Enriched with Brahmi...
Branolia is an ayurvedic tonic based on the knowledge gleaned from the ancient ayurvedic texts on the regenerative and memory enhancement power of the Brahmi. Behind the Branolia formulation lies 93 years of research and acceptance of millions of households. Brahmi in Branolia helps increases memory, concentration and thinking power and keeps the body healthy and tuned. Along with Brahmi , Branolia contains Satamuli, Berela, Ashwagandha, Jastimodhu and Alkushi which have high body rejuvenation properties.
Modern science has also attested the efficacy of Brahmi in improving brain function. The chemical constituent responsible for the facilitator effect of Brahmi on learning schedules has been identified as a mixture of two Saponins designated as Bacosides A and B. The Bacosides have been found to significantly improve acquisition, consolidation and retention of information by the brain.[1] [2]
Other ingredients in Branolia provides body rejuvenating benefits. Berala helps in muscular strength and energy (Dravyagun & Ayurveda Sangraha) and Jastimadhu and Alkushi aid in muscle and tissue flexibility (Ayurveda Sangraha),
Branolia is suitable for all ages. Ingredients in Branolia helps students enhance academic performance, for middle aged it keeps the brain and body tuned for the daily rigours and for the aged it helps manage age related mental degeneration.
1. Neuropsychopharmacological effects of the Ayurvedic nootropic Bacopa monniera Linn. (Brahmi)
HK Singh and BN Dhawan, Symposium, 1997, Volume 29, Issue 5, Pg 359-365
2. Bacopa monniera lead extract up-regulates tyrptopan hydroxylase (TPH2) and serotonin transporter (SERT) expression: Implications in memory formation.
Persila Dulcy Charles, Ganesh Ambigapathy, Pitchairaj Geraldine, Mohammad Abdulkar Akbarsha, Koilmani Emmanuvel Rajan, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, Volume 134, Issue I, 8 March 2011, Pages 55-61