Tag Archives: ayurvedic cough syrup

Ayurveda for Healthy Lungs

Prana occupies a place of eminence in Ayurveda. This energy is derived from breathing. The breath and the food that we intake runs the body and without prana, the human body will not be able to function. The lungs are the main organs that receive the prana as a person breathes in through the nose or mouth. Thus Ayurveda lays down the fact that uncongested breathing is a necessity for prana or the vital energy of life force to flow throughout the body. Keeping the lungs and the respiratory tract free from any diseases is important for healthy living. However, the respiratory tract is sometimes obstructed due to a) thickening of the airway leading to airway obstruction, b) secretion of mucus resulting in cough and phlegm production and c) disease of the lungs due to their inflammation. The respiratory system comprises of the nose, sinuses, mouth, throat, diaphragm, lungs, bronchial tubes/bronchi, bronchioles, air sacs (alveoli) and the capillaries. For the lungs to perform their best, these airways need to be open and free from any form of inflammation or swelling and extra mucus.

Ayurveda considers the lungs to be important sites for the Kapha dosha. Any respiratory disorder is the effect of an imbalance in the Kapha dosha. Improper digestion can also lead to the formation of mucus will result in respiratory imbalances in the body. Although there can be imbalances in the other doshas( Vata and Pitta) leading to respiratory problems however, people with respiratory ailment are more susceptible to Kapha dosha. The common problems arising out of increased Kapha dosha are:

  • Cough and Cold
  • Congestion in the airway
  • Excess mucus and phlegm
  • Swelling and water retention
  • Stagnation in the respiratory tract

Ayurveda offers ways to balance out the dosha through lifestyle changes, intake of certain herbs and proper diet.

1. Diet to reduce Kapha Dosha : The diets to reduce Kapha dosha are:

  • Avoid heavy foods such as meat and cheese.
  • Avoid fatty, fried foods cooked in a lot of oil
  • Sip hot water at frequent intervals with lemon and honey with meals and if possible throughout the day
  • Including digestive spices in the diet such as ginger, cloves, cardamom, and black pepper is necessary to fight Kapha dosha
  • The mid-day meal should be the largest, eating a lighter breakfast and dinner will help in the process.

2. Lifestyle Changes to balance out the Kapha dosha: The key lifestyle changes necessary to maintain a healthy lung is to:

  • Exercising regularly is essential as it increases the breathing rate to meet the body’s demand for oxygen. This, in turn, helps to enhance the lung capacity keeping them functioning optimally.
  • Breathing exercises or Pranayama helps in cleansing the body while calming the mind. The practice of controlling the breath bolsters the functioning of all the respiratory organs.

3. Use of Herbs : Ayurveda also recommends certain herbs like Vasak, pipul, tulsi, jasthimadhu to enhance lung function. Bitocough from the house of Branolia Chemical Works is an excellent tonic to fight the Kapha dosha in the body. This tonic is enriched with the goodness of vasak, tulsi, jasthimadhu, pipul and some other herbs is a tonic which can be used by people of all ages. Vasak presents in Bitocough helps to fight both dry and cold cough and relief sore throat. All the ingredients present in this tonic help fight respiratory tract infections and give immediate relief from problems related to the formation of mucus and phlegm.

Bitocough brings with it about a hundred years of expertise of Branolia Chemical Works in fighting cough and cold.


It becomes a norm for every quintessential Indian to get tied to the phenomenal festivities offered by our culture, be it a small scale celebration or a festival celebrated with majesty. The dedication to participate in many festivities thrives on the heart of every Indian. The receding celebrations of Navratri, make way for the modest advances of the next session of festivities in a row, Dhanteras, Diwali and Bhai Dooj. Dhanteras assumed to be “the day of wealth” to be concise in one word, symbolizes abundance and replenishment of wealth in everyone’s lives. Another myth supporting the origin of this day is that as told in the Puranas ,Lord Dhanvantari, the God Of Ayurveda, had emerged from a Samudra Manthan and he held a Kalash of Amrit in one hand and the sacred text of Ayurveda in the other. This year( 2019) Dhanteras was held on the 25th of October. However, this calendar date also strikes a chord with us reminding that the Ministry of AYUSH, was commenced on the 9th of November, 2014. This Ministry was known as the Department of Indian System of Medicine and Homeopathy(ISM&H) and it had been formed in March 1995. Years later, it was renamed as AYUSH, the abbreviation for Ayurveda, Yoga, and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, and Homoeopathy, in November 2003. It specifically focused on broadening the scope of education and research in Ayurveda, Yoga, and Naturotherapy, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy. Over the years, the Ministry has encouraged the favourable development and propagation of the AYUSH techniques in the current health care systems.

