Tag Archives: Aneamia

Nobel Prize Winners Study the Fluctuating Levels of Oxygen in the Blood: How can Ayurveda contribute to it?


With every fleeting second, as one is delving deeper into the varied branches of science, so is he reaping the benefits of novel scientific developments, technological advancements and discoveries and these inventions are signals of mankind putting their best foot forward towards a generative and a productive future ahead. One such progressive step has been taken in the field of medicine and physiology, by three veteran scientists, William G. Kaelin, Gregg L. Semenza and Peter J. Ratcliffe who have received the highest accolade for their impressive discovery in the field of medicine and physiology, that is the Nobel Prize, for their authentic discovery of tracking the adaptation of cells in accordance with the changing levels of oxygen in the bloodstream.

Oxygen is an essential element that exists in nature in the purest form. It plays an important role in sustaining living organisms. The study conducted had highlighted the molecular mechanisms monitoring the activities of the genes, in accordance with the fluctuating levels of oxygen in the blood. However, these fluctuating levels of oxygen in blood, at times, may create a condition of low oxygen diffusion. Haemoglobin, which are proteins identified as oxygen carriers of the body, are unable to accommodate sufficient oxygen in them to be circulated all over the body, on account of low oxygen diffusion rates and this will hinder the oxygen supply to the tissues. These conditions induce Hypoxia, a condition exhibiting low oxygen content in the body tissues. This would lead to adverse changes in cellular metabolism as Hypoxia, debilitates the oxygen content in the cells, subsiding cellular metabolism and gene expression in the cells. Hypoxia is also responsible for various respiratory diseases, neural and heart disorders in the body. Hypoxia is one of the many causes inducing malignant tumors in the body. For an expanding mass of tumor, the demand for oxygen is much more than its supply. The deficit in the oxygen supply induces the tumor cells to grow distant from the vascular system, hindering the diffusion of oxygen and this situation culminates in a fatal hypoxic environment. However, this remarkable study on oxygen detecting mechanisms, lays down potential guidelines, for healing diseases resulting from a dearth in the oxygen supply to the tissues of the body, thus repressing the growth of tumors around the breast, colorectal areas and pancreas which later on aggravates into cancer. However, the ancient Indian healing system of Ayurveda has devised ways to counter the effect of Hypoxia. Withania Somnifera, commonly known as Aswagandha, identified by Ayurvedic experts, as one of the essential components of Ayurvedic concoctions, works wonders in replenishing oxygen content in the blood and eliminating Hypoxia. It escalates the growth of RBC’s(red blood cells) in the body and since RBC’s are responsible for carrying oxygen all over the system, it ensures the healthy functioning of the cardiorespiratory system. It assists in the regulation of aerobic respiration and the cardiorespiratory processes function actively, diminishing the risks of fatal cardiovascular diseases. Another contribution of Ayurveda is Kulerron, which is one of the products of Branolia Chemical Works. This Ayurvedic tonic proves beneficial, especially for enriching the haemoglobin content in the blood which are the carriers of oxygen. The multiplication of haemoglobin automatically facilitates the faster transportation of oxygen throughout the body, diminishing the risks of Hypoxia.

The beneficial properties defining Aswagandha have been infused in the products of Branolia Chemicals. Extracts of Aswagandha are infused in Branolia’s Kulerron, which is blood replenishing Ayurvedic tonic and also in Branolia’s Honey Guard which fights bronchial congestion as it has anti-oxidant properties. Thus Aswagandha exhibits its multi-purpose utilities and versatile applications in Ayurveda and Branolia Chemical’s, over the years has borrowed the essential properties of Ashwagandha to make their products worthwhile.

Ayurveda for a Healthy Navratri

The month of October ushers with it, the splendour and grandeur of seasonal festivals. In this month, people get carried away with the frenzy and frolic surrounding them, enjoying the company of their relatives and peers. One such festival, known for its exuberant ambience is Navratri. Navratri is an auspicious occasion, celebrated over a length of nine days, aimed at invoking the spirit of the deity, Goddess Durga, accompanied with the festive mood and savoring of aromatic delicacies. This auspicious occasion is celebrated during autumn, and it marks the beginning of the season change, the transition period between summer and winter. Amidst all the fun and frolic and open-air programmes, people do not pay much heed to the chilled nip in the air during this time of the month, which becomes their prime reason for falling prey to viral infections and cold flu. Not only that, but the guilty pleasures of gorging on an array of delicacies served during such occasions, after a full day’s fast, make people victims of indigestion and gastric problems. This is where

Ayurveda provides the best solutions for people to cure themselves of the illness and jive their way through the festive season and enjoy themselves to the fullest.

Ayurvedic extracts and concoctions prove to be the simplest and indispensable solutions to viral infections and gut centric problems. Most people, due to their careless attitude, do not take precautionary measures to shield themselves from the sudden Celsius dips, resulting in viral fevers and sore throat. Even allergies are predominant among people during this time.

