concoctions and purity of the products manufactured are sufficient to prove Branolia Chemical’s worth in our lives.


Prof Aditi Sen (De): Daughter of Bengal Gets the Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Award

It is rather rare for a women scientist to win India’s most prestigious science prize, the Shanti Swaroop Bhatnagar award.  Since 1958, when the award was first given, only 16 of the 535 recipients have been women, and there had been none in the physical sciences. This however changed in 2019 when Prof Aditi Sen De, 44 yrs, from the Harish Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad was awarded the prize for her work in quantum information and computation.

Prof Sen works on quantum computing a rather esoteric area of physics which has the potential for far-reaching changes by making computers millions of times more efficient than anything available today. However, the problem is that no one has actually been able to build a quantum computer as yet.  Current computers work on a system of silicon transistors that store information as bits – either in the state of 0 or 1 – on a binary logic analogous to an on-off switch. On the other hand, quantum computers use qubits – a proton or an electron – that can exist as 0, 1 or any or any superposition of any possible combination of 0 and 1. However, there is a small problem which is stopping quantum computing to become a reality and awaits physicist and mathematicians to resolve it. Today’s physical quantum computers are very noisy and quantum error correction is required, but as on date, the optimal quantum mechanical state has yet to be achieved. Some of the finest brains in the world are working to resolve this issue and amongst them is Prof Sen.

Prof Sen did her class X from Sarada Ashrama Balika Vidyalaya, New Alipore, Kolkata and her class XII from Sakhawat Memorial Government Girls High School, Elgin, Kolkata. She completed her B.Sc from Bethune College and M.Sc in Mathematics from Raja Bazaar Science College. She obtained her Ph.D. from the University of Gdansk, Poland with a seminal thesis on ‘Manipulations of Quantum States and their Non-Classical Applications’.

She has held postdoctoral positions in University of Hannover, Germany and The Institute of Photonic Sciences, Spain. She started her career in academics at School of Physical Sciences, JNU before moving to the prestigious Harish Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad, which is home to some of India’s best Physicists including the celebrated Prof Ashoke Sen. Prof Aditi is married to Prof Ujjwal Sen an outstanding Physicist in his own right.

Branolia Chemical Works feels proud that this daughter of Bengal has got such an outstanding recognition for her work. Role models like Prof Aditi Sen will inspire many more girls to take up sciences and tackle some of the biggest scientific challenges faced by the world.

Branolia Chemical Works wishes Prof Aditi Sen all the success in the future endeavours and hope that Prof Sen leads India to the breakthrough that will make quantum computing a reality.

Branolia and Kulleron Now Available in New Delhi

Given the heavy demand from New Delhi for Branolia, Kulleron, Bitocough, Bellytone and Livonia, Branolia Chemical Works has appointed K.B Enterprise as its distributor for New Delhi. This will help make our products easily available to our esteemed customers in New Delhi and the suburbs.

Customers are requested to contact K.B Enterprise for purchasing our products at the following address:
1864/8, Guru Ravidas Marg,
DDA Flats Kalkaji,
Govindpuri Extension, Govindpuri,
New Delhi,
Delhi 110019
Ph:011 6567 1573