Tag Archives: Ayurvedic

Ayurvedic Celebrations of Christmas and New Year

“Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, and Jingle all the way, Santa Claus is coming to town, riding on his sleigh!”

So finally it is Christmas Time and time for a New Year!!!

The entire atmosphere is laced with the spirit of Christmas from churches to lighted streets to colorfully decorated shops. It’s that time of the year when everyone is encouraged to be joyful, charitable, generous and kind. The festivity and spirit of this season pervade all, and no one can resist its joyous essence. But the festive season also brings in with it a lot of stress. Overindulgence with food and festivity leaves a person bloated, hung-over, miserable and with a worse state of overall health. All these things add up to more stress. However, it can be prevented with Ayurveda.

Some of the simple things that can be adhered to by the people during the festive season to avoid stress during the Christmas season are:

An Ayurvedic Toast

Christmas is celebrated during the cold winter months in the northern hemisphere. In order to keep the body warm a drink with the right kind of spices and ayurvedic herbs will be of great help. The things required to make a healthy warm drink that can be toasted on Christmas is :


  • 5 – 6 fresh mint leaves
  • 5 – 6 holy basil leaves
  • 4 – 5 lemongrass stalks about 6 inches long
  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 cup of orange or apple juice
  • Salt or sugar as preferred


  1. Boil water over medium heat
  2. Let it boil gently for about one minute
  3. Put the mint, basil leaves and roughly chopped lemongrass in a glass with one cup of orange or apple juice
  4. Add 3 teaspoons of salt or raw sugar
  5. Pour boiling water slowly into the glass
  6. Cover and let it rest for five minutes

This drink is best suited for those with respiratory ailments like a cough and cold. This drink is also used to enhance immunity by balancing all the three doshas.

Cooking an Ayurvedic Dinner

An ayurvedic meal comprising of grains, beans or lentils, vegetables are healthy and are effective in keeping diseases at bay. They also help in digestion and add variety, taste, and interest to the meal.
The festive seasons are meant for us to enjoy and are important for our mental well – being. Proper healthy food is essential to balance the Doshas.

Branolia Chemicals have ayurvedic health tonics to address various issues related to bodily functions. Branolia’s Honey Guard, Livonia, Bitocough are all essential ayurvedic health tonics to balance the doshas.

The saying, “ A man is what he eats” is taken a step further by Ayurveda which also adds that it is not only what one eats but also how and when. Ayurveda always recommends a balanced approach to eating food that is fresh, digestible, satisfying our senses and prepared with love and care.


The Women Idol Makers of Bengal

Women Idol Makers of Bengal

Kumartoli, in Kolkata, is a famous place for being the designer’s abode of thousands of idols that are rolled out each year during the festive season. A group of artisans has been mesmerizing the world with their unique art form. It has always been a male bastion for all these years. A few women have challenged this monopoly of male artisans. These new and determined breeds of women are breathing new life into wet clay to create a goddess that they can relate to.

The few of the extraordinary women folk who were able to carve a niche a niche out for themselves are:

  1. Mala Pal – Her small room in the narrow lanes of Kumartoli are adorned with several awards that she has won for her art. After quitting formal schooling at the age of 15, she only took up working as a full-time artisan after her father’s death. Today she has earned a place for herself and the idols made by her are exported to various countries in Australia, Canada, and Mala’s forte is the foldable idols that can be easily shipped to foreign locales. She has been successful and is now a famous name in Kumartoli.
  2. China Pal – China was initiated into this trade by a sudden twist of destiny. A sudden demise of her father and the financial hardship that followed forced China to take up the family business. Twenty-two years and China is today overseeing a team of twelve people working hard to meet the demands of her client. It is not just her profession but her passion that has earned her international fame. China has also participated in the China-South Asia & Southeast Asia Arts Week and Lancang Mekong Arts Festival.
  3. Kanchi Pal – She is a one-woman army who faced a lot of hardships, competition from her male counterparts to carve a place for her. Today all her idols are in high demand. She is one of the new generations of artists who are well adept in designing contemporary idols. Her idols have also won awards and accolades.

Clad in a sari these women entered this profession, not by choice but sheer coincidence. There have been times when these women have lost faith, but they kept fighting. Over the years, these hard-working women have mastered the art of mixing clay to give the right dimension to the idols that they design with such care. Today they are recognized for their talents globally and often conduct workshops all over the world. They conduct camps and have also ventured into the domain of creating clay jewelry during the lay months.

Branolia Chemicals recognizes the true spirit of these women, embodiments of Durga and Kali in real life.