Bitocough & Branolia’s Honeyguard serve the purpose of curing such ailments. Branolia’s Honeyguard is a tonic composed of Honey, Tulsi, Sunth, Jostimadhu, and Aswagandha. Bitocough comprises ingredients Vasak, Pipul, Tulsi and Jostimadhu.

These ingredients have effective medicinal properties:

  • Tulsi: It is necessarily used in tonics for combating bronchial problems. It enhances the immunity of the human body and fights against chronic cough& cold.
  • Vasak: It is a renowned broncho-dilator.
  • Pipul: It combats allergic cough & irritating throat sensation.
  • Aswagandha: It is an effective stimulator of the immune system. It curbs the multiplication of virus.
  • Jostimadhu: It is specifically used to combat tonsil inflammation.
  • Sunth: It is an herbal remedy (dried ginger) used for treating the common cold.

These ingredients infused in Bitocough and Branolia’s Honeyguard assist in getting rid of all sorts of viral and bronchial infections.

On the other hand, Bellytone and Livonia, the two well-known products of Branolia Chemicals, resolve the issues related to the stomach, which occur due to indulgence in gluten-based foods, rich and spicy platters and in disciplined dietary habits, during festive seasons. Bellytone, having Sonapata, Haritaki, Ajowan & Teori as its primary constituents, assist in the smooth functioning of the bowels, relieving constipation. Livonia, on the other hand, is another product of Branolia Chemicals that regulates digestion and specifically, monitors the functioning of the liver. It is an amalgamation of Kalmegh and Triphala.

The medicinal properties of the constituents infused in Branolia Chemical’s two tonics, Bellytone & Livonia are such:

  • Sonapata: It is identified as a purgative.
  • Ajowan: It catalyzes the digestion.
  • Teori: It expels gas from the gastrointestinal tract, thereby, controlling flatulence.
  • Kalmegh: It is an effective balancing agent and monitors the proper functioning of the liver.
  • Triphala: A combination of three fruits, Amlaki, Haritaki, and Bahira, aimed at regulating the digestive system due to its detoxifying properties.

Ayurveda indeed acts as a massive storehouse of authentic herbal concoctions which especially, come handy during the festive season and its specific herbal combinations assure people of a blissful and harmonious life, not only during the festive season but all round the year.

Ministry of AYUSH Signs MoU to Promote Medicinal Herbs

The National Medicinal Plants Board (NMPB), Ministry of AYUSH, in order to address the scarcity in the supply of medicinal herbs has signed an MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) with the Tribal Cooperative Marketing Development Federation of India Ltd. (TRIFED) recently. The main purpose behind the signing of the MoU is to stimulate the production of medicinal herbs in the tribal areas. This will have a dual benefit of promoting livelihood among the tribal people along with the increased production of good quality medicinal herbs.

The main activities that the MoU envisages on promoting are:

  • Identification of new medicinal plants that are grown in the tribal areas.
  • To encourage and endorse skill up gradation and capacity building for the gatherers.
  • The SHGs functioning under the Van Dhan Vikas  Kendra will receive the necessary financial assistance and hand-holding to help them grow good quality Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (MAPs). Training and awareness building exercises will be conducted on Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) & Good Field Collection Practices (GFCP). The  Van-Dhan Vikas Kendra promote medicinal herbal gardens.
  • A research and testing center will be established based on standards laid down in consultation with NMPB,Ministry of AYUSH where further studies on potential medicinal plants can be undertaken.
  • Establishing a supply chain system for Minor Forest Produce to generate employment and help the local people get suitable compensation for their produce.

The usage of herbs to treat ailments has been in vogue since time immemorial. Traditional medicines have evolved from the knowledge, skills, and practices that were solely dependent on the availability of herbs locally. It has been observed in recent times with population rise, insufficient availability of drugs and rising cost of treatment has led to a growing trend in the use of ayurvedic medicinal herbs as a source of medicine for a variety of human ailments. The biggest challenge that the ayurvedic industry is facing currently is the scarcity of good quality medicinal herbs. This MOU will transfer the onus to tribals who have an intimate knowledge of the forests and collect forest produce to help both in conservation and increase the availability of medicinal plants through improved collection methods. It is also felt that the MOU will help indigenous people to become cultivators of medicinal plants through medicinal plant gardens.

We at  Branolia Chemical Works believe that this MoU will act as an important enabler in making medicinal plants available to the Ayurvedic industry and go a long way in making Indian system of medicine a mainstay in Indian health system.

We at Branolia Chemical Works have constantly strived to bring quality products to the masses at prices that are pocket-friendly. Ayurvedic formulations using medicinal herbs like Kulekhara, Ashwagandha, Brahmi, Vasak, Pipul, Jasthimadhu, Kalmegh is being successfully manufactured by Branolia Chemical Works for the past 95 years and address health problems like anemia, constipation, jaundice, loss of appetite, indigestion, flatulence, dyspepsia, congested liver, enlarged liver etc.




Kulekhara: The Wonder Herb for Nutritional Security

Kulekhara herb is a missed opportunity for bringing in nutrition security to the poorest and the marginalized. Kulekhara grows in the wild in most parts of the country and is a very hardy plant. However, despite its easy availability and high nutritional value, Kulekhara remains unknown and unheralded to the majority of Indians despite its potential. It’s almost akin to relegating Einstein to teach mathematics in a primary school.