The Ministry of AYUSH had come forward with the decision on celebrating the National Ayurveda Day every year,on the same day which is observed as Dhanteras. This year the Ministry of AYUSH conducted the Fourth Ayurveda Day at Jaipur while the National Institute of Ayurveda (NIA) were the ones who hosted the event. The NIA held both the Dhanvantari Pujan and National Dhanwantari Ayurveda Awards-2019 which were two events on the National Ayurveda Day. Shri Om Birla, Speaker in the Lok Sabha graced the event as the Chief Guest while Shri Shiprad Yesson Naik, the Union Minister of AYUSH participated in the event. The event also observed 25 delegates of Mekong-Ganga Cooperation (MGC) who were active participants of the subsequent events on the 4th Ayurveda Day. Ayurveda, the ancient healing system which dates back to thousand years, originated in India. It has been rendered as one of the most meticulous and well-documented systems of medicines. Modern India inculcates the Ayurvedic way of living even to this day. Ayurveda aims at preventing diseases and promote a healthy state of living. The primary objectives of National Ayurveda Day are:

  1. Endeavouring to propagate Ayurveda into the mainstream
  2. To concentrate on the strengths and unique principles offered by Ayurveda
  3. Utilizing Ayurveda’s potentials as a cornerstone of reducing diseases and related morbidity and mortality.
  4. Exploration of Ayurveda’s potential, which plays an instrumental role in shaping national health policy and National Health programs.
  5. To create awareness amongst the young generation and to propagate Ayurvedic principles of healing within the society, in modern India.

The well-reputed Branolia Chemical Works has always upheld the principles of Ayurveda, over such a vast expanse of time and it still continues to do so. Ayurveda can always be addressed as a medical benefactor who has dissipated the arduous health miseries from the lives of people. Branolia Chemical Works has embraced the authenticities of Ayurveda through its products. Each of the products of Branolia Chemical Works, namely, Branolia, Branolia’s Kulerron, Branolia’s Honey Guard, Bitocough, Bellytone, and Livonia have alleviated people from their adverse health conditions and will continue to do so many more years down the line.

Ayurveda for a Healthy Navratri

The month of October ushers with it, the splendour and grandeur of seasonal festivals. In this month, people get carried away with the frenzy and frolic surrounding them, enjoying the company of their relatives and peers. One such festival, known for its exuberant ambience is Navratri. Navratri is an auspicious occasion, celebrated over a length of nine days, aimed at invoking the spirit of the deity, Goddess Durga, accompanied with the festive mood and savoring of aromatic delicacies. This auspicious occasion is celebrated during autumn, and it marks the beginning of the season change, the transition period between summer and winter. Amidst all the fun and frolic and open-air programmes, people do not pay much heed to the chilled nip in the air during this time of the month, which becomes their prime reason for falling prey to viral infections and cold flu. Not only that, but the guilty pleasures of gorging on an array of delicacies served during such occasions, after a full day’s fast, make people victims of indigestion and gastric problems. This is where

Ayurveda provides the best solutions for people to cure themselves of the illness and jive their way through the festive season and enjoy themselves to the fullest.

Ayurvedic extracts and concoctions prove to be the simplest and indispensable solutions to viral infections and gut centric problems. Most people, due to their careless attitude, do not take precautionary measures to shield themselves from the sudden Celsius dips, resulting in viral fevers and sore throat. Even allergies are predominant among people during this time.

Bitocough & Branolia’s Honeyguard serve the purpose of curing such ailments. Branolia’s Honeyguard is a tonic composed of Honey, Tulsi, Sunth, Jostimadhu, and Aswagandha. Bitocough comprises ingredients Vasak, Pipul, Tulsi and Jostimadhu.

These ingredients have effective medicinal properties:

  • Tulsi: It is necessarily used in tonics for combating bronchial problems. It enhances the immunity of the human body and fights against chronic cough& cold.
  • Vasak: It is a renowned broncho-dilator.
  • Pipul: It combats allergic cough & irritating throat sensation.
  • Aswagandha: It is an effective stimulator of the immune system. It curbs the multiplication of virus.
  • Jostimadhu: It is specifically used to combat tonsil inflammation.
  • Sunth: It is an herbal remedy (dried ginger) used for treating the common cold.

