Tag Archives: Anaemia

Ayurvedic Remedies to fight Iron Deficiency Anaemia

Ayurvedic treatment for anaemia

The constant exhaustion, dull skin and weary look on the face may not always indicate that the body is lacking rest. These are some of the typical symptoms exhibited by an anaemic person. Anaemia is a condition in which the haemoglobin count in the body falls as a result of which, the transportation of oxygen throughout the body gets hampered. However, there are several types of anaemia occurring due to the early destruction of red blood cells or occurring due to the structural defect of red blood cells. Iron deficiency anaemia is one of the most common illnesses prevailing because of the nutritional deficiencies in one’s diet.

In developing countries like India, anaemia has emerged as one of the grave health issues that grapple people of different age groups, especially children, adolescent girls and pregnant women.

Ayurveda happens to be the most simple and appropriate option to relieve people of diverse age groups from anaemia. Ayurveda divulges certain age-old practices that will help to restore the haemoglobin levels in our body.

Few of These Practices are Described Below:

Consumption of food from iron utensils:
It provides an upper hand to those who consume food from iron utensils. The food absorbs iron from the utensils that help to augment the haemoglobin level in the body.
Involving Anjeer milk in the diet:
The common fig also known as anjeer, is rich in iron. It is often suggested to consume milk, boiled with anjeer and cardamom before going to bed. This is one of the significant Ayurvedic treatments for anaemia.
Inclusion of Green leafy vegetables like Spinach and coloured fruits and vegetables like pomegranate and beetroot in the diet:
Spinach is a rich source of Vitamin A, Vitamin B9, iron and beta carotene. Pomegranates contain Vitamin C and iron. Vitamin C helps in iron absorption and facilitates proper blood circulation.
Appropriate Yoga postures to avoid anaemia:
There are specific yoga postures (asana) like uttanapadasanam, yastikasana and breathing exercises (pranayama) like Sivananda pranayama that helps in improving haemoglobin count in the body, thus reducing the risk of anaemia.

Certain herbs like Kulekhara, Nagkesar and Aswagandha are effective Ayurvedic medicines for anaemia as well.

Branolia’s Kulerron is one such Ayurvedic medicine for anaemia, manufactured by Branolia Chemical Works that contains the goodness of Kulekhara, Nagkesar and Aswagandha. This tonic tackles iron deficiency anaemia(IDA).

Some of the herbs that are important Ayurvedic medicines for anaemia are:


(Hygrophila Spinosa T) grows in moist areas like the banks of paddy fields and ditches. This plant is rich in phytoconstituents like phytosterols, minerals, polyphenols and proanthocyanins. The extracts of the Kulekhara roots help in the rapid increase of the RBC and WBC count.
Branolia Chemical Works utilizes the Kulekhara herb in the formulation of Branolia’s Kulerron which is an excellent Ayurvedic medicine for anaemia. This tonic is the perfect antidote to fight iron deficiency.


This herb (Withania Somnifera) is also known as the winter cherry. Ashwagandha is a well-known natural rejuvenator as it relieves stress and anxiety. The roots of this herb are used as a diuretic, stimulant and they are anti-parasitic. Aswagandha acts as a potential herb for increasing the number of RBCs and WBCs. This proves to be beneficial against anaemia.
Aswagandha is present in Branolia’s Kulerron, which is an Ayurvedic medicine for anaemia aimed at restoring the haemoglobin levels in the body.


This tree (Mesua ferrea) is known as the Steel Wood tree because it has the hardest bark amongst all the trees in the world. This evergreen tree grows in the tropical regions of India. Nagkesar contains sitosterol, fatty acids, and mensuol. Nagkesar can solely suppress excessive bleeding and it is especially helpful in regulating the menstrual cycle in women. Nagkesar is also one of the ingredients that enrich Branolia’s Kulerron.
Thus Branolia’s Kulerron is one of the finest Ayurvedic medicines for anaemia under the flagship of Branolia Chemical Works, that aims at restoring the level of blood in the body. Branolia’s Kulerron gives a huge incentive to anaemic patients to overcome their hurdles and adds a new meaning to their life.


Medical Research Corroborates Usefulness of Kulekhara in Combating Anaemia

Kulekhara (H.Spinosa) is considered an all-rounder in the medicine chest of Ayurveda. The parts of this plant are widely used in traditional medicine for the treatment of various disorders, which include anasaraca, diseases of the urinogenital tract, dropsy from chronic Bright’s disease, hyperdipsia, vesicle calculi, flatulence, diarrhoea, dysentery, leukorrhea, gonorrhea, asthma, blood diseases, gastric diseases, inflammation, rheumatism, painful micturition and menorrhagea.


In Ayurveda, H. Spinosa(Kulekhara) is described as Ikshura, Ikshugandha, and Kokilasha “having eyes like Kokila or the Indian cuckoo. It is believed to be indigenous to India from the Himalayas to Srilanka, Myanmar, Malaysia, and Nepal. In Eastern India, it is popularly known as Kulekhara.