At Branolia Chemical Works, concern for women and their health needs has always been foremost in our minds. This prompted our research team to bring out the Ayurvedic formulation Kulerron, which is extremely effective against anemia. With anemia being endemic amongst women in India, we hope to do our bit to meet this health challenge afflicting women effectively.


Ayurvedic Medical Tourism – A SWOT Analysis

Ayurvedic treatment and medication have captured the attention of the global population since ages. Ayurveda has gained popularity in recent times because of its overall approach towards diseases, the simplicity of the procedures and the availability of cure from chronic and incurable diseases with the use of herbs. The formation of the Ministry of Ayush in 2014 and the steps taken by the government in promoting Ayurvedic treatment and medicine globally have given it a much-needed boost. This year in the 4th International Ayurveda Congress held in the Netherlands, Ayurveda was hailed as the mother of modern medicine. This global recognition is turning India into a prime destination for ayurvedic health tourism. India with its natural abundance of forest resources, the climate, and easy availability of herbs is best suited for therapeutic and rejuvenating ayurvedic treatment. A techno-centric lifestyle, increasing level of stress, anxiety, wrong food habits have encouraged more and more people to opt for ayurvedic health tourism.

A study of the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats of the Ayurvedic Tourism will give a proper insight:


  • It is part of the traditional health sector and is in vogue since ages
  • A source of alternative medicine and is recognized globally
  • Strong support from the government
  • A large number of herbal medicine and ayurvedic treatments are available easily
  • Hospitals and ayurvedic dispensaries in all the states of India
  • The huge resource base of doctors with necessary skill sets from recognized universities and institutions
  • Government funded research labs across India to study herbs and herbal medicines


  • Low on technology
  • Lack of globally accepted standards
  • Lack of integration with the mainstream market
  • Irregular supply of raw material


  • Lifestyle issues of the people like, stress, wrong food habits, anxiety to name a few
  • Increased knowhow of alternative cures
  • The rise in demand for alternative medical treatment with the high cost of healthcare facilities


  • Lack of measures to standardize medicines and herbs used in Ayurvedic treatment
  • Non-availability of certain herbs on a regular basis
  • Lack of innovation and research and development in the segment of ayurvedic medicine
  • Adopting modern techniques for the diagnosis of diseases
  • A SWOT analysis will help the health tourism in India to identify new opportunities and to focus on long-term benefits.

India currently offers an array of ayurvedic medicine for the overall well-being of the people using them. Branolia Chemical Works has been offering a range of herbal products that have been well accepted by people across all genres. The offerings from Branolia Chemical Works comprises of

  1. Branolia – The flagship product of the company also known as a memory enhancer is in circulation for more than a century
  2. Livonia – To help in the digestion process
  3. Kulerron – To fight anemia and increase the hemoglobin count in the blood
  4. Bellytone – To remove constipation
  5. Bitocough – Used in the cure for a cough and cold
  6. Honeyguard – This ayurvedic medicine brings with it the goodness of honey and some other medicinal herbs.

The impact of ayurvedic tourism will increase the overall economic positioning of the entire ayurvedic industry and will also give it a boost globally.

Managing PCOS with Ayurveda


A study conducted by the All India Institute of Medical Sciences brought out the fact that about 20-25 percent of Indian women in their childbearing age have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). The syndrome is so widespread that one in every 10 women suffers from this common endocrinal system disorder which affects mostly teenagers. Although this syndrome was first discovered in 1935,even today people lack basic awareness regarding this health condition in India.

PCOS is also referred to as a lifestyle disease and mostly affect people living in the urban settlement. One of the primary causes of this syndrome is an unhealthy lifestyle, lack of exercise accompanied by unhealthy diets. The main characteristic symptoms of this condition are:

  • Ovulatory dysfunction in women along with multiple cysts in ovaries
  • Problems related to obesity, insulin resistance, fatty liver, digestion issues, anemia, infertility in some patients to name a few
  • PCOS also leads to cardiovascular problems, neurological and psychological effects on quality of life (including anxiety and depression).

The growing instances of this disease have led to women turning to ayurvedic medicines to treat this disorder. Ayurvedic medicines revolves around the fact that a harmonious balance between vatta, pitta, and kapha is important in all healthy human beings. Likewise in the PCOS treatment also maintaining this balance or forces of energy is essential. Ayurveda has laid down some important dos and don’ts for people suffering from this syndrome. They are:

  • Lowering the intake of all kinds of dairy products.
  • Avoiding or lowering the intake of sugar and products with a high sugar content
  • Avoiding all kinds of junk food is very important in order to fight this syndrome
  • Reducing the intake of non-vegetarian food
  • Increasing the intake of herbs like haritaki, ashwagandha, tulsi, amla, Biranga, Pipul, Nagkesar amongst others
  • Drinking herbal drinks can also help in fighting PCOS syndrome
  • Exercising regularly

Ayurvedic medicine fights PCOS syndrome by boosting the overall immunity and energy levels and rejuvenating the female reproductive system. Branolia Chemical Works has an assortment of formulations to fight PCOS and its associated symptoms.