Kulekhara or, Hygrophila auriculata is known by local names; In Bengali, it is called kulekhara, In Sanskrit Ikshugandha, Kokilaksha and in Hindi Talimakhana. It is a spiny bush and is common throughout India. Though the whole plant has been used medicinally root & leaves are used more. Ayurveda texts cite its efficacy in skin diseases, dropsy, and sleeplessness. It is found useful against renal stones too. The plant is used as a demulcent, aphrodisiac, diuretic, urinary tonic and hepatoprotective substance. Its biggest claim to fame is using for increasing Haemoglobin in blood.

A.Gomes et al. (2001) studied the effect of ethanolic extract of Kulekhara leaves on male albino rats. The result of this study showed the significantly increased of hemoglobin, hematocrit, RBC and total WBC counts and the Total Iron Binding Capacity in male albino anemic rats.

Mukherjee and Dutta De (2017) in a seminal piece of work studied the mineral content in Kulekhara leaves. These results confirm Kulekhara’s pre-eminent position as high on nutrition levels.

When we compare Kulekhara with other more popular leafy herbs like spinach, Ipomoea, bottle gourd and amaranth leaf, Kulekhara emerges as a clear winner on many counts. A comparison of the mineral nutrient content of Kulekhara as compared to other herbs is given below:

Spinach is a household food item with many recipes based on Spinach being available. However, Kulekhara in many of the nutrient content is better than Spinach. For iron, copper and vitamin C, Kulekhara beats Spinach hands down. Unfortunately, Kulekhara has not achieved the required importance in the kitchen of Indian households to the extent Spinach has.

We at Branolia strongly believe that including Kulekhara in the midday meals of schools and Anganwadi (ICDS) centers across the country may be seriously considered. It grows everywhere, it is cheap and it is a great source of micronutrients, which is required for brain development in the growing years of children.

Branolia’s Kulerron packs the goodness of Kulekhara leaves and root, to bring to you not only micronutrients of the leaves but nutrients found in the Kulekhara root including alkaloid, Phytosterol, Potassium Salt of Oxalic Acid, Diastase, Protease and Essential Oil.

Kulerron is the only formulation available in the market which packs the richness of Kulekhara. We remain a committed soldier in the fight of the nation against iron and micronutrient deficiency.


Gomes, Manika Das & S.C Dasgupta “ Haemanitic effect of hydrophilic spinasa T, Anderson on experimental rodents” Indian Journal of Experimental Biology Vol. 39, April 2001, pp. 381-382

Mukherjee C., Datta De S, Estimation of Micronutrients in Fresh Kulekhara Leaves (Hygophilla Auriculata), International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) 2319-7064, 2017

Medical Research Corroborates Usefulness of Kulekhara in Combating Anaemia

Kulekhara (H.Spinosa) is considered an all-rounder in the medicine chest of Ayurveda. The parts of this plant are widely used in traditional medicine for the treatment of various disorders, which include anasaraca, diseases of the urinogenital tract, dropsy from chronic Bright’s disease, hyperdipsia, vesicle calculi, flatulence, diarrhoea, dysentery, leukorrhea, gonorrhea, asthma, blood diseases, gastric diseases, inflammation, rheumatism, painful micturition and menorrhagea.


In Ayurveda, H. Spinosa(Kulekhara) is described as Ikshura, Ikshugandha, and Kokilasha “having eyes like Kokila or the Indian cuckoo. It is believed to be indigenous to India from the Himalayas to Srilanka, Myanmar, Malaysia, and Nepal. In Eastern India, it is popularly known as Kulekhara.

In medical science, Haematopoiesis is the process of the formation of blood cellular components. All cellular blood components are derived from hematopoietic stem cells. In a healthy adult person, millions of new blood cells are produced daily in order to maintain steady-state levels in the peripheral circulation.

Hematopoietic activity of H. spinosa was evaluated using cyclophosphamide-induced anaemia in rats. It was found that Chloroform extract of the leaves at both 250 and 500 mg/kg doses significantly improves RBC and haemoglobin counts for 7 days and cyclophosphamide-induced bone marrow suppression after 21 days of treatment. It is also found that it increases bone marrow cellularity. [1]

What was always known to Ayurveda is now being validated by modern science. More research is on the anvil to further confirm the findings of H. Spinosa (Kulekhara) being a potent herb against anaemia.

Branolia’s Kulleron brings Kulekhara to help fight anaemia and improve general health. In villages across West Bengal and other eastern Indian States, Kulekhara has been used for ages to increase RBC count in blood.

Traditional knowledge validated by modern science is giving Kulekhara a stature of being the foot soldier fighting at the frontline in the nation’s war against anaemia.


1. Kshirsagar AD, Ingale KD, Vyawahare NS , Thorve VS, Hygrophila spinosa: A comprehensive review, Indian Journal of Pharmacology, 2012 Sept-Oct 44(5): 639-642