In medical science, Haematopoiesis is the process of the formation of blood cellular components. All cellular blood components are derived from hematopoietic stem cells. In a healthy adult person, millions of new blood cells are produced daily in order to maintain steady-state levels in the peripheral circulation.

Hematopoietic activity of H. spinosa was evaluated using cyclophosphamide-induced anaemia in rats. It was found that Chloroform extract of the leaves at both 250 and 500 mg/kg doses significantly improves RBC and haemoglobin counts for 7 days and cyclophosphamide-induced bone marrow suppression after 21 days of treatment. It is also found that it increases bone marrow cellularity. [1]

What was always known to Ayurveda is now being validated by modern science. More research is on the anvil to further confirm the findings of H. Spinosa (Kulekhara) being a potent herb against anaemia.

Branolia’s Kulleron brings Kulekhara to help fight anaemia and improve general health. In villages across West Bengal and other eastern Indian States, Kulekhara has been used for ages to increase RBC count in blood.

Traditional knowledge validated by modern science is giving Kulekhara a stature of being the foot soldier fighting at the frontline in the nation’s war against anaemia.


1. Kshirsagar AD, Ingale KD, Vyawahare NS , Thorve VS, Hygrophila spinosa: A comprehensive review, Indian Journal of Pharmacology, 2012 Sept-Oct 44(5): 639-642

Odisha Winning The Anaemia Battle

The results from the recently published NFHS IV data reveal that Anaemia is on the downslide in Odisha. However, the battle is yet to be won, with sizeable numbers still having a low hemoglobin counts.

Incidence of Anaemia NFHS 4 (2015-16) NFHS 3 (2005-06)
Children 6-59 months 44.6% 65%
Non-Pregnant Women (15-49) 51.2% 60.9%
Pregnant Women (15-49) 47.6% 68.1%
All women (15-49) 51% 61.1%
Men (15-49) 28.4% 33.9%

How did Odisha manage to turn around the slide, which is not only for the incidence of Anaemia but also for other key health indicators?

The story of the transformation of the trajectory of the Odisha health indicators is a story of focus, planning, dedication and an honest implementation effort.

1. Enabling Environment:

Odisha has enjoyed political stability since 2003 which has resulted in unhindered policy focus on the development of the state. There has been a significant increase in government spending on health and nutrition with an annual grown rate of more than 20%. The State governments Health Equity Strategy brought in dedicated attention to improving the health of the most disadvantaged people in the State, and recognize the particularly poor health status of Scheduled Tribes and Scheduled Castes and the KBK+ districts. The Nutritional Operation Plan launched by the state targets below 6 yr age children in the 15 high burden districts of the State.

2. Geographical focus on the poorest districts (KBK+)

The Health Equity Strategy and the Nutrition Operational Plan prioritization of KBK+ districts resulted in targeted health and development investment in these areas, and service delivery innovations tailored to the KBK+ context. The National Rural Health Mission expenditure saw a spurt by 45% in KBK+ districts between 2008–09 and 2012–13, in comparison to 28% in other districts. The KBK+ districts include Kalahandi, Nabarangpur,  Nuapada,  Koraput, Rayagada, Malkangiri, Balangir, Sonepur,  Ganjam, Nayagarh and Jajpur.

3.Improving service delivery

A number of initiatives have been taken including construction and renovation of health facilities, training of community health workers, community-based rapid diagnostic kits and introduction of mobile health units. Mobile health units have been particularly of great help in reaching health care to the remotest villages.

4. Increasing women’s access to health services

Odisha has focused on making access to health care and nutrition services more favorable for women and girls. The health facilities are now more gender sensitive including construction of female toilets and partitions in labor rooms for privacy and dignity. Significant strides have been made in strengthening the capacity of female frontline health workers. Adolescent Anaemia Control Program and Village Health and Nutrition Days have contributed in increasing female access. The Janani Suraksha Yojana has made a significant contribution to increasing institutional delivery in the state. Innovative schemes like Mamata and Janani Sishu Suraksha Karyakram provide cashless deliveries and treatment of sick neonates have helped keep the momentum of health services focus on women going.

While significant strides have been made, the job is not fully done yet. Branolia salutes the political leadership, state bureaucracy, health managers, doctors, paramedics, community health workers and citizens of the state in bringing about this turnaround.

Branolia on its part is playing a small role for a healthy Odisha by increasing access to its herbal formulations across the state. Kulerron a formulation based on Kulekhara plant, the best known Ayurvedic herb to fight against Anaemia for fighting Anaemia is now available in a large number of retail counters in the State and is seeing a big uptake. Our other products like Branolia (for increasing mental alertness and well being), Livonia (for regulating liver function), Bellytone (for keeping digestive system tuned and Bitocough (for cold) are extremely popular in Odisha.

Branolia Chemical Works remains committed to health care of the state and will keep providing high-quality ayurvedic formulation to our customers in Odisha.