Branolia’s Kulerron – It is the only formulation available easily that packs the richness of the Kulekhara leaves and roots along with other herbs like ashwagandha, Pipul, Nagkesar etc is one of the best tonic to fight iron deficiency.

Livonia – This formulation from Branolia Chemical Works is prepared with herbs like Triphala and Kalmegh which acts as a cleansing and detoxifying agent that address diseases related to the liver.

Bellytone – Branolia’s Bellytone enriched with herbs like Haritaki, Sonapata Teori, and Ajowan is used to treat gastrointestinal diseases. Haritaki the primary ingredient in Bellytone is known to increase the digestion power, cleansing the bowel and is also used to balance the kapha, Pitta, and Vatta in humans. Sonpata another medicinal herb in Bellytone is also used for centuries to address gynecological disorders and childhood psychological diseases.

The medicinal herbs found in the above formulations also treat inflammation and hormonal imbalance that are at the root of PCOS. They also work against other complications of PCOS such as digestive disorders, weight gain, insulin sensitivity, and improving mood. PCOS is often referred to as a lifestyle disease and in order to live healthy one needs to eat right, exercise regularly and avoid unnecessary stress.



History of Ayurvedic Surgery

The most common question often asked is whether an Ayurvedic doctor performs surgery? A group of doctors in Meerut in 2016 have conducted the world’s first Ayurvedic Surgery on Ojaswi Sharma, an 83-year-old man who is allergic to Allopathic drugs. In the process of removing a 240-gram prostate from his body, antibiotics were not used. Instead, Ayurvedic herbs like Amla, guggul, and turmeric were successfully used to reduce the chances of surgical site infection.

History of Surgery in Ayurveda

In Ayurveda, surgery is commonly known as ‘Shalya Chikitsa’ and was first introduced in Ayurvedic medicine by none other than the ‘Father of Surgery’, Susruta. Surgery was first made known through his book Suśhruta Saṃhitā, in which he describes over 300 surgical procedures, 120 surgical instruments and classifies human surgery into eight different categories. He lived, practised and taught his art way back in the 800 B.C.

Charaka, the best-known physician of Ayurvedic medicine, also recommended Shalya Tantra for the treatment of certain diseases, which required immediate attention such as haemorrhoids. The long foreign rule in India and lack of promotion thwarted the progress of Ayurvedic surgery in the middle of the second millennium.

A person aspiring to take up Ayurveda as a career needs to get a degree in Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery. This degree is awarded after a person puts in five and a half years of study which includes one year of internship. The eligibility criterion for this course of study is that a person has to clear the higher secondary examination after 10+2 years of schooling in physics, chemistry and biology as subjects. A B.A.M.S (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery) graduate is given the title of ‘ayurvedacharya’ and the course aims at providing basic education in Ayurveda leading to the degree of B.A.M.S. Its objective is to prepare graduates for a profound understanding in the science of Ayurveda backed up by extensive practical training. Graduates in B.A.M.S should aspire to become an efficient teacher, a research scholar and a competent Ayurvedic physician (Kayachikitsaka) and surgeon (Shalyachikitsaka).

A B.A.M.S (Bachelor of Ayurvedic medicine & surgery) graduate learns Shalyatantra(surgery) as a subject in the 3rd year of his studies. In fact, for passing shalyatantra examination a BAMS graduate has to read the syllabus of surgery which is the same as that for an MBBS graduate along with principles and practice of shalyatantra (Ayu-surgery). This branch of Ayurveda also provides detailed knowledge of operative procedures, precautions to be taken during a surgery and even detailed information on the types of bandages and instruments to be used.

Places to Study B.A.M.S

The list of top 10 Ayurvedic colleges in India that offers a B.A.M.S degree are:

  1. Shri Dhanwantri Ayurvedic College, Chandigarh
  2. Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore
  3. Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar
  4. JB Roy State Medical College, Kolkata
  5. Ayurvedic Medical College, Kolhapur
  6. State Ayurvedic College of Lucknow
  7. Shri Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur
  8. Ayurvedic and Unani Tibia College, New Delhi.

Branolia Chemicals located in West Bengal has been conducting research on Ayurvedic herbs for the past 99 years and also have a huge range of ayurvedic medicines to address health issues.