These ingredients infused in Bitocough and Branolia’s Honeyguard assist in getting rid of all sorts of viral and bronchial infections.

On the other hand, Bellytone and Livonia, the two well-known products of Branolia Chemicals, resolve the issues related to the stomach, which occur due to indulgence in gluten-based foods, rich and spicy platters and in disciplined dietary habits, during festive seasons. Bellytone, having Sonapata, Haritaki, Ajowan & Teori as its primary constituents, assist in the smooth functioning of the bowels, relieving constipation. Livonia, on the other hand, is another product of Branolia Chemicals that regulates digestion and specifically, monitors the functioning of the liver. It is an amalgamation of Kalmegh and Triphala.

The medicinal properties of the constituents infused in Branolia Chemical’s two tonics, Bellytone & Livonia are such:

  • Sonapata: It is identified as a purgative.
  • Ajowan: It catalyzes the digestion.
  • Teori: It expels gas from the gastrointestinal tract, thereby, controlling flatulence.
  • Kalmegh: It is an effective balancing agent and monitors the proper functioning of the liver.
  • Triphala: A combination of three fruits, Amlaki, Haritaki, and Bahira, aimed at regulating the digestive system due to its detoxifying properties.

Ayurveda indeed acts as a massive storehouse of authentic herbal concoctions which especially, come handy during the festive season and its specific herbal combinations assure people of a blissful and harmonious life, not only during the festive season but all round the year.

Ayurvedic Celebrations of Christmas and New Year

“Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, and Jingle all the way, Santa Claus is coming to town, riding on his sleigh!”

So finally it is Christmas Time and time for a New Year!!!

The entire atmosphere is laced with the spirit of Christmas from churches to lighted streets to colorfully decorated shops. It’s that time of the year when everyone is encouraged to be joyful, charitable, generous and kind. The festivity and spirit of this season pervade all, and no one can resist its joyous essence. But the festive season also brings in with it a lot of stress. Overindulgence with food and festivity leaves a person bloated, hung-over, miserable and with a worse state of overall health. All these things add up to more stress. However, it can be prevented with Ayurveda.

Some of the simple things that can be adhered to by the people during the festive season to avoid stress during the Christmas season are:

An Ayurvedic Toast

Christmas is celebrated during the cold winter months in the northern hemisphere. In order to keep the body warm a drink with the right kind of spices and ayurvedic herbs will be of great help. The things required to make a healthy warm drink that can be toasted on Christmas is :


  • 5 – 6 fresh mint leaves
  • 5 – 6 holy basil leaves
  • 4 – 5 lemongrass stalks about 6 inches long
  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 cup of orange or apple juice
  • Salt or sugar as preferred


  1. Boil water over medium heat
  2. Let it boil gently for about one minute
  3. Put the mint, basil leaves and roughly chopped lemongrass in a glass with one cup of orange or apple juice
  4. Add 3 teaspoons of salt or raw sugar
  5. Pour boiling water slowly into the glass
  6. Cover and let it rest for five minutes

This drink is best suited for those with respiratory ailments like a cough and cold. This drink is also used to enhance immunity by balancing all the three doshas.

Cooking an Ayurvedic Dinner

An ayurvedic meal comprising of grains, beans or lentils, vegetables are healthy and are effective in keeping diseases at bay. They also help in digestion and add variety, taste, and interest to the meal.
The festive seasons are meant for us to enjoy and are important for our mental well – being. Proper healthy food is essential to balance the Doshas.

Branolia Chemicals have ayurvedic health tonics to address various issues related to bodily functions. Branolia’s Honey Guard, Livonia, Bitocough are all essential ayurvedic health tonics to balance the doshas.

The saying, “ A man is what he eats” is taken a step further by Ayurveda which also adds that it is not only what one eats but also how and when. Ayurveda always recommends a balanced approach to eating food that is fresh, digestible, satisfying our senses and prepared with love and care.


Address Air Pollution with Ayurveda

Air pollution

A week before Diwali India woke up to some astonishing facts published by the WHO (World Health Organisation) on the present condition of air pollution in India. The study highlighted that about 1 lakh children in India have died because of air pollution in the year 2016. Another study conducted by Greenpeace, a social work organization also published a report stating that 1.2 million deaths are occurring in India every year on account of the bad quality of air inhaled by the people. The current rise in environmental problems associated with the well –beings of humans are forcing folks to look at Ayurveda, a traditional system of medicine.

