A Disease with No Permanent Cure – Common Cold

Common ColdA viral infectious disease related to the upper respiratory tract that initially affects the nose is popularly known as the common cold. This might affect the throat, sinuses and voice box. The symptoms of the common cold are so very familiar to that allergy or the flu that a common man generally mistake one for the other. The common cold is one such disease whose vaccine is yet to be discovered. It is also the most common infectious disease among humans. It has been estimated that an adult will suffer from the common cold at least two to four times in a span of one year whereas a child is likely to be affected by this disease six to eight times.
(Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_cold)

A cold usually starts with a sore throat and even before one can realize the following symptoms are predominantly visible in the person. These symptoms are:

• Running nose
• Sneezing
• Fatigue
• Cough

Difference between Common Cold, Flu and Allergies

Although the symptoms are similar in all the three ailments but a common cold will not give fever i.e. the body temperature will not rise but in the case of the flu the body temperature will hover around 101 degrees F along with body and headache. Sometimes the same symptoms are manifested when a person is suffering from an allergy which is caused because the body reacts to certain things like dust or pollen but may vary from person to person. The common cold is primary an upper respiratory infection which affects the nose, throat, and lungs.

Common Cold is infectious in nature and may spread from one person to another through air or when one comes in close contact with infected people. The infection may also spread by using the same objects that have been used by an infected person. Common cold can also affect humans who are consistently exposed to rain or cold weather conditions.

Treatments for Common Cold

As there is still no possible cure for common cold, medicines are generally administered to firstly make the person affected feel better and secondly to help fight the common cold virus.

Patients suffering from common cold are advised to take adequate rest in a warm environment. It is also advisable to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water. This helps reduce congestion in the throat and lungs. Sometimes if there is a body ache then pain killers are also administered to make the person feel better. Cough Syrups are generally given to treat a persistent cough.

How can Ayurveda help in the treatment of Common Cold?

Herbal remedies should be opted for treating common cold the very moment the first signs become visible. The various remedies like gargling with hot water along with salt and intake of ginger juice with tulsi and honey can relief the symptoms to a certain extent.

Branolia Chemical Works has perfected a product Bitocough with selected herbal ingredients like Vasak, Tulsi, Pipul and joshtimadhu that helps in clearing the respiratory tract and gives relief to the patient.

It has been proved that tulsi is capable and is effective against common cold and Bitocough powered with Tulsi is a potent herb to cure a common cold.


1) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4296439/
2) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_cold
3) https://nicholashallcompany.wordpress.com/tag/cough-cold-allergy/
4) https://medlineplus.gov/coldandcoughmedicines.html
5) http://svasthaayurveda.com/7-ayurvedic-remedies-for-fighting-the-cold-and-flu-that-really-work/

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