Ayurveda aims towards balancing the entire eco-system of human existence in the best possible way. The main benefit of Ayurvedic medicine is that it is not only curative but at the same time preventive and restorative. It is well known that polluted air is one of the primary causes of adding toxins to our body making it more assailable to lung-related diseases and infections. Extreme cases have also come in the forefront where people have been afflicted with lung cancer. According to Ayurveda an increase in toxin content in the body leads to an imbalance in the Tridoshas. Ayurvedic treatment is solely based on the premise that a proper balance between Vata, Kapha and Pitta is essential for the proper functioning of the human body. Ayurveda has an entire spectrum of methods to address this issue.

Ayurveda prescribes certain herbs to tackle the ill –effects of air pollution. The most important herbs prescribed by Ayurveda are:

  1. Tulsi – It is often referred to as the mother of all medicinal herbs. It is known to balance the Kapha dosha and is one of the key ingredients in the treatment of asthma, and other chronic respiratory disorders. It is also regarded as one of the most formidable anti-viral herbs with anti-microbial properties. The Tulsi plant also acts as an air purifier and if placed near the main entrance of a house will help in keeping the environment clean and pure.
  2. Triphala – There is a popular saying that is used amongst the Ayurvedic practitioners in India that with the proper use of Triphala all ailments related to the human body can be treated. Triphala is a combination of three fruits namely, Haritaki, Amalaki and Bibhitaki. Triphala is particularly effective in removing toxins from the human body. It also helps in balancing the Tridosha, which is a necessary component for good health.
  3. Vasaka or Vasak – It is a medicinal herb which is used to treat many ailments like asthma, bronchitis, and various other disorders. It is also used as an expectorant and a bronchodilator. The use of this herb can help fight ailments related to a lung Vasak is used as an ingredient in Bitocough, a cough syrup from Branolia Chemicals.

All the three key ingredients prescribed in Ayurveda for better functioning of the lungs and improving body constitution against the harshness of the external environment is present in Bitocough, an Ayurvedic formulation for fighting cough and cold. Bitocough is an effective shield in combating the adverse impact of air pollution and resultant lung disorders.

Ayurvedic Cough Syrup to Fight Respiratory Problems

ayurvedic-cough-syrup-onlineAyurvedic medicine is mainly directed towards regulation of the human immune system for curing various medical disorders without any undesirable side effects. This approach provides a treatment option for a number of immune-related disorders and chronic bacterial infections. Ayurveda understands health as a reflection of a man living in harmony with nature and disease arises when this harmony gets disturbed. In the ancient times, Rishis and sages believed in Ayurvedic herbs as the solution to cure a number of health problems and diseases. They conducted thorough studies and experimented with these herbs before arriving at any conclusion regarding the accuracy of the medicinal values of the herbs tested and their effectiveness in treating various ailments and diseases. Branolia Chemical Works with a legacy of over more than 95 years believes in the efficacy of Ayurveda and herbs to treat diseases. The best known Ayurvedic cough syrup, Bitocough from the house of Branolia is both effective and has been developed after years of research.

Bitocough, an ayurvedic cough syrup has been formulated solely out of herbal ingredients and is safe for both children and adults. Moreover, this ayurvedic cough syrup has no side effects and is effective against a cough and cold.

Essential Ingredients

The essential ingredients used in the formulation of Bitocough, an ayurvedic cough syrup are Vasak, Pipul, Tulsi, and Jastimadh apart from some other herbs. Adhatoda Vasica (Vasaka) has mucolytic, expectorant and bronchodilator action and is greatly used in respiratory troubles. It relieves a cough, fights off respiratory infections and helps in the management of asthma. Adhatoda Vasica (Vasaka) has following medicinal properties which put it as one of the number one ingredients in all ayurvedic cough syrup in fighting cough and cold. These properties are:

  • Antitussive – relieves a cough
  • Expectorant – promotes expectoration
  • Bronchodilator – dilates bronchi
  • Anti-bacterial
  • Anti-microbial
  • Anti-viral
  • Anti-inflammatory – reduces inflammation of airways
  • Antihemorrhagic (styptic) – checks bleeding
  • Antioxidant
  • Antispasmodic – Helps in abdominal spasms and relaxes muscles (its action is confirmed due to the presence of Vasicinone alkaloid in Vasaka)
  • Antifungal – Works against ringworm
  • Mild Sedative – Calms the mind
  • Anti-allergic – Fights off allergies

Bitocough, an ayurvedic cough syrup utilizes the goodness of Vasak which is one of the best-known cough relievers. The other key ingredients in the making of Bitocough, an ayurvedic cough syrup are Tulsi, Pipul, and Jasthimadhu. Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum) is a herb which has varied uses. Tulsi tastes hot and bitter and is said to work on the deep tissues and dry tissue secretions. Daily consumption of tulsi is said to prevent disease, promote general health, well-being and longevity and assist in dealing with the stresses of daily life. (Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4296439/). Pipul and Jasthimadhu are the two important herbs used in the formulation of the ayurvedic cough syrup. Every part of this herb is edible and offers numerous benefits. Pipul is used in the treatment of various infections, healing of wounds, improve fertility and even to treat poisoning. Jasthimadhu also known as Licorice is an excellent remedy for throat disorders, good for improving voice.

Bitocough, an ayurvedic cough syrup is not only safe but can be administered to people of all ages. The much researched herbal ingredients that went into the formulation of this ayurvedic cough syrup is an effective antidote to respiratory problems.

Branolia’s Bitocough – an Effective Cough Syrup

A cough is a natural reflex to clear the airways of irritants. Acute coughs that normally last for three weeks are caused by the common cold or other infections such as sinusitis or pneumonia. Branolia Chemical Works believes that herbs are one of the best antidotes to fight these diseases. Branolia’s Bitocough made out of ingredients like Vasak, Pipul, Tulsi, and Jasthimadhu is a cough syrup with no side effects.

Branolia’s Bitocough is developed after an extensive research. One of the vital ingredients that have been used to develop Branolia’s Bitocough is Vasak or Adhatoda vasica.

Vasak or Adhatoda vasica

BitocoughThis important herb is found extensively in India and is popular for treating respiratory tract diseases. All the parts of this plant, the leaves, flowers, roots and even parts of the stem are used for treating cough and cold. It is also used for treating chronic diseases like a whooping cough, chronic bronchitis, and asthma and moreover mostly as an expectorant and antispasmodic. (Source: Pandita K, Bhatia MS, Thappa RK, Agarwal SG, Dhar KL, Atal CK. Seasonal variation of alkaloids of Adhatoda vasica and detection of glycosides and N-oxides of vasicine and vasicinone. Planta Medica 1983; 48:81-82.)

Vasak has been used for centuries in India for healing wounds. After extensive research conducted on buffalo calves, it was found an extract of this herb was highly effective.However, the alcoholic extract of Adhatoda vasica was found to be most effective. ( Source: Bhargava MK, Singh H, Kumar A. Evaluation of Adhatoda vasica as a wound healing agent in buffaloes. Clinical, mechanical and biochemical studies. Indian Veterinary Journal 1988; 65(1):33.)

Pipul or Ficus Religiosa

Pipul, also commonly known as the sacred fig and has been used in traditional herbal medicine for more than 50 years.Mainly the seeds, bark, leaves, fruit,latex, and roots are considered important for therapeutic purposes.Extensive research has proved that it can be used in the treatment of various diseases like diabetes, respiratory disorders, gastric problem etc. (Source: B.Vinutha, D.Prashanth, K.Salma, S.L.Sreeja, D.Pratiti, R.Padmaja, S.Radhika, A.Amit, K.Venkateshwarlu, M.Deepak, “Screening activity of selected Indian medicinal plant for acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activity”, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 109: 359-363, 2007). It was also found that the leaf extract of F. religiosa has potential anti-inflammatory activity. (Source: R.M.Charde, H.J.Dhongade, M.S.Charde, A.V.Kasture, “Evaluation of antioxidant, wound healing and anti-inflammatory activity of ethanolic extract of leaves of Ficus religiosa”, International Journal of Pharma Sciences and Research, 1: 73-82, 2010).

Branolia’s Bitocough has been fortified with tulsi, and Jasthimadhu to give desired results. The herbs have been carefully selected by the Branolia team to work together to give relief during acute respiratory tract infection. Bitocough from Branolia Chemical Work has been found to be effective and with no side